#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Entrypoint and CLI handler.""" import argparse import dockertidy.Exception from dockertidy import __version__ from dockertidy.Autostop import AutoStop from dockertidy.Config import SingleConfig from dockertidy.GarbageCollector import GarbageCollector from dockertidy.Logger import SingleLog from dockertidy.Parser import timedelta_validator class DockerTidy: """Cli entrypoint to handle command arguments.""" def __init__(self): self.log = SingleLog() self.logger = self.log.logger self.args = self._cli_args() self.config = self._get_config() self.gc = GarbageCollector() self.stop = AutoStop() self.run() def _cli_args(self): """ Use argparse for parsing CLI arguments. :return: args objec """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Generate documentation from annotated Ansible roles using templates" ) parser.add_argument( "--dry-run", action="store_true", default=None, dest="dry_run", help="Only log actions, don't stop anything." ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--timeout", type=int, dest="http_timeout", metavar="HTTP_TIMEOUT", help="HTTP timeout in seconds for making docker API calls." ) parser.add_argument( "-v", dest="logging.level", action="append_const", const=-1, help="increase log level" ) parser.add_argument( "-q", dest="logging.level", action="append_const", const=1, help="decrease log level" ) parser.add_argument( "--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s {}".format(__version__) ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command", help="sub-command help") subparsers.required = True parser_gc = subparsers.add_parser("gc", help="Run docker garbage collector.") parser_gc.add_argument( "--max-container-age", type=timedelta_validator, dest="gc.max_container_age", metavar="MAX_CONTAINER_AGE", help="Maximum age for a container. Containers older than this age " "will be removed. Age can be specified in any pytimeparse " "supported format." ) parser_gc.add_argument( "--max-image-age", type=timedelta_validator, dest="gc.max_image_age", metavar="MAX_IMAGE_AGE", help="Maxium age for an image. Images older than this age will be " "removed. Age can be specified in any pytimeparse supported " "format." ) parser_gc.add_argument( "--dangling-volumes", action="store_true", dest="gc.dangling_volumes", help="Dangling volumes will be removed." ) parser_gc.add_argument( "--exclude-image", action="append", type=str, dest="gc.exclude_images", metavar="EXCLUDE_IMAGE", help="Never remove images with this tag." ) parser_gc.add_argument( "--exclude-container-label", action="append", type=str, dest="gc.exclude_container_labels", metavar="EXCLUDE_CONTAINER_LABEL", help="Never remove containers with this label key " "or label key=value" ) parser_stop = subparsers.add_parser( "stop", help="Stop containers that have been running for too long." ) parser_stop.add_argument( "--max-run-time", type=timedelta_validator, dest="stop.max_run_time", metavar="MAX_RUN_TIME", help="Maximum time a container is allows to run. Time may " "be specified in any pytimeparse supported format." ) parser_stop.add_argument( "--prefix", action="append", type=str, dest="stop.prefix", metavar="PREFIX", help="Only stop containers which match one of the " "prefix." ) return parser.parse_args().__dict__ def _get_config(self): try: config = SingleConfig(args=self.args) except dockertidy.Exception.ConfigError as e: self.log.sysexit_with_message(e) try: self.log.set_level(config.config["logging"]["level"]) except ValueError as e: self.log.sysexit_with_message("Can not set log level.\n{}".format(str(e))) self.logger.info("Using config file {}".format(config.config_file)) self.logger.debug("Config dump: {}".format(config.config)) return config def run(self): """Cli main method.""" if self.config.config["command"] == "gc": self.gc.run() elif self.config.config["command"] == "stop": self.stop.run()