# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2016 Adrien Vergé # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Use this rule to control the number of spaces inside brackets (``[`` and ``]``). .. rubric:: Options * ``min-spaces-inside`` defines the minimal number of spaces required inside brackets. * ``max-spaces-inside`` defines the maximal number of spaces allowed inside brackets. * ``min-spaces-inside-empty`` defines the minimal number of spaces required inside empty brackets. * ``max-spaces-inside-empty`` defines the maximal number of spaces allowed inside empty brackets. .. rubric:: Examples #. With ``brackets: {min-spaces-inside: 0, max-spaces-inside: 0}`` the following code snippet would **PASS**: :: object: [1, 2, abc] the following code snippet would **FAIL**: :: object: [ 1, 2, abc ] #. With ``brackets: {min-spaces-inside: 1, max-spaces-inside: 3}`` the following code snippet would **PASS**: :: object: [ 1, 2, abc ] the following code snippet would **PASS**: :: object: [ 1, 2, abc ] the following code snippet would **FAIL**: :: object: [ 1, 2, abc ] the following code snippet would **FAIL**: :: object: [1, 2, abc ] #. With ``brackets: {min-spaces-inside-empty: 0, max-spaces-inside-empty: 0}`` the following code snippet would **PASS**: :: object: [] the following code snippet would **FAIL**: :: object: [ ] #. With ``brackets: {min-spaces-inside-empty: 1, max-spaces-inside-empty: -1}`` the following code snippet would **PASS**: :: object: [ ] the following code snippet would **FAIL**: :: object: [] """ import yaml from yamllint.rules.common import spaces_after, spaces_before ID = 'brackets' TYPE = 'token' CONF = {'min-spaces-inside': int, 'max-spaces-inside': int, 'min-spaces-inside-empty': int, 'max-spaces-inside-empty': int} DEFAULT = {'min-spaces-inside': 0, 'max-spaces-inside': 0, 'min-spaces-inside-empty': -1, 'max-spaces-inside-empty': -1} def check(conf, token, prev, next, nextnext, context): if (isinstance(token, yaml.FlowSequenceStartToken) and isinstance(next, yaml.FlowSequenceEndToken)): problem = spaces_after(token, prev, next, min=(conf['min-spaces-inside-empty'] if conf['min-spaces-inside-empty'] != -1 else conf['min-spaces-inside']), max=(conf['max-spaces-inside-empty'] if conf['max-spaces-inside-empty'] != -1 else conf['max-spaces-inside']), min_desc='too few spaces inside empty brackets', max_desc=('too many spaces inside empty ' 'brackets')) if problem is not None: yield problem elif isinstance(token, yaml.FlowSequenceStartToken): problem = spaces_after(token, prev, next, min=conf['min-spaces-inside'], max=conf['max-spaces-inside'], min_desc='too few spaces inside brackets', max_desc='too many spaces inside brackets') if problem is not None: yield problem elif (isinstance(token, yaml.FlowSequenceEndToken) and (prev is None or not isinstance(prev, yaml.FlowSequenceStartToken))): problem = spaces_before(token, prev, next, min=conf['min-spaces-inside'], max=conf['max-spaces-inside'], min_desc='too few spaces inside brackets', max_desc='too many spaces inside brackets') if problem is not None: yield problem