from calendar import timegm from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date from testfixtures.compat import new_class @classmethod def add(cls, *args, **kw): if 'tzinfo' in kw or len(args) > 7: raise TypeError('Cannot add using tzinfo on %s' % cls.__name__) if args and isinstance(args[0], cls.__bases__[0]): inst = args[0] tzinfo = getattr(inst, 'tzinfo', None) if tzinfo: if tzinfo != cls._tzta: raise ValueError( 'Cannot add %s with tzinfo of %s as configured to use %s' % ( inst.__class__.__name__, tzinfo, cls._tzta )) inst = inst.replace(tzinfo=None) if cls._ct: inst = cls._ct(inst) cls._q.append(inst) else: cls._q.append(cls(*args, **kw)) @classmethod def set_(cls, *args, **kw): if cls._q: cls._q = [] cls.add(*args, **kw) @classmethod def tick(cls, *args, **kw): if kw: delta = timedelta(**kw) else: delta, = args cls._q[-1] += delta def __add__(self, other): r = super(self.__class__, self).__add__(other) if self._ct: r = self._ct(r) return r def __new__(cls, *args, **kw): if cls is cls._cls: return super(cls, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kw) else: return cls._cls(*args, **kw) @classmethod def instantiate(cls): r = cls._q.pop(0) if not cls._q: cls._gap += cls._gap_d n = r + timedelta(**{cls._gap_t: cls._gap}) if cls._ct: n = cls._ct(n) cls._q.append(n) return r @classmethod def now(cls, tz=None): r = cls._instantiate() if tz is not None: if cls._tzta: r = r - cls._tzta.utcoffset(r) r = tz.fromutc(r.replace(tzinfo=tz)) return cls._ct(r) @classmethod def utcnow(cls): r = cls._instantiate() if cls._tzta is not None: r = r - cls._tzta.utcoffset(r) return r def test_factory(n, type, default, args, kw, tz=None, **to_patch): q = [] to_patch['_q'] = q to_patch['_tzta'] = tz to_patch['add'] = add to_patch['set'] = set_ to_patch['tick'] = tick to_patch['__add__'] = __add__ if '__new__' not in to_patch: to_patch['__new__'] = __new__ class_ = new_class(n, (type, ), to_patch) strict = kw.pop('strict', False) if strict: class_._cls = class_ else: class_._cls = type if args != (None, ): if not (args or kw): args = default class_.add(*args, **kw) return class_ def correct_date_method(self): return self._date_type( self.year, self.month, ) @classmethod def correct_datetime(cls, dt): return cls._cls( dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, dt.microsecond, dt.tzinfo, ) def test_datetime(*args, **kw): if len(args) > 7: tz = args[7] args = args[:7] else: tz = kw.pop('tzinfo', getattr(args[0], 'tzinfo', None) if args else None) if 'delta' in kw: gap = kw.pop('delta') gap_delta = 0 else: gap = 0 gap_delta = 10 delta_type = kw.pop('delta_type', 'seconds') date_type = kw.pop('date_type', date) return test_factory( 'tdatetime', datetime, (2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), args, kw, tz, _ct=correct_datetime, _instantiate=instantiate, now=now, utcnow=utcnow, _gap=gap, _gap_d=gap_delta, _gap_t=delta_type, date=correct_date_method, _date_type=date_type, ) test_datetime.__test__ = False @classmethod def correct_date(cls, d): return cls._cls( d.year, d.month,, ) def test_date(*args, **kw): if 'delta' in kw: gap = kw.pop('delta') gap_delta = 0 else: gap = 0 gap_delta = 1 delta_type = kw.pop('delta_type', 'days') return test_factory( 'tdate', date, (2001, 1, 1), args, kw, _ct=correct_date, today=instantiate, _gap=gap, _gap_d=gap_delta, _gap_t=delta_type, ) ms = 10**6 def __time_new__(cls, *args, **kw): if args or kw: return super(cls, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kw) else: val = cls.instantiate() t = timegm(val.utctimetuple()) t += (float(val.microsecond)/ms) return t test_date.__test__ = False def test_time(*args, **kw): if 'tzinfo' in kw or len(args) > 7 or (args and getattr(args[0], 'tzinfo', None)): raise TypeError("You don't want to use tzinfo with test_time") if 'delta' in kw: gap = kw.pop('delta') gap_delta = 0 else: gap = 0 gap_delta = 1 delta_type = kw.pop('delta_type', 'seconds') return test_factory( 'ttime', datetime, (2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), args, kw, _ct=None, instantiate=instantiate, _gap=gap, _gap_d=gap_delta, _gap_t=delta_type, __new__=__time_new__, ) test_time.__test__ = False