
196 lines
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- name: dry_run
description: Disable docker push.
type: bool
required: false
- name: mirror
description: Use a registry mirror to pull images.
type: string
required: false
- name: storage_driver
description: The docker daemon storage driver.
type: string
required: false
- name: storage_path
description: The docker daemon storage path.
defaultValue: /var/lib/docker
type: string
required: false
- name: bip
description: Allows the docker daemon to bride IP address.
type: string
required: false
- name: mtu
description: A docker daemon custom MTU.
type: string
required: false
- name: custom_dns
description: Custom docker daemon DNS server.
type: list
required: false
- name: custom_dns_search
description: Custom docker daemon DNS search domain.
type: list
required: false
- name: insecure
description: Enable the usage of insecure registries.
type: bool
defaultValue: false
required: false
- name: ipv6
description: Enable docker daemon IPv6 support.
type: bool
defaultValue: false
required: false
- name: experimental
description: Enable docker daemon experimental mode.
type: bool
defaultValue: false
required: false
- name: daemon_debug
description: Enable verbose debug mode for the docker daemon.
type: string
defaultValue: false
required: false
- name: daemon_off
description: Disable the startup of the docker daemon.
type: string
defaultValue: false
required: false
- name: dockerfile
description: Set dockerfile to use for the image build.
defaultValue: Dockerfile
type: string
required: false
- name: context
description: Set the path of the build context to use.
defaultValue: .
type: string
required: false
- name: tags
description: Set repository tags to use for the image. Tags can also be loaded from a `.tags` file.
defaultValue: latest
type: list
required: false
- name: auto_tag
description: |
Generate tag names automatically based on git branch and git tag. When this feature is enabled and the event type is `tag`,
the plugin will automatically tag the image using the standard semVer convention. For example:
- `1.0.0` produces docker tags `1`, `1.0`, `1.0.0`
- `1.0.0-rc.1` produces docker tags `1.0.0-rc.1`
When the event type is `push` and the target branch is your default branch, the plugin will automatically tag the image
as `latest`. All other event types and branches are ignored.
defaultValue: false
type: bool
required: false
- name: auto_tag_suffix
description: Generate tag names with the given suffix.
type: string
required: false
- name: build_args
description: Ccustom build arguments to pass to the build.
type: list
required: false
- name: build_args_from_env
description: Forward environment variables as custom arguments to the build.
type: list
required: false
- name: quiet
description: Enable suppression of the build output.
defaultValue: false
type: bool
required: false
- name: target
description: The docker build target.
type: string
required: false
- name: cache_from
description: Images to consider as cache sources.
type: list
required: false
- name: pull_image
description: Enforce to pull the base image at build time.
defaultValue: true
type: bool
required: false
- name: compress
description: Enable compression of the build context using gzip.
defaultValue: false
type: bool
required: false
- name: repo
description: Repository name for the image.
type: string
required: false
- name: registry
description: Docker registry to upload images.
defaultValue: https://index.docker.io/v1/
type: string
required: false
- name: username
description: Username for authentication with the registry.
type: string
required: false
- name: password
description: Password for authentication with the registry.
type: string
required: false
- name: email
description: E-Mail address for authentication with the registry.
type: string
required: false
- name: config
description: Content of the docker daemon json config.
type: string
required: false
- name: purge
description: Enable cleanup of the docker environment at the end of a build.
defaultValue: true
type: bool
required: false
- name: no_cache
description: Disable the usage of cached intermediate containers.
defaultValue: false
type: string
required: false
- name: add_host
description: Additional `host:ip` mapping.
type: list
required: false