# Copyright 2013 Donald Stufft and individual contributors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import nacl.bindings from nacl import encoding from nacl import exceptions as exc from nacl.public import (PrivateKey as _Curve25519_PrivateKey, PublicKey as _Curve25519_PublicKey) from nacl.utils import StringFixer, random class SignedMessage(bytes): """ A bytes subclass that holds a messaged that has been signed by a :class:`SigningKey`. """ @classmethod def _from_parts(cls, signature, message, combined): obj = cls(combined) obj._signature = signature obj._message = message return obj @property def signature(self): """ The signature contained within the :class:`SignedMessage`. """ return self._signature @property def message(self): """ The message contained within the :class:`SignedMessage`. """ return self._message class VerifyKey(encoding.Encodable, StringFixer, object): """ The public key counterpart to an Ed25519 SigningKey for producing digital signatures. :param key: [:class:`bytes`] Serialized Ed25519 public key :param encoder: A class that is able to decode the `key` """ def __init__(self, key, encoder=encoding.RawEncoder): # Decode the key key = encoder.decode(key) if not isinstance(key, bytes): raise exc.TypeError("VerifyKey must be created from 32 bytes") if len(key) != nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES: raise exc.ValueError( "The key must be exactly %s bytes long" % nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES, ) self._key = key def __bytes__(self): return self._key def __hash__(self): return hash(bytes(self)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return nacl.bindings.sodium_memcmp(bytes(self), bytes(other)) def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def verify(self, smessage, signature=None, encoder=encoding.RawEncoder): """ Verifies the signature of a signed message, returning the message if it has not been tampered with else raising :class:`~nacl.signing.BadSignatureError`. :param smessage: [:class:`bytes`] Either the original messaged or a signature and message concated together. :param signature: [:class:`bytes`] If an unsigned message is given for smessage then the detached signature must be provided. :param encoder: A class that is able to decode the secret message and signature. :rtype: :class:`bytes` """ if signature is not None: # If we were given the message and signature separately, combine # them. smessage = signature + smessage # Decode the signed message smessage = encoder.decode(smessage) return nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_open(smessage, self._key) def to_curve25519_public_key(self): """ Converts a :class:`~nacl.signing.VerifyKey` to a :class:`~nacl.public.PublicKey` :rtype: :class:`~nacl.public.PublicKey` """ raw_pk = nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519(self._key) return _Curve25519_PublicKey(raw_pk) class SigningKey(encoding.Encodable, StringFixer, object): """ Private key for producing digital signatures using the Ed25519 algorithm. Signing keys are produced from a 32-byte (256-bit) random seed value. This value can be passed into the :class:`~nacl.signing.SigningKey` as a :func:`bytes` whose length is 32. .. warning:: This **must** be protected and remain secret. Anyone who knows the value of your :class:`~nacl.signing.SigningKey` or it's seed can masquerade as you. :param seed: [:class:`bytes`] Random 32-byte value (i.e. private key) :param encoder: A class that is able to decode the seed :ivar: verify_key: [:class:`~nacl.signing.VerifyKey`] The verify (i.e. public) key that corresponds with this signing key. """ def __init__(self, seed, encoder=encoding.RawEncoder): # Decode the seed seed = encoder.decode(seed) if not isinstance(seed, bytes): raise exc.TypeError( "SigningKey must be created from a 32 byte seed") # Verify that our seed is the proper size if len(seed) != nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES: raise exc.ValueError( "The seed must be exactly %d bytes long" % nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES ) public_key, secret_key = nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_seed_keypair(seed) self._seed = seed self._signing_key = secret_key self.verify_key = VerifyKey(public_key) def __bytes__(self): return self._seed def __hash__(self): return hash(bytes(self)) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return nacl.bindings.sodium_memcmp(bytes(self), bytes(other)) def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) @classmethod def generate(cls): """ Generates a random :class:`~nacl.signing.SigningKey` object. :rtype: :class:`~nacl.signing.SigningKey` """ return cls( random(nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES), encoder=encoding.RawEncoder, ) def sign(self, message, encoder=encoding.RawEncoder): """ Sign a message using this key. :param message: [:class:`bytes`] The data to be signed. :param encoder: A class that is used to encode the signed message. :rtype: :class:`~nacl.signing.SignedMessage` """ raw_signed = nacl.bindings.crypto_sign(message, self._signing_key) crypto_sign_BYTES = nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_BYTES signature = encoder.encode(raw_signed[:crypto_sign_BYTES]) message = encoder.encode(raw_signed[crypto_sign_BYTES:]) signed = encoder.encode(raw_signed) return SignedMessage._from_parts(signature, message, signed) def to_curve25519_private_key(self): """ Converts a :class:`~nacl.signing.SigningKey` to a :class:`~nacl.public.PrivateKey` :rtype: :class:`~nacl.public.PrivateKey` """ sk = self._signing_key raw_private = nacl.bindings.crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519(sk) return _Curve25519_PrivateKey(raw_private)