from typing import ClassVar from ansiblelater.standard import StandardBase class CheckDeprecated(StandardBase): sid = "ANSIBLE9999" description = "Deprecated features should not be used" helptext = "'{old}' is deprecated and should not be used anymore. Use '{new}' instead." version = "0.1" types: ClassVar[list[str]] = ["playbook", "task", "handler"] def check(self, candidate, settings): tasks, errors = self.get_normalized_tasks(candidate, settings, full=True) if not errors: for task in tasks: if "skip_ansible_lint" in (task.get("tags") or []): errors.append( self.Error( task["__line__"], self.helptext.format( old="skip_ansible_lint", new="skip_ansible_later" ) ) ) return self.Result(candidate.path, errors)