--- baseURL: https://ansible-later.geekdocs.de/ title: ansible-later theme: hugo-geekdoc pygmentsUseClasses: true pygmentsCodeFences: true # Geekdoc configuration disablePathToLower: true enableGitInfo: true # Needed for mermaid/katex shortcodes markup: goldmark: renderer: unsafe: true tableOfContents: startLevel: 1 params: description: > ansible-later is a fast and extensible best practice scanner and linting tool for Ansible resources to enforce a coding or best practice guideline. images: - "socialmedia2.png" geekdocMenuBundle: true geekdocToC: 3 geekdocRepo: https://github.com/thegeeklab/ansible-later geekdocEditPath: edit/main/docs geekdocDateFormat: "Jan 2, 2006" geekdocSearch: true geekdocLegalNotice: https://thegeeklab.de/legal-notice/#contact-information geekdocPrivacyPolicy: https://thegeeklab.de/legal-notice/#privacy-policy