Use the Docker plugin to build and push Docker images to a registry. The following parameters are used to configure this plugin: * **registry** - authenticates to this registry * **username** - authenticates with this username * **password** - authenticates with this password * **email** - authenticates with this email * **repo** - repository name for the image * **tag** - repository tag for the image * **insecure** - enable insecure communication to this registry * **storage_driver** - use `aufs`, `devicemapper`, `btrfs` or `overlay` driver The following is a sample Docker configuration in your .drone.yml file: ```yaml pubish: docker: username: kevinbacon password: $$DOCKER_PASSWORD email: repo: foo/bar tag: latest file: Dockerfile insecure: false ``` You may want to dynamically tag your image. Use the `$$BRANCH`, `$$COMMIT` and `$$BUILD_NUMBER` variables to tag your image with the branch, commit sha or build number: ```yaml pubish: docker: username: kevinbacon password: $$DOCKER_PASSWORD email: repo: foo/bar tag: $$BRANCH ```