from __future__ import print_function from logging import getLogger from textwrap import dedent from unittest import TestCase from warnings import catch_warnings from testfixtures.shouldraise import ShouldAssert from testfixtures.mock import Mock from testfixtures import Replacer, LogCapture, compare root = getLogger() one = getLogger('one') two = getLogger('two') child = getLogger('one.child') class TestLogCapture(TestCase): def test_simple(self):'before') l = LogCapture()'during') l.uninstall()'after') assert str(l) == "root INFO\n during" def test_specific_logger(self): l = LogCapture('one')'1')'2')'3')'4') l.uninstall() assert str(l) == ( "one INFO\n 2\n" "one.child INFO\n 4" ) def test_multiple_loggers(self): l = LogCapture(('one.child','two'))'1')'2')'3')'4') l.uninstall() assert str(l) == ( "two INFO\n 3\n" "one.child INFO\n 4" ) def test_simple_manual_install(self): l = LogCapture(install=False)'before') l.install()'during') l.uninstall()'after') assert str(l) == "root INFO\n during" def test_uninstall(self): # Lets start off with a couple of loggers: root = getLogger() child = getLogger('child') # Lets also record the handlers for these loggers before # we start the test: before_root = root.handlers[:] before_child = child.handlers[:] # Lets also record the levels for the loggers: old_root_level=root.level old_child_level=child.level # Now the test: try: root.setLevel(49) child.setLevel(69) l1 = LogCapture() l2 = LogCapture('child') root = getLogger()'1') child = getLogger('child') assert root.level == 1 assert child.level == 1'2') assert str(l1) == ( "root INFO\n 1\n" "child INFO\n 2" ) assert str(l2) == ( "child INFO\n 2" ) l2.uninstall() l1.uninstall() assert root.level == 49 assert child.level == 69 finally: root.setLevel(old_root_level) child.setLevel(old_child_level) # Now we check the handlers are as they were before # the test: assert root.handlers == before_root assert child.handlers == before_child def test_uninstall_all(self): before_handlers_root = root.handlers[:] before_handlers_child = child.handlers[:] l1 = LogCapture() l2 = LogCapture('one.child') # We can see that the LogCaptures have changed the # handlers, removing existing ones and installing # their own: assert len(root.handlers) == 1 assert root.handlers != before_handlers_root assert len(child.handlers) == 1 assert child.handlers != before_handlers_child # Now we show the function in action: LogCapture.uninstall_all() # ...and we can see the handlers are back as # they were beefore: assert before_handlers_root == root.handlers assert before_handlers_child == child.handlers def test_two_logcaptures_on_same_logger(self): # If you create more than one LogCapture on a single # logger, the 2nd one installed will stop the first # one working! l1 = LogCapture()'1st message') assert str(l1) == "root INFO\n 1st message" l2 = LogCapture()'2nd message') # So, l1 missed this message: assert str(l1) == "root INFO\n 1st message" # ...because l2 kicked it out and recorded the message: assert str(l2) == "root INFO\n 2nd message" LogCapture.uninstall_all() def test_uninstall_more_than_once(self): # There's no problem with uninstalling a LogCapture # more than once: old_level = root.level try: root.setLevel(49) l = LogCapture() assert root.level == 1 l.uninstall() assert root.level == 49 root.setLevel(69) l.uninstall() assert root.level == 69 finally: root.setLevel(old_level) # And even when loggers have been uninstalled, there's # no problem having uninstall_all as a backstop: l.uninstall_all() def test_with_statement(self):'before') with LogCapture() as l:'during')'after') assert str(l) == "root INFO\n during" class LogCaptureTests(TestCase): def test_remove_existing_handlers(self): logger = getLogger() # get original handlers original_handlers = logger.handlers # put in a stub which will blow up if used try: logger.handlers = start = [object()] with LogCapture() as l:'during') l.check(('root', 'INFO', 'during')) compare(logger.handlers, start) finally: # only executed if the test fails logger.handlers = original_handlers def test_atexit(self): # from testfixtures.mock import call m = Mock() with Replacer() as r: # make sure the marker is false, other tests will # probably have set it r.replace('testfixtures.LogCapture.atexit_setup', False) r.replace('atexit.register', m.register) l = LogCapture() expected = [call.register(l.atexit)] compare(expected, m.mock_calls) with catch_warnings(record=True) as w: l.atexit() self.assertTrue(len(w), 1) compare(str(w[0].message), ( "LogCapture instances not uninstalled by shutdown, " "loggers captured:\n" "(None,)" )) l.uninstall() compare(set(), LogCapture.instances) # check re-running has no ill effects l.atexit() def test_numeric_log_level(self): with LogCapture() as log: getLogger().log(42, 'running in the family') log.check(('root', 'Level 42', 'running in the family')) def test_enable_disabled_logger(self): logger = getLogger('disabled') logger.disabled = True with LogCapture('disabled') as log:'a log message') log.check(('disabled', 'INFO', 'a log message')) compare(logger.disabled, True) def test_no_propogate(self): logger = getLogger('child') # paranoid check compare(logger.propagate, True) with LogCapture() as global_log: with LogCapture('child', propagate=False) as child_log:'a log message') child_log.check(('child', 'INFO', 'a log message')) global_log.check() compare(logger.propagate, True) class TestCheckPresent(object): def test_order_matters_ok(self): with LogCapture() as log:'one') root.error('junk') root.warning('two') root.error('junk') root.error('three') log.check_present( ('root', 'INFO', 'one'), ('root', 'WARNING', 'two'), ('root', 'ERROR', 'three'), ) def test_order_matters_not_okay(self): with LogCapture() as log: root.error('junk') with ShouldAssert(dedent("""\ sequence not as expected: same: () expected: (('root', 'INFO', 'one'),) actual: (('root', 'ERROR', 'junk'),)""")): log.check_present( ('root', 'INFO', 'one'), ) def test_order_matters_not_okay_recursive(self): with LogCapture(recursive_check=True) as log: root.error('junk') with ShouldAssert(dedent("""\ sequence not as expected: same: () expected: (('root', 'INFO', 'one'),) actual: (('root', 'ERROR', 'junk'),) While comparing [0]: sequence not as expected: same: ('root',) expected: ('INFO', 'one') actual: ('ERROR', 'junk') While comparing [0][1]: 'INFO' (expected) != 'ERROR' (actual)""")): log.check_present( ('root', 'INFO', 'one'), ) def test_order_matters_but_wrong(self): with LogCapture() as log:'one') root.error('j1') root.error('three') root.warning('two') root.error('j2') with ShouldAssert(dedent("""\ sequence not as expected: same: (('root', 'INFO', 'one'),) expected: (('root', 'WARNING', 'two'), ('root', 'ERROR', 'three')) actual: (('root', 'ERROR', 'j1'), ('root', 'ERROR', 'three'), ('root', 'WARNING', 'two'), ('root', 'ERROR', 'j2'))""")): log.check_present( ('root', 'INFO', 'one'), ('root', 'WARNING', 'two'), ('root', 'ERROR', 'three'), ) def test_order_doesnt_matter_ok(self): with LogCapture() as log:'one') root.error('junk') root.warning('two') root.error('junk') root.error('three') log.check_present( ('root', 'ERROR', 'three'), ('root', 'INFO', 'one'), ('root', 'WARNING', 'two'), order_matters=False ) def test_order_doesnt_matter_not_okay(self): with LogCapture() as log: root.error('junk') with ShouldAssert(dedent("""\ entries not as expected: expected and found: [] expected but not found: [('root', 'INFO', 'one')] other entries: [('root', 'ERROR', 'junk')]""")): log.check_present( ('root', 'INFO', 'one'), order_matters=False ) def test_single_item_ok(self): with LogCapture() as log:'one') root.error('junk') root.warning('two') root.error('junk') root.error('three') log.check_present( ('root', 'WARNING', 'two'), ) def test_single_item_not_ok(self): with LogCapture(attributes=['getMessage']) as log:'one') root.error('junk') root.error('three') with ShouldAssert(dedent("""\ sequence not as expected: same: () expected: ('two',) actual: ('one', 'junk', 'three')""")): log.check_present('two') def test_bad_params(self): # not needed if we didn't have to support Python 2! with ShouldAssert('order_matters is the only keyword parameter'): LogCapture(install=False).check_present(foo='bar') def test_multiple_identical_expected_order_matters(self): with LogCapture() as log:'one')'one') root.error('junk') root.warning('two') root.error('junk') root.warning('two') log.check_present( ('root', 'INFO', 'one'), ('root', 'INFO', 'one'), ('root', 'WARNING', 'two'), ('root', 'WARNING', 'two'), ) def test_multiple_identical_expected_order_doesnt_matter_ok(self): with LogCapture() as log:'one') root.warning('two') root.error('junk') root.warning('two') root.error('junk')'one') log.check_present( ('root', 'INFO', 'one'), ('root', 'INFO', 'one'), ('root', 'WARNING', 'two'), ('root', 'WARNING', 'two'), order_matters=False ) def test_multiple_identical_expected_order_doesnt_matter_not_ok(self): with LogCapture() as log: root.error('junk')'one') root.warning('two') root.error('junk')'one') with ShouldAssert(dedent("""\ entries not as expected: expected and found: [('root', 'INFO', 'one'), ('root', 'WARNING', 'two'), ('root', 'INFO', 'one')] expected but not found: [('root', 'WARNING', 'two')] other entries: [('root', 'ERROR', 'junk'), ('root', 'ERROR', 'junk')]""")): log.check_present( ('root', 'INFO', 'one'), ('root', 'INFO', 'one'), ('root', 'WARNING', 'two'), ('root', 'WARNING', 'two'), order_matters=False ) def test_entries_are_dictionaries(self): def extract(record): return {'level': record.levelname, 'message': record.getMessage()} with LogCapture(attributes=extract) as log:'one') root.error('junk') root.warning('two') root.error('junk')'one') log.check_present( {'level': 'INFO', 'message': 'one'}, {'level': 'INFO', 'message': 'one'}, {'level': 'WARNING', 'message': 'two'}, order_matters=False ) def test_almost_same_order_matters(self): with LogCapture() as log:'one') root.error('junk') root.warning('two') root.error('junk') with ShouldAssert(dedent("""\ sequence not as expected: same: (('root', 'INFO', 'one'),) expected: (('root', 'WARNING', 'two'), ('root', 'ERROR', 'three')) actual: (('root', 'ERROR', 'junk'), ('root', 'WARNING', 'two'), ('root', 'ERROR', 'junk'))""")): log.check_present( ('root', 'INFO', 'one'), ('root', 'WARNING', 'two'), ('root', 'ERROR', 'three'), ) def test_almost_same_order_doesnt_matter(self): with LogCapture() as log:'one') root.error('junk') root.error('three') root.error('junk') with ShouldAssert(dedent("""\ entries not as expected: expected and found: [('root', 'INFO', 'one'), ('root', 'ERROR', 'three')] expected but not found: [('root', 'WARNING', 'two')] other entries: [('root', 'ERROR', 'junk'), ('root', 'ERROR', 'junk')]""")): log.check_present( ('root', 'ERROR', 'three'), ('root', 'INFO', 'one'), ('root', 'WARNING', 'two'), order_matters=False )