# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # test_repo.py # Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier (mtrier@gmail.com) and contributors # # This module is part of GitPython and is released under # the BSD License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php import glob import io from io import BytesIO import itertools import os import pickle import tempfile from unittest import skipIf, SkipTest try: import pathlib except ImportError: pathlib = None from git import ( InvalidGitRepositoryError, Repo, NoSuchPathError, Head, Commit, Object, Tree, IndexFile, Git, Reference, GitDB, Submodule, GitCmdObjectDB, Remote, BadName, GitCommandError ) from git.compat import ( PY3, is_win, string_types, win_encode, ) from git.exc import ( BadObject, ) from git.repo.fun import touch from git.test.lib import ( patch, TestBase, with_rw_repo, fixture, assert_false, assert_equal, assert_true, raises ) from git.util import HIDE_WINDOWS_KNOWN_ERRORS, cygpath from git.test.lib import with_rw_directory from git.util import join_path_native, rmtree, rmfile, bin_to_hex import functools as fnt import os.path as osp def iter_flatten(lol): for items in lol: for item in items: yield item def flatten(lol): return list(iter_flatten(lol)) _tc_lock_fpaths = osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), '../../.git/*.lock') def _rm_lock_files(): for lfp in glob.glob(_tc_lock_fpaths): rmfile(lfp) class TestRepo(TestBase): def setUp(self): _rm_lock_files() def tearDown(self): for lfp in glob.glob(_tc_lock_fpaths): if osp.isfile(lfp): raise AssertionError('Previous TC left hanging git-lock file: %s', lfp) import gc gc.collect() @raises(InvalidGitRepositoryError) def test_new_should_raise_on_invalid_repo_location(self): Repo(tempfile.gettempdir()) @raises(NoSuchPathError) def test_new_should_raise_on_non_existent_path(self): Repo("repos/foobar") @with_rw_repo('') def test_repo_creation_from_different_paths(self, rw_repo): r_from_gitdir = Repo(rw_repo.git_dir) self.assertEqual(r_from_gitdir.git_dir, rw_repo.git_dir) assert r_from_gitdir.git_dir.endswith('.git') assert not rw_repo.git.working_dir.endswith('.git') self.assertEqual(r_from_gitdir.git.working_dir, rw_repo.git.working_dir) @with_rw_repo('') def test_repo_creation_pathlib(self, rw_repo): if pathlib is None: # pythons bellow 3.4 don't have pathlib raise SkipTest("pathlib was introduced in 3.4") r_from_gitdir = Repo(pathlib.Path(rw_repo.git_dir)) self.assertEqual(r_from_gitdir.git_dir, rw_repo.git_dir) def test_description(self): txt = "Test repository" self.rorepo.description = txt assert_equal(self.rorepo.description, txt) def test_heads_should_return_array_of_head_objects(self): for head in self.rorepo.heads: assert_equal(Head, head.__class__) def test_heads_should_populate_head_data(self): for head in self.rorepo.heads: assert head.name self.assertIsInstance(head.commit, Commit) # END for each head self.assertIsInstance(self.rorepo.heads.master, Head) self.assertIsInstance(self.rorepo.heads['master'], Head) def test_tree_from_revision(self): tree = self.rorepo.tree('0.1.6') self.assertEqual(len(tree.hexsha), 40) self.assertEqual(tree.type, "tree") self.assertEqual(self.rorepo.tree(tree), tree) # try from invalid revision that does not exist self.failUnlessRaises(BadName, self.rorepo.tree, 'hello world') def test_pickleable(self): pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(self.rorepo)) def test_commit_from_revision(self): commit = self.rorepo.commit('0.1.4') self.assertEqual(commit.type, 'commit') self.assertEqual(self.rorepo.commit(commit), commit) def test_commits(self): mc = 10 commits = list(self.rorepo.iter_commits('0.1.6', max_count=mc)) self.assertEqual(len(commits), mc) c = commits[0] assert_equal('9a4b1d4d11eee3c5362a4152216376e634bd14cf', c.hexsha) assert_equal(["c76852d0bff115720af3f27acdb084c59361e5f6"], [p.hexsha for p in c.parents]) assert_equal("ce41fc29549042f1aa09cc03174896cf23f112e3", c.tree.hexsha) assert_equal("Michael Trier", c.author.name) assert_equal("mtrier@gmail.com", c.author.email) assert_equal(1232829715, c.authored_date) assert_equal(5 * 3600, c.author_tz_offset) assert_equal("Michael Trier", c.committer.name) assert_equal("mtrier@gmail.com", c.committer.email) assert_equal(1232829715, c.committed_date) assert_equal(5 * 3600, c.committer_tz_offset) assert_equal("Bumped version 0.1.6\n", c.message) c = commits[1] self.assertIsInstance(c.parents, tuple) def test_trees(self): mc = 30 num_trees = 0 for tree in self.rorepo.iter_trees('0.1.5', max_count=mc): num_trees += 1 self.assertIsInstance(tree, Tree) # END for each tree self.assertEqual(num_trees, mc) def _assert_empty_repo(self, repo): # test all kinds of things with an empty, freshly initialized repo. # It should throw good errors # entries should be empty self.assertEqual(len(repo.index.entries), 0) # head is accessible assert repo.head assert repo.head.ref assert not repo.head.is_valid() # we can change the head to some other ref head_ref = Head.from_path(repo, Head.to_full_path('some_head')) assert not head_ref.is_valid() repo.head.ref = head_ref # is_dirty can handle all kwargs for args in ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)): assert not repo.is_dirty(*args) # END for each arg # we can add a file to the index ( if we are not bare ) if not repo.bare: pass # END test repos with working tree @with_rw_directory def test_clone_from_keeps_env(self, rw_dir): original_repo = Repo.init(osp.join(rw_dir, "repo")) environment = {"entry1": "value", "another_entry": "10"} cloned = Repo.clone_from(original_repo.git_dir, osp.join(rw_dir, "clone"), env=environment) assert_equal(environment, cloned.git.environment()) @with_rw_directory def test_clone_from_pathlib(self, rw_dir): if pathlib is None: # pythons bellow 3.4 don't have pathlib raise SkipTest("pathlib was introduced in 3.4") original_repo = Repo.init(osp.join(rw_dir, "repo")) Repo.clone_from(original_repo.git_dir, pathlib.Path(rw_dir) / "clone_pathlib") @with_rw_repo('HEAD') def test_max_chunk_size(self, repo): class TestOutputStream(object): def __init__(self, max_chunk_size): self.max_chunk_size = max_chunk_size def write(self, b): assert_true(len(b) <= self.max_chunk_size) for chunk_size in [16, 128, 1024]: repo.git.status(output_stream=TestOutputStream(chunk_size), max_chunk_size=chunk_size) repo.git.log(n=100, output_stream=TestOutputStream(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE), max_chunk_size=None) repo.git.log(n=100, output_stream=TestOutputStream(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE), max_chunk_size=-10) repo.git.log(n=100, output_stream=TestOutputStream(io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)) def test_init(self): prev_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tempfile.gettempdir()) git_dir_rela = "repos/foo/bar.git" del_dir_abs = osp.abspath("repos") git_dir_abs = osp.abspath(git_dir_rela) try: # with specific path for path in (git_dir_rela, git_dir_abs): r = Repo.init(path=path, bare=True) self.assertIsInstance(r, Repo) assert r.bare is True assert not r.has_separate_working_tree() assert osp.isdir(r.git_dir) self._assert_empty_repo(r) # test clone clone_path = path + "_clone" rc = r.clone(clone_path) self._assert_empty_repo(rc) try: rmtree(clone_path) except OSError: # when relative paths are used, the clone may actually be inside # of the parent directory pass # END exception handling # try again, this time with the absolute version rc = Repo.clone_from(r.git_dir, clone_path) self._assert_empty_repo(rc) rmtree(git_dir_abs) try: rmtree(clone_path) except OSError: # when relative paths are used, the clone may actually be inside # of the parent directory pass # END exception handling # END for each path os.makedirs(git_dir_rela) os.chdir(git_dir_rela) r = Repo.init(bare=False) assert r.bare is False assert not r.has_separate_working_tree() self._assert_empty_repo(r) finally: try: rmtree(del_dir_abs) except OSError: pass os.chdir(prev_cwd) # END restore previous state def test_bare_property(self): self.rorepo.bare def test_daemon_export(self): orig_val = self.rorepo.daemon_export self.rorepo.daemon_export = not orig_val self.assertEqual(self.rorepo.daemon_export, (not orig_val)) self.rorepo.daemon_export = orig_val self.assertEqual(self.rorepo.daemon_export, orig_val) def test_alternates(self): cur_alternates = self.rorepo.alternates # empty alternates self.rorepo.alternates = [] self.assertEqual(self.rorepo.alternates, []) alts = ["other/location", "this/location"] self.rorepo.alternates = alts self.assertEqual(alts, self.rorepo.alternates) self.rorepo.alternates = cur_alternates def test_repr(self): assert repr(self.rorepo).startswith(' 1) # END for each item to traverse assert c, "Should have executed at least one blame command" assert nml, "There should at least be one blame commit that contains multiple lines" @patch.object(Git, '_call_process') def test_blame_incremental(self, git): # loop over two fixtures, create a test fixture for 2.11.1+ syntax for git_fixture in ('blame_incremental', 'blame_incremental_2.11.1_plus'): git.return_value = fixture(git_fixture) blame_output = self.rorepo.blame_incremental('9debf6b0aafb6f7781ea9d1383c86939a1aacde3', 'AUTHORS') blame_output = list(blame_output) self.assertEqual(len(blame_output), 5) # Check all outputted line numbers ranges = flatten([entry.linenos for entry in blame_output]) self.assertEqual(ranges, flatten([range(2, 3), range(14, 15), range(1, 2), range(3, 14), range(15, 17)])) commits = [entry.commit.hexsha[:7] for entry in blame_output] self.assertEqual(commits, ['82b8902', '82b8902', 'c76852d', 'c76852d', 'c76852d']) # Original filenames self.assertSequenceEqual([entry.orig_path for entry in blame_output], [u'AUTHORS'] * len(blame_output)) # Original line numbers orig_ranges = flatten([entry.orig_linenos for entry in blame_output]) self.assertEqual(orig_ranges, flatten([range(2, 3), range(14, 15), range(1, 2), range(2, 13), range(13, 15)])) # noqa E501 @patch.object(Git, '_call_process') def test_blame_complex_revision(self, git): git.return_value = fixture('blame_complex_revision') res = self.rorepo.blame("HEAD~10..HEAD", "README.md") self.assertEqual(len(res), 1) self.assertEqual(len(res[0][1]), 83, "Unexpected amount of parsed blame lines") @skipIf(HIDE_WINDOWS_KNOWN_ERRORS and Git.is_cygwin(), """FIXME: File "C:\\projects\\gitpython\\git\\cmd.py", line 671, in execute raise GitCommandError(command, status, stderr_value, stdout_value) GitCommandError: Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(128) cmdline: git add 1__��ava verb��ten 1_test _myfile 1_test_other_file 1_��ava-----verb��ten stderr: 'fatal: pathspec '"1__çava verböten"' did not match any files' """) @with_rw_repo('HEAD', bare=False) def test_untracked_files(self, rwrepo): for run, (repo_add, is_invoking_git) in enumerate(( (rwrepo.index.add, False), (rwrepo.git.add, True), )): base = rwrepo.working_tree_dir files = (join_path_native(base, u"%i_test _myfile" % run), join_path_native(base, "%i_test_other_file" % run), join_path_native(base, u"%i__çava verböten" % run), join_path_native(base, u"%i_çava-----verböten" % run)) num_recently_untracked = 0 for fpath in files: with open(fpath, "wb"): pass untracked_files = rwrepo.untracked_files num_recently_untracked = len(untracked_files) # assure we have all names - they are relative to the git-dir num_test_untracked = 0 for utfile in untracked_files: num_test_untracked += join_path_native(base, utfile) in files self.assertEqual(len(files), num_test_untracked) if is_win and not PY3 and is_invoking_git: ## On Windows, shell needed when passing unicode cmd-args. # repo_add = fnt.partial(repo_add, shell=True) untracked_files = [win_encode(f) for f in untracked_files] repo_add(untracked_files) self.assertEqual(len(rwrepo.untracked_files), (num_recently_untracked - len(files))) # end for each run def test_config_reader(self): reader = self.rorepo.config_reader() # all config files assert reader.read_only reader = self.rorepo.config_reader("repository") # single config file assert reader.read_only def test_config_writer(self): for config_level in self.rorepo.config_level: try: with self.rorepo.config_writer(config_level) as writer: self.assertFalse(writer.read_only) except IOError: # its okay not to get a writer for some configuration files if we # have no permissions pass def test_config_level_paths(self): for config_level in self.rorepo.config_level: assert self.rorepo._get_config_path(config_level) def test_creation_deletion(self): # just a very quick test to assure it generally works. There are # specialized cases in the test_refs module head = self.rorepo.create_head("new_head", "HEAD~1") self.rorepo.delete_head(head) try: tag = self.rorepo.create_tag("new_tag", "HEAD~2") finally: self.rorepo.delete_tag(tag) with self.rorepo.config_writer(): pass try: remote = self.rorepo.create_remote("new_remote", "git@server:repo.git") finally: self.rorepo.delete_remote(remote) def test_comparison_and_hash(self): # this is only a preliminary test, more testing done in test_index self.assertEqual(self.rorepo, self.rorepo) self.assertFalse(self.rorepo != self.rorepo) self.assertEqual(len({self.rorepo, self.rorepo}), 1) @with_rw_directory def test_tilde_and_env_vars_in_repo_path(self, rw_dir): ph = os.environ.get('HOME') try: os.environ['HOME'] = rw_dir Repo.init(osp.join('~', 'test.git'), bare=True) os.environ['FOO'] = rw_dir Repo.init(osp.join('$FOO', 'test.git'), bare=True) finally: if ph: os.environ['HOME'] = ph del os.environ['FOO'] # end assure HOME gets reset to what it was def test_git_cmd(self): # test CatFileContentStream, just to be very sure we have no fencepost errors # last \n is the terminating newline that it expects l1 = b"0123456789\n" l2 = b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstxy\n" l3 = b"z\n" d = l1 + l2 + l3 + b"\n" l1p = l1[:5] # full size # size is without terminating newline def mkfull(): return Git.CatFileContentStream(len(d) - 1, BytesIO(d)) ts = 5 def mktiny(): return Git.CatFileContentStream(ts, BytesIO(d)) # readlines no limit s = mkfull() lines = s.readlines() self.assertEqual(len(lines), 3) self.assertTrue(lines[-1].endswith(b'\n'), lines[-1]) self.assertEqual(s._stream.tell(), len(d)) # must have scrubbed to the end # realines line limit s = mkfull() lines = s.readlines(5) self.assertEqual(len(lines), 1) # readlines on tiny sections s = mktiny() lines = s.readlines() self.assertEqual(len(lines), 1) self.assertEqual(lines[0], l1p) self.assertEqual(s._stream.tell(), ts + 1) # readline no limit s = mkfull() self.assertEqual(s.readline(), l1) self.assertEqual(s.readline(), l2) self.assertEqual(s.readline(), l3) self.assertEqual(s.readline(), b'') self.assertEqual(s._stream.tell(), len(d)) # readline limit s = mkfull() self.assertEqual(s.readline(5), l1p) self.assertEqual(s.readline(), l1[5:]) # readline on tiny section s = mktiny() self.assertEqual(s.readline(), l1p) self.assertEqual(s.readline(), b'') self.assertEqual(s._stream.tell(), ts + 1) # read no limit s = mkfull() self.assertEqual(s.read(), d[:-1]) self.assertEqual(s.read(), b'') self.assertEqual(s._stream.tell(), len(d)) # read limit s = mkfull() self.assertEqual(s.read(5), l1p) self.assertEqual(s.read(6), l1[5:]) self.assertEqual(s._stream.tell(), 5 + 6) # its not yet done # read tiny s = mktiny() self.assertEqual(s.read(2), l1[:2]) self.assertEqual(s._stream.tell(), 2) self.assertEqual(s.read(), l1[2:ts]) self.assertEqual(s._stream.tell(), ts + 1) def _assert_rev_parse_types(self, name, rev_obj): rev_parse = self.rorepo.rev_parse if rev_obj.type == 'tag': rev_obj = rev_obj.object # tree and blob type obj = rev_parse(name + '^{tree}') self.assertEqual(obj, rev_obj.tree) obj = rev_parse(name + ':CHANGES') self.assertEqual(obj.type, 'blob') self.assertEqual(obj.path, 'CHANGES') self.assertEqual(rev_obj.tree['CHANGES'], obj) def _assert_rev_parse(self, name): """tries multiple different rev-parse syntaxes with the given name :return: parsed object""" rev_parse = self.rorepo.rev_parse orig_obj = rev_parse(name) if orig_obj.type == 'tag': obj = orig_obj.object else: obj = orig_obj # END deref tags by default # try history rev = name + "~" obj2 = rev_parse(rev) self.assertEqual(obj2, obj.parents[0]) self._assert_rev_parse_types(rev, obj2) # history with number ni = 11 history = [obj.parents[0]] for pn in range(ni): history.append(history[-1].parents[0]) # END get given amount of commits for pn in range(11): rev = name + "~%i" % (pn + 1) obj2 = rev_parse(rev) self.assertEqual(obj2, history[pn]) self._assert_rev_parse_types(rev, obj2) # END history check # parent ( default ) rev = name + "^" obj2 = rev_parse(rev) self.assertEqual(obj2, obj.parents[0]) self._assert_rev_parse_types(rev, obj2) # parent with number for pn, parent in enumerate(obj.parents): rev = name + "^%i" % (pn + 1) self.assertEqual(rev_parse(rev), parent) self._assert_rev_parse_types(rev, parent) # END for each parent return orig_obj @with_rw_repo('HEAD', bare=False) def test_rw_rev_parse(self, rwrepo): # verify it does not confuse branches with hexsha ids ahead = rwrepo.create_head('aaaaaaaa') assert(rwrepo.rev_parse(str(ahead)) == ahead.commit) def test_rev_parse(self): rev_parse = self.rorepo.rev_parse # try special case: This one failed at some point, make sure its fixed self.assertEqual(rev_parse("33ebe").hexsha, "33ebe7acec14b25c5f84f35a664803fcab2f7781") # start from reference num_resolved = 0 for ref_no, ref in enumerate(Reference.iter_items(self.rorepo)): path_tokens = ref.path.split("/") for pt in range(len(path_tokens)): path_section = '/'.join(path_tokens[-(pt + 1):]) try: obj = self._assert_rev_parse(path_section) self.assertEqual(obj.type, ref.object.type) num_resolved += 1 except (BadName, BadObject): print("failed on %s" % path_section) # is fine, in case we have something like 112, which belongs to remotes/rname/merge-requests/112 pass # END exception handling # END for each token if ref_no == 3 - 1: break # END for each reference assert num_resolved # it works with tags ! tag = self._assert_rev_parse('0.1.4') self.assertEqual(tag.type, 'tag') # try full sha directly ( including type conversion ) self.assertEqual(tag.object, rev_parse(tag.object.hexsha)) self._assert_rev_parse_types(tag.object.hexsha, tag.object) # multiple tree types result in the same tree: HEAD^{tree}^{tree}:CHANGES rev = '0.1.4^{tree}^{tree}' self.assertEqual(rev_parse(rev), tag.object.tree) self.assertEqual(rev_parse(rev + ':CHANGES'), tag.object.tree['CHANGES']) # try to get parents from first revision - it should fail as no such revision # exists first_rev = "33ebe7acec14b25c5f84f35a664803fcab2f7781" commit = rev_parse(first_rev) self.assertEqual(len(commit.parents), 0) self.assertEqual(commit.hexsha, first_rev) self.failUnlessRaises(BadName, rev_parse, first_rev + "~") self.failUnlessRaises(BadName, rev_parse, first_rev + "^") # short SHA1 commit2 = rev_parse(first_rev[:20]) self.assertEqual(commit2, commit) commit2 = rev_parse(first_rev[:5]) self.assertEqual(commit2, commit) # todo: dereference tag into a blob 0.1.7^{blob} - quite a special one # needs a tag which points to a blob # ref^0 returns commit being pointed to, same with ref~0, and ^{} tag = rev_parse('0.1.4') for token in (('~0', '^0', '^{}')): self.assertEqual(tag.object, rev_parse('0.1.4%s' % token)) # END handle multiple tokens # try partial parsing max_items = 40 for i, binsha in enumerate(self.rorepo.odb.sha_iter()): self.assertEqual(rev_parse(bin_to_hex(binsha)[:8 - (i % 2)].decode('ascii')).binsha, binsha) if i > max_items: # this is rather slow currently, as rev_parse returns an object # which requires accessing packs, it has some additional overhead break # END for each binsha in repo # missing closing brace commit^{tree self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, rev_parse, '0.1.4^{tree') # missing starting brace self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, rev_parse, '0.1.4^tree}') # REVLOG ####### head = self.rorepo.head # need to specify a ref when using the @ syntax self.failUnlessRaises(BadObject, rev_parse, "%s@{0}" % head.commit.hexsha) # uses HEAD.ref by default self.assertEqual(rev_parse('@{0}'), head.commit) if not head.is_detached: refspec = '%s@{0}' % head.ref.name self.assertEqual(rev_parse(refspec), head.ref.commit) # all additional specs work as well self.assertEqual(rev_parse(refspec + "^{tree}"), head.commit.tree) self.assertEqual(rev_parse(refspec + ":CHANGES").type, 'blob') # END operate on non-detached head # position doesn't exist self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, rev_parse, '@{10000}') # currently, nothing more is supported self.failUnlessRaises(NotImplementedError, rev_parse, "@{1 week ago}") # the last position assert rev_parse('@{1}') != head.commit def test_repo_odbtype(self): target_type = GitCmdObjectDB self.assertIsInstance(self.rorepo.odb, target_type) def test_submodules(self): self.assertEqual(len(self.rorepo.submodules), 1) # non-recursive self.assertGreaterEqual(len(list(self.rorepo.iter_submodules())), 2) self.assertIsInstance(self.rorepo.submodule("gitdb"), Submodule) self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, self.rorepo.submodule, "doesn't exist") @with_rw_repo('HEAD', bare=False) def test_submodule_update(self, rwrepo): # fails in bare mode rwrepo._bare = True self.failUnlessRaises(InvalidGitRepositoryError, rwrepo.submodule_update) rwrepo._bare = False # test create submodule sm = rwrepo.submodules[0] sm = rwrepo.create_submodule("my_new_sub", "some_path", join_path_native(self.rorepo.working_tree_dir, sm.path)) self.assertIsInstance(sm, Submodule) # note: the rest of this functionality is tested in test_submodule @with_rw_repo('HEAD') def test_git_file(self, rwrepo): # Move the .git directory to another location and create the .git file. real_path_abs = osp.abspath(join_path_native(rwrepo.working_tree_dir, '.real')) os.rename(rwrepo.git_dir, real_path_abs) git_file_path = join_path_native(rwrepo.working_tree_dir, '.git') with open(git_file_path, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(fixture('git_file')) # Create a repo and make sure it's pointing to the relocated .git directory. git_file_repo = Repo(rwrepo.working_tree_dir) self.assertEqual(osp.abspath(git_file_repo.git_dir), real_path_abs) # Test using an absolute gitdir path in the .git file. with open(git_file_path, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(('gitdir: %s\n' % real_path_abs).encode('ascii')) git_file_repo = Repo(rwrepo.working_tree_dir) self.assertEqual(osp.abspath(git_file_repo.git_dir), real_path_abs) def test_file_handle_leaks(self): def last_commit(repo, rev, path): commit = next(repo.iter_commits(rev, path, max_count=1)) commit.tree[path] # This is based on this comment # https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython/issues/60#issuecomment-23558741 # And we expect to set max handles to a low value, like 64 # You should set ulimit -n X, see .travis.yml # The loops below would easily create 500 handles if these would leak (4 pipes + multiple mapped files) for _ in range(64): for repo_type in (GitCmdObjectDB, GitDB): repo = Repo(self.rorepo.working_tree_dir, odbt=repo_type) last_commit(repo, 'master', 'git/test/test_base.py') # end for each repository type # end for each iteration def test_remote_method(self): self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, self.rorepo.remote, 'foo-blue') self.assertIsInstance(self.rorepo.remote(name='origin'), Remote) @with_rw_directory def test_empty_repo(self, rw_dir): """Assure we can handle empty repositories""" r = Repo.init(rw_dir, mkdir=False) # It's ok not to be able to iterate a commit, as there is none self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, r.iter_commits) self.assertEqual(r.active_branch.name, 'master') assert not r.active_branch.is_valid(), "Branch is yet to be born" # actually, when trying to create a new branch without a commit, git itself fails # We should, however, not fail ungracefully self.failUnlessRaises(BadName, r.create_head, 'foo') self.failUnlessRaises(BadName, r.create_head, 'master') # It's expected to not be able to access a tree self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, r.tree) new_file_path = osp.join(rw_dir, "new_file.ext") touch(new_file_path) r.index.add([new_file_path]) r.index.commit("initial commit\nBAD MESSAGE 1\n") # Now a branch should be creatable nb = r.create_head('foo') assert nb.is_valid() with open(new_file_path, 'w') as f: f.write('Line 1\n') r.index.add([new_file_path]) r.index.commit("add line 1\nBAD MESSAGE 2\n") with open('%s/.git/logs/refs/heads/master' % (rw_dir,), 'r') as f: contents = f.read() assert 'BAD MESSAGE' not in contents, 'log is corrupt' def test_merge_base(self): repo = self.rorepo c1 = 'f6aa8d1' c2 = repo.commit('d46e3fe') c3 = '763ef75' self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, repo.merge_base) self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, repo.merge_base, 'foo') # two commit merge-base res = repo.merge_base(c1, c2) self.assertIsInstance(res, list) self.assertEqual(len(res), 1) self.assertIsInstance(res[0], Commit) self.assertTrue(res[0].hexsha.startswith('3936084')) for kw in ('a', 'all'): res = repo.merge_base(c1, c2, c3, **{kw: True}) self.assertIsInstance(res, list) self.assertEqual(len(res), 1) # end for each keyword signalling all merge-bases to be returned # Test for no merge base - can't do as we have self.failUnlessRaises(GitCommandError, repo.merge_base, c1, 'ffffff') def test_is_ancestor(self): git = self.rorepo.git if git.version_info[:3] < (1, 8, 0): raise SkipTest("git merge-base --is-ancestor feature unsupported") repo = self.rorepo c1 = 'f6aa8d1' c2 = '763ef75' self.assertTrue(repo.is_ancestor(c1, c1)) self.assertTrue(repo.is_ancestor("master", "master")) self.assertTrue(repo.is_ancestor(c1, c2)) self.assertTrue(repo.is_ancestor(c1, "master")) self.assertFalse(repo.is_ancestor(c2, c1)) self.assertFalse(repo.is_ancestor("master", c1)) for i, j in itertools.permutations([c1, 'ffffff', ''], r=2): self.assertRaises(GitCommandError, repo.is_ancestor, i, j) @with_rw_directory def test_git_work_tree_dotgit(self, rw_dir): """Check that we find .git as a worktree file and find the worktree based on it.""" git = Git(rw_dir) if git.version_info[:3] < (2, 5, 1): raise SkipTest("worktree feature unsupported") rw_master = self.rorepo.clone(join_path_native(rw_dir, 'master_repo')) branch = rw_master.create_head('aaaaaaaa') worktree_path = join_path_native(rw_dir, 'worktree_repo') if Git.is_cygwin(): worktree_path = cygpath(worktree_path) rw_master.git.worktree('add', worktree_path, branch.name) # this ensures that we can read the repo's gitdir correctly repo = Repo(worktree_path) self.assertIsInstance(repo, Repo) # this ensures we're able to actually read the refs in the tree, which # means we can read commondir correctly. commit = repo.head.commit self.assertIsInstance(commit, Object) self.assertIsInstance(repo.heads['aaaaaaaa'], Head) @with_rw_directory def test_git_work_tree_env(self, rw_dir): """Check that we yield to GIT_WORK_TREE""" # clone a repo # move .git directory to a subdirectory # set GIT_DIR and GIT_WORK_TREE appropriately # check that repo.working_tree_dir == rw_dir self.rorepo.clone(join_path_native(rw_dir, 'master_repo')) repo_dir = join_path_native(rw_dir, 'master_repo') old_git_dir = join_path_native(repo_dir, '.git') new_subdir = join_path_native(repo_dir, 'gitdir') new_git_dir = join_path_native(new_subdir, 'git') os.mkdir(new_subdir) os.rename(old_git_dir, new_git_dir) oldenv = os.environ.copy() os.environ['GIT_DIR'] = new_git_dir os.environ['GIT_WORK_TREE'] = repo_dir try: r = Repo() self.assertEqual(r.working_tree_dir, repo_dir) self.assertEqual(r.working_dir, repo_dir) finally: os.environ = oldenv