#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Custom input type parser.""" from argparse import ArgumentTypeError import dateparser import environs env = environs.Env() def timedelta_validator(value): """Return the dateparser string for a time in the past. :param value: a string containing a time format supported by mod:`dateparser` """ if value is None: return None if not dateparser.parse(value): raise ArgumentTypeError("'{}' is not a valid timedelta string".format(value)) return value def timedelta(value, dt_format=None): """Return the :class:`datetime.datetime.DateTime` for a time in the past. :param value: a string containing a time format supported by mod:`dateparser` """ if value is None: return None timedelta = dateparser.parse( value, settings={ "TO_TIMEZONE": "UTC", "RETURN_AS_TIMEZONE_AWARE": True } ) if dt_format: timedelta = timedelta.strftime(dt_format) return timedelta @env.parser_for("timedelta_validator") def timedelta_parser(value): try: timedelta_validator(value) return value except TypeError as e: raise environs.EnvError(e)