""" Defined violations """ STRING_FORMAT_VIOLATION = "G001 Logging statement uses string.format()" STRING_CONCAT_VIOLATION = "G003 Logging statement uses '+'" PERCENT_FORMAT_VIOLATION = "G002 Logging statement uses '%'" FSTRING_VIOLATION = "G004 Logging statement uses f-string" WARN_VIOLATION = "G010 Logging statement uses 'warn' instead of 'warning'" WHITELIST_VIOLATION = "G100 Logging statement uses non-whitelisted extra keyword argument: {}" EXCEPTION_VIOLATION = "G200 Logging statement uses exception in arguments" ERROR_EXC_INFO_VIOLATION = "G201 Logging: .exception(...) should be used instead of .error(..., exc_info=True)" REDUNDANT_EXC_INFO_VIOLATION = "G202 Logging statement has redundant exc_info"