--- kind: pipeline name: lint platform: os: linux arch: amd64 steps: - name: flake8 image: python:3.8 commands: - pip install pipenv -qq - pipenv --bare install --dev --keep-outdated - pipenv run flake8 ./dockertidy environment: PY_COLORS: 1 trigger: ref: - refs/heads/master - refs/tags/** - refs/pull/** --- kind: pipeline name: dependencies platform: os: linux arch: amd64 steps: - name: pipenv image: python:3.8 commands: - pip install pipenv -qq - pipenv --bare install --keep-outdated - pipenv --bare install --dev --keep-outdated - pipenv run pipenv-setup check environment: PY_COLORS: 1 trigger: ref: - refs/heads/master - refs/tags/** - refs/pull/** depends_on: - lint --- kind: pipeline name: test platform: os: linux arch: amd64 steps: - name: python35-pytest image: python:3.5 commands: - pip install pipenv -qq - pipenv --bare install --dev --keep-outdated - pipenv run pytest dockertidy --cov=dockertidy --cov-append --no-cov-on-fail - pip install -qq . - docker-tidy --help - docker-tidy --version environment: PY_COLORS: 1 SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION: ${DRONE_TAG##v} depends_on: - clone - name: python36-pytest image: python:3.6 commands: - pip install pipenv -qq - pipenv --bare install --dev --keep-outdated - pipenv run pytest dockertidy --cov=dockertidy --cov-append --no-cov-on-fail - pip install -qq . - docker-tidy --help - docker-tidy --version environment: PY_COLORS: 1 SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION: ${DRONE_TAG##v} depends_on: - clone - name: python37-pytest image: python:3.7 commands: - pip install pipenv -qq - pipenv --bare install --dev --keep-outdated - pipenv run pytest dockertidy --cov=dockertidy --cov-append --no-cov-on-fail - pip install -qq . - docker-tidy --help - docker-tidy --version environment: PY_COLORS: 1 SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION: ${DRONE_TAG##v} depends_on: - clone - name: python38-pytest image: python:3.8 commands: - pip install pipenv -qq - pipenv --bare install --dev --keep-outdated - pipenv run pytest dockertidy --cov=dockertidy --cov-append --no-cov-on-fail - pip install -qq . - docker-tidy --help - docker-tidy --version environment: PY_COLORS: 1 SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION: ${DRONE_TAG##v} depends_on: - clone - name: codecov image: python:3.8 commands: - pip install codecov -qq - codecov --required -X gcov environment: CODECOV_TOKEN: from_secret: codecov_token PY_COLORS: 1 depends_on: - python35-pytest - python36-pytest - python37-pytest - python38-pytest trigger: ref: - refs/heads/master - refs/tags/** - refs/pull/** depends_on: - dependencies --- kind: pipeline name: security platform: os: linux arch: amd64 steps: - name: bandit image: python:3.8 commands: - pip install pipenv -qq - pipenv --bare install --dev --keep-outdated - pipenv run bandit -r ./dockertidy -x ./dockertidy/test environment: PY_COLORS: 1 trigger: ref: - refs/heads/master - refs/tags/** - refs/pull/** depends_on: - test --- kind: pipeline name: build-package platform: os: linux arch: amd64 steps: - name: build image: python:3.8 commands: - python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel environment: SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION: ${DRONE_TAG##v} - name: checksum image: alpine commands: - cd dist/ && sha256sum * > ../sha256sum.txt - name: publish-github image: plugins/github-release settings: api_key: from_secret: github_token files: - dist/* - sha256sum.txt note: CHANGELOG.md overwrite: true title: ${DRONE_TAG} when: ref: - refs/tags/** - name: publish-pypi image: plugins/pypi settings: password: from_secret: pypi_password repository: https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/ skip_build: true username: from_secret: pypi_username when: ref: - refs/tags/** trigger: ref: - refs/heads/master - refs/tags/** - refs/pull/** depends_on: - security --- kind: pipeline name: build-container-amd64 platform: os: linux arch: amd64 steps: - name: build image: python:3.8 commands: - python setup.py bdist_wheel environment: SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION: ${DRONE_TAG##v} - name: dryrun image: plugins/docker:18-linux-amd64 settings: dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile dry_run: true password: from_secret: docker_password repo: thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} username: from_secret: docker_username when: ref: - refs/pull/** depends_on: - build - name: publish-dockerhub image: plugins/docker:18-linux-amd64 settings: auto_tag: true auto_tag_suffix: amd64 dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile password: from_secret: docker_password repo: thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} username: from_secret: docker_username when: ref: - refs/heads/master - refs/tags/** depends_on: - dryrun - name: publish-quay image: plugins/docker:18-linux-amd64 settings: auto_tag: true auto_tag_suffix: amd64 dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile password: from_secret: quay_password registry: quay.io repo: quay.io/thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} username: from_secret: quay_username when: ref: - refs/heads/master - refs/tags/** depends_on: - dryrun trigger: ref: - refs/heads/master - refs/tags/** - refs/pull/** depends_on: - security --- kind: pipeline name: build-container-arm64 platform: os: linux arch: arm64 steps: - name: build image: python:3.8 commands: - python setup.py bdist_wheel environment: SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION: ${DRONE_TAG##v} - name: dryrun image: plugins/docker:18-linux-arm64 settings: dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile dry_run: true password: from_secret: docker_password repo: thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} username: from_secret: docker_username when: ref: - refs/pull/** depends_on: - build - name: publish-dockerhub image: plugins/docker:18-linux-arm64 settings: auto_tag: true auto_tag_suffix: arm64 dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile password: from_secret: docker_password repo: thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} username: from_secret: docker_username when: ref: - refs/heads/master - refs/tags/** depends_on: - dryrun - name: publish-quay image: plugins/docker:18-linux-arm64 settings: auto_tag: true auto_tag_suffix: arm64 dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile password: from_secret: quay_password registry: quay.io repo: quay.io/thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} username: from_secret: quay_username when: ref: - refs/heads/master - refs/tags/** depends_on: - dryrun trigger: ref: - refs/heads/master - refs/tags/** - refs/pull/** depends_on: - security --- kind: pipeline name: build-container-arm platform: os: linux arch: arm steps: - name: build image: python:3.8 commands: - python setup.py bdist_wheel environment: SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION: ${DRONE_TAG##v} - name: dryrun image: plugins/docker:18-linux-arm settings: dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile dry_run: true password: from_secret: docker_password repo: thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} username: from_secret: docker_username when: ref: - refs/pull/** depends_on: - build - name: publish-dockerhub image: plugins/docker:18-linux-arm settings: auto_tag: true auto_tag_suffix: arm dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile password: from_secret: docker_password repo: thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} username: from_secret: docker_username when: ref: - refs/heads/master - refs/tags/** depends_on: - dryrun - name: publish-quay image: plugins/docker:18-linux-arm settings: auto_tag: true auto_tag_suffix: arm dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile password: from_secret: quay_password registry: quay.io repo: quay.io/thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} username: from_secret: quay_username when: ref: - refs/heads/master - refs/tags/** depends_on: - dryrun trigger: ref: - refs/heads/master - refs/tags/** - refs/pull/** depends_on: - security --- kind: pipeline name: docs platform: os: linux arch: amd64 concurrency: limit: 1 steps: - name: assets image: byrnedo/alpine-curl commands: - mkdir -p docs/themes/hugo-geekdoc/ - curl -L https://github.com/xoxys/hugo-geekdoc/releases/latest/download/hugo-geekdoc.tar.gz | tar -xz -C docs/themes/hugo-geekdoc/ --strip-components=1 - name: markdownlint image: node:lts-alpine commands: - npm install -g markdownlint-cli - markdownlint 'docs/content/**/*.md' 'README.md' environment: FORCE_COLOR: true NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL: error - name: spellcheck image: node:lts-alpine commands: - npm install -g spellchecker-cli - spellchecker --files 'docs/content/**/*.md' 'README.md' -d .dictionary -p spell indefinite-article syntax-urls --no-suggestions environment: FORCE_COLOR: true NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL: error - name: testbuild image: klakegg/hugo:0.74.3-ext-alpine commands: - hugo-official -s docs/ -b http://localhost/ - name: link-validation image: thegeeklab/link-validator commands: - link-validator -ro environment: LINK_VALIDATOR_BASE_DIR: docs/public - name: build image: klakegg/hugo:0.74.3-ext-alpine commands: - hugo-official -s docs/ - name: beautify image: node:lts-alpine commands: - npm install -g js-beautify - html-beautify -r -f 'docs/public/**/*.html' environment: FORCE_COLOR: true NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL: error - name: publish image: plugins/s3-sync settings: access_key: from_secret: s3_access_key bucket: geekdocs delete: true endpoint: https://sp.rknet.org path_style: true secret_key: from_secret: s3_secret_access_key source: docs/public/ strip_prefix: docs/public/ target: /${DRONE_REPO_NAME} trigger: ref: - refs/heads/master - refs/tags/** depends_on: - build-package - build-container-amd64 - build-container-arm64 - build-container-arm --- kind: pipeline name: notifications platform: os: linux arch: amd64 steps: - name: manifest-dockerhub image: plugins/manifest settings: auto_tag: true ignore_missing: true password: from_secret: docker_password spec: docker/manifest.tmpl username: from_secret: docker_username when: status: - success - name: manifest-quay image: plugins/manifest settings: auto_tag: true ignore_missing: true password: from_secret: quay_password spec: docker/manifest-quay.tmpl username: from_secret: quay_username when: status: - success - name: pushrm-dockerhub image: chko/docker-pushrm:1 environment: DOCKER_PASS: from_secret: docker_password DOCKER_USER: from_secret: docker_username PUSHRM_FILE: README.md PUSHRM_SHORT: Drone plugin to add comments to GitHub Issues/PRs PUSHRM_TARGET: thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} when: status: - success - name: pushrm-quay image: chko/docker-pushrm:1 environment: APIKEY__QUAY_IO: from_secret: quay_token PUSHRM_FILE: README.md PUSHRM_TARGET: quay.io/thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} when: status: - success - name: matrix image: plugins/matrix settings: homeserver: from_secret: matrix_homeserver password: from_secret: matrix_password roomid: from_secret: matrix_roomid template: "Status: **{{ build.status }}**
Build: [{{ repo.Owner }}/{{ repo.Name }}]({{ build.link }}) ({{ build.branch }}) by {{ build.author }}
Message: {{ build.message }}" username: from_secret: matrix_username when: status: - success - failure trigger: ref: - refs/heads/master - refs/tags/** status: - success - failure depends_on: - docs --- kind: signature hmac: 71d089dacfa86733fec2b3555b1bfedc175297c9b7add39320c87fe8d0424401 ...