--- title: Setup --- {{< toc >}} ## Pip {{< highlight Shell "linenos=table" >}} # From PyPI as unprivilegd user $ pip install docker-tidy --user # .. or as root $ sudo pip install docker-tidy # From Wheel file $ pip install https://github.com/xoxys/docker-tidy/releases/download/v0.1.0/docker_tidy-0.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl {{< /highlight >}} ## Docker The default entrypoint is set to the `gc` subcommand and you have to overwrite it if you want to use other subcommands like `stop`. {{< highlight Shell "linenos=table" >}} docker run \ -e TIDY_GC_MAX_CONTAINER_AGE=3days -e TIDY_GC_MAX_IMAGE_AGE=5days -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock xoxys/docker-tidy {{< /highlight >}} {{< hint info >}} **Info**\ Keep in mind, that you have to pass selinux labels (:Z or :z) to your mount option if you are working on selinux enabled systems. {{< /hint >}}