#!/usr/bin/env python """ Stop docker container that have been running longer than the max_run_time and match some prefix. """ import argparse import logging import sys import dateutil.parser import docker import docker.errors import requests.exceptions from docker_custodian.args import timedelta_type log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def stop_containers(client, max_run_time, matcher, dry_run): for container_summary in client.containers(): container = client.inspect_container(container_summary['Id']) name = container['Name'].lstrip('/') if ( matcher(name) and has_been_running_since(container, max_run_time) ): log.info("Stopping container %s %s: running since %s" % ( container['Id'][:16], name, container['State']['StartedAt'])) if not dry_run: stop_container(client, container['Id']) def stop_container(client, id): try: client.stop(id) except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: log.warn("Failed to stop container %s: %s" % (id, e)) except docker.errors.APIError as ae: log.warn("Error stopping %s: %s" % (id, ae)) def build_container_matcher(prefixes): def matcher(name): return any(name.startswith(prefix) for prefix in prefixes) return matcher def has_been_running_since(container, min_time): started_at = container.get('State', {}).get('StartedAt') if not started_at: return False return dateutil.parser.parse(started_at) <= min_time def main(): logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s", stream=sys.stdout) opts = get_opts() client = docker.Client(version='auto', timeout=opts.timeout) matcher = build_container_matcher(opts.prefix) stop_containers(client, opts.max_run_time, matcher, opts.dry_run) def get_opts(args=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--max-run-time', type=timedelta_type, help="Maximum time a container is allows to run. Time may be specified " "in any pytimeparse supported format.") parser.add_argument( '--prefix', action="append", default=[], help="Only stop containers which match one of the " "prefix.") parser.add_argument( '--dry-run', action="store_true", help="Only log actions, don't stop anything.") parser.add_argument( '-t', '--timeout', type=int, default=60, help="HTTP timeout in seconds for making docker API calls.") opts = parser.parse_args(args=args) if not opts.prefix: parser.error("Running with no --prefix will match nothing.") return opts if __name__ == "__main__": main()