--- title: drone-docker-buildx --- [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/drone/build/thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx?logo=drone&server=https%3A%2F%2Fdrone.thegeeklab.de)](https://drone.thegeeklab.de/thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx) [![Docker Hub](https://img.shields.io/badge/dockerhub-latest-blue.svg?logo=docker&logoColor=white)](https://hub.docker.com/r/thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx) [![Quay.io](https://img.shields.io/badge/quay-latest-blue.svg?logo=docker&logoColor=white)](https://quay.io/repository/thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx) [![GitHub contributors](https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx)](https://github.com/thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx/graphs/contributors) [![Source: GitHub](https://img.shields.io/badge/source-github-blue.svg?logo=github&logoColor=white)](https://github.com/thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx) [![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/github/license/thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx)](https://github.com/thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx/blob/main/LICENSE) Drone plugin to build and publish multiarch Docker images with buildx. {{< toc >}} ## Versioning The tags follow the major version of Docker, e.g. `20`, the minor and patch part reflects the "version" of the plugin. A full example would be `20.12.5`. Minor versions may introduce breaking changes, while patch versions may be considered non-breaking. ## Build Build the binary with the following command: ```Shell export GOOS=linux export GOARCH=amd64 export CGO_ENABLED=0 export GO111MODULE=on go build -v -a -tags netgo -o release/drone-docker-buildx ``` Build the Docker image with the following command: ```Shell docker build --file docker/Dockerfile.amd64 --tag thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx . ``` ## Usage {{< hint warning >}} **Note**\ Be aware that the this plugin requires privileged capabilities, otherwise the integrated Docker daemon is not able to start. {{< /hint >}} ```Shell docker run --rm \ -e PLUGIN_TAG=latest \ -e PLUGIN_REPO=octocat/hello-world \ -e DRONE_COMMIT_SHA=00000000 \ -v $(pwd):$(pwd) \ -w $(pwd) \ --privileged \ thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx --dry-run ``` ### Parameters dry_run : disables docker push drone_remote_url : sets the git remote url mirror : sets a registry mirror to pull images storage_driver : sets the docker daemon storage driver storage_path : sets the docker daemon storage path (default `/var/lib/docker`) bip : allows the docker daemon to bride ip address mtu : sets docker daemon custom mtu setting custom_dns : sets custom docker daemon dns server custom_dns_search : sets custom docker daemon dns search domain insecure : allows the docker daemon to use insecure registries ipv6 : enables docker daemon ipv6 support experimental : enables docker daemon experimental mode debug : enables verbose debug mode for the docker daemon daemon_off : disables the startup of the docker daemon buildkit_config : sets content of the docker buildkit json config dockerfile : sets dockerfile to use for the image build (default `./Dockerfile`) context : sets the path of the build context to use (default `./`) tags : sets repository tags to use for the image; tags can also be loaded from a `.tags` file (default `latest`) auto_tag : generates tag names automatically based on git branch and git tag auto_tag_suffix : generates tag names with the given suffix build_args : sets custom build arguments for the build build_args_from_env : forwards environment variables as custom arguments to the build quiet : enables suppression of the build output target : sets the build target to use cache_from : sets images to consider as cache sources pull_image : enforces to pull base image at build time (default `true`) compress : enables compression og the build context using gzip repo : sets repository name for the image registry : sets docker registry to authenticate with (default `https://index.docker.io/v1/`) username : sets username to authenticates with password : sets password to authenticates with email : sets email address to authenticates with config : sets content of the docker daemon json config purge : enables cleanup of the docker environment at the end of a build (default `true`) no_cache : disables the usage of cached intermediate containers add_host : sets additional host:ip mapping platforms : sets target platform for build