Restructure the code accross more files

I have split the code into various files and beside that I have also
used more flat package structure. I have removed the whole constants for
flag names and environment variables, since nobody got to write these
flags manually anyway as all these variables are assigned to structs
all can benefit form code completion while this lib stays more readable.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Boerger <>
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Boerger 2019-12-20 21:47:50 +01:00
parent b771a2a224
commit a20f13fdb0
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 09745AFF9D63C79B
34 changed files with 1223 additions and 1108 deletions

.drone.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: testing
os: linux
arch: amd64
- name: staticcheck
pull: always
image: golang:1.13
- go run ./...
- name: gopath
path: /go
- name: lint
pull: always
image: golang:1.13
- go run -set_exit_status ./...
- name: gopath
path: /go
- name: vet
pull: always
image: golang:1.13
- go vet ./...
- name: gopath
path: /go
- name: test
pull: always
image: golang:1.13
- go test -cover -v ./...
- name: gopath
path: /go
- name: gopath
temp: {}
- refs/heads/master
- refs/tags/**
- refs/pull/**

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
# Binaries for programs and plugins
# Test binary, build with `go test -c`
# Output of the go coverage tool, specifically when used with LiteIDE

.mailmap Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Don Olmstead <> Don <>

View File

@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
# This is the official list of the Drone Plugins project authors
# for copyright purposes.
# Names should be added to this file as
# Name or Organization
# Email addresses for individuals are tracked elsewhere to avoid spam.
Don Olmstead
Bo-Yi Wu <>
Don Olmstead <>
Thomas Boerger <>

1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
# drone-plugin-lib

drone/build.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package drone
import (
// Build represents a build of a repository.
type Build struct {
// Branch defines the branch name of the build.
Branch string
// PullRequest number of the build.
PullRequest int
// Tag of the build.
Tag string
// SourceBranch for the pull request.
SourceBranch string
// TargetBranch for the pull request.
TargetBranch string
// Number for the build.
Number int
// Parent build number for the build.
Parent int
// Event that triggered the build.
Event string
// Action that triggered the build. This value is used to differentiate
// bettween a pull request being opened vs synchronized.
Action string
// Status of the build.
Status string
// Created time of the build.
Created time.Time
// Started time of the build.
Started time.Time
// Finished time of the build.
Finished time.Time
// DeployTo the environment.
DeployTo string
// FailedStages of the build.
FailedStages []string
// FailedSteps of the build.
FailedSteps []string

drone/commit.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package drone
// Commit represents the current commit being built.
type Commit struct {
// SHA for the current commit.
SHA string
// Before contains the commit sha before the patch is applied.
Before string
// After contains the commit sha after the patch is applied.
After string
// Ref for the current commit.
Ref string
// Branch target for the push or pull request. This may be empty for
// tag events.
Branch string
// Link to the commit or object in the source control management system.
Link string
// Message for the current commit.
Message string
// Author of the commit.
Author string
// AuthorName of the commit.
AuthorName string
// AuthorEmail of the commit.
AuthorEmail string
// AuthorAvatar of the commit.
AuthorAvatar string

drone/network.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package drone
import (
// Network contains options for connecting to the network.
type Network struct {
// Context for making network requests.
// If `trace` logging is requested the context will use `httptrace` to
// capture all network requests.
Context context.Context
/// Whether SSL verification is skipped
SkipVerify bool
// Client for making network requests.
Client *http.Client

drone/pipeline.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package drone
// Pipeline being executed.
// Represents the full Drone environment that the plugin is executing in.
type Pipeline struct {
Network Network
Build Build
Repo Repo
Commit Commit
Stage Stage
Step Step
SemVer SemVer
System System

drone/plugin.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package drone
// Plugin is an interface for a Drone plugin written in Go.
// This is a higly opinionated interface for what a Plugin should do. Its
// not required that a plugin author follow it.
type Plugin interface {
// Validate checks the inputs to the Plugin and verifies that the
// configuration is correct before executing.
// An error is returned if there are any issues with the current
// configuration, such as missing information or files not being
// present. A Plugin may choose to populate additional information to
// ensure a successful execution, for example if a URL is parsed
// successfully it can be stored off for later use.
// Validate needs to be called before Execute.
Validate() error
// Execute runs the plugin in the current configuration.
// An error is returned if the Plugin did not run successfully that
// describes the runtime error.
// Execute needs to be called after Validate.
Execute() error

drone/repo.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package drone
// Repo represents the repository for the build.
type Repo struct {
// Slug for the full name of a repo.
Slug string
// SCM for the used SCM.
SCM string
// Owner for the repo owner.
Owner string
// Name for the repo name.
Name string
// Link for the link to the repo.
Link string
// Branch for the default branch of the repo.
Branch string
// HTTPURL for the clone URL via HTTP.
HTTPURL string
// SSHURL for the clone URL via SSH
SSHURL string
// Visbility for the visbility of the repo.
Visibility string
// Private to show if the repo is private.
Private bool

drone/semver.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package drone
// SemVer represents the semantic version of the currently running build.
// This value is only applicable for tags. If the tag cannot be parsed into
// a semantic version then SemVer.Error will have the reason.
type SemVer struct {
// Version is the full semantic version.
Version string
// Major version number.
Major string
// Minor version number.
Minor string
// Patch version number.
Patch string
// Prerelease version.
Prerelease string
// Build version number.
// This is signified by a + at the end of the tag.
Build string
// Short version of the semantic version string where labels and
// metadata are truncated.
Short string
// Error is the semantic version parsing error if the tag was invalid.
Error string

drone/stage.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package drone
import (
// Stage represents a build stage.
type Stage struct {
// Kind is the kind of resource being executed.
// This value is sourced from the `kind` attribute in the yaml
// configuration file
Kind string
// Type is the type of resource being executed.
Type string
// Name is the name for the current running build stage.
Name string
// Number is the stage number for the current running build stage.
Number int
// Machine provides the name of the host machine on which the build
// stage is currently running.
Machine string
// OS is the target operating system for the current build stage.
OS string
// Arch is the platform architecture of the current build stage.
Arch string
// Variant is the target architecture variant for the current build
// stage.
Variant string
// Version is OS version for the current build stage.
Version string
// Status is the status for the current running build stage.
// If all of the stage's steps are passing, the status defaults to
// success.
Status string
// Started is the unix timestamp for when a build stage was started by
// the runner.
Started time.Time
// Finished is the unix timestamp for when the pipeline is finished.
// A running pipleine cannot have a finish timestamp, therefore, the
// system aways sets this value to the current timestamp.
Finished time.Time
// DependsOn is a list of dependencies for the current build stage.
DependsOn []string

drone/step.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package drone
// Step represents the currently running step within the stage.
type Step struct {
// Name for the name of the current step.
Name string
// Number is the numeric value of the step.
Number int

drone/system.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package drone
// System represents the available system variables.
type System struct {
// Proto for the system protocol.
Proto string
// Host for the system host name.
Host string
// Version for the system version.
Version string

View File

@ -1,11 +1,8 @@ v0.3.1/go.mod h1:xHWCNGjB5oqiDr8zfno3MHue2Ht5sIBksp03qcyfWMU= v2.0.0-20190314233015-f79a8a8ca69d h1:U+s90UTSYgptZMwQh2aRr3LuazLJIa+Pg3Kc1ylSYVY= v2.0.0-20190314233015-f79a8a8ca69d/go.mod h1:maD7wRr/U5Z6m/iR4s+kqSMx2CaBsrgA7czyZG/E6dU= v1.1.1 h1:vj9j/u1bqnvCEfJOwUhtlOARqs3+rkHYY13jYWTU97c= v1.1.1/go.mod h1:J7Y8YcW2NihsgmVo/mv3lAwl/skON4iLHjSsI+c5H38= v1.0.1 h1:mweAR1A6xJ3oS2pRaGiHgQ4OO8tzTaLawm8vnODuwDk= v1.0.1/go.mod h1:T0+1ngSBFLxvqU3pZ+m/2kptfBszLMUkC4ZK/EgS/cQ= v1.0.0 h1:4DBwDE0NGyQoBHbLQYPwSUPoCMWR5BEzIk/f1lZbAQM= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4= v2.0.1 h1:lPqVAte+HuHNfhJ/0LC98ESWRz8afy9tM/0RK8m9o+Q= v2.0.1/go.mod h1:+Rmxgy9KzJVeS9/2gXHxylqXiyQDYRxCVz55jmeOWTM=
@ -14,7 +11,6 @@ v1.0.0/go.mod h1:1NzhyTcUVG4SuEtjjoZeV v1.4.2 h1:SPIRibHv4MatM3XXNO2BJeFLZwZ2LvZgfQ5+UNI2im4= v1.4.2/go.mod h1:tLMulIdttU9McNUspp0xgXVQah82FyeX6MwdIuYE2rE= v0.1.1/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME= v1.2.2 h1:bSDNvY7ZPG5RlJ8otE/7V6gMiyenm9RtJ7IUVIAoJ1w= v1.2.2/go.mod h1:a8OnRcib4nhh0OaRAV+Yts87kKdq0PP7pXfy6kDkUVs= v2.0.0 h1:+HU9SCbu8GnEUFtIBfuUNXN39ofWViIEJIp6SURMpCg= v2.0.0/go.mod h1:SE9GqnLQmjVa0iPEY0f1w3ygNIYcIJ0OKPMoW2caLfQ=

View File

@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package environ
// List of enviornment variables set by Drone when running a step within a
// build stage.
// Multiple values are specified with `,` within the string. If there are
// multiple values this is to support backward compatibility with versions of
// Drone prior to the 1.0 release.
const (
// The following environment variables are being ignored currently
// Build Enviornment Variables
// BuildActionEnvVar corresponds to Build.Action.
BuildActionEnvVar = "DRONE_BUILD_ACTION"
// BuildCreatedEnvVar corresponds to Build.Created.
BuildCreatedEnvVar = "DRONE_BUILD_CREATED"
// BuildDeployToEnvVar corresponds to Build.DeployTo.
BuildDeployToEnvVar = "DRONE_DEPLOY_TO"
// BuildEventEnvVar corresponds to Build.Event.
BuildEventEnvVar = "DRONE_BUILD_EVENT"
// BuildFailedStagesEnvVar corresponds to Build.FailedStages.
BuildFailedStagesEnvVar = "DRONE_FAILED_STAGES"
// BuildFailedStepsEnvVar corresponds to Build.FailedSteps.
BuildFailedStepsEnvVar = "DRONE_FAILED_STEPS"
// BuildFinishedEnvVar corresponds to Build.Finished.
BuildFinishedEnvVar = "DRONE_BUILD_FINISHED"
// BuildNumberEnvVar corresponds to Build.Created.
BuildNumberEnvVar = "DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER"
// BuildParentEnvVar corresponds to Build.Parent.
BuildParentEnvVar = "DRONE_BUILD_PARENT"
// BuildPullRequestEnvVar corresponds to Build.PullRequest.
BuildPullRequestEnvVar = "DRONE_PULL_REQUEST"
// BuildStartedEnvVar corresponds to Build.Started.
BuildStartedEnvVar = "DRONE_BUILD_STARTED"
// BuildStatusEnvVar corresponds to Build.Status.
BuildStatusEnvVar = "DRONE_BUILD_STATUS"
// BuildSourceBranchEnvVar corresponds to Build.SourceBranch.
BuildSourceBranchEnvVar = "DRONE_SOURCE_BRANCH"
// BuildTagEnvVar corresponds to Build.Tag.
BuildTagEnvVar = "DRONE_TAG"
// BuildTargetBranchEnvVar corresponds to Build.TargetBranch.
BuildTargetBranchEnvVar = "DRONE_TARGET_BRANCH"
// Repo Enviornment Variables
// RepoDefaultBranchEnvVar corresponds to Repo.DefaultBranch.
RepoDefaultBranchEnvVar = "DRONE_REPO_BRANCH"
// RepoFullNameEnvVar corresponds to Repo.FullName.
RepoFullNameEnvVar = "DRONE_REPO"
// RepoLinkEnvVar corresponds to Repo.Link.
RepoLinkEnvVar = "DRONE_REPO_LINK"
// RepoNameEnvVar corresponds to Repo.Name
RepoNameEnvVar = "DRONE_REPO_NAME"
// RepoOwnerEnvVar corresponds to Repo.Owner.
RepoOwnerEnvVar = "DRONE_REPO_OWNER"
// RepoPrivateEnvVar corresponds to Repo.Private.
RepoPrivateEnvVar = "DRONE_REPO_PRIVATE"
// RepoRemoteURLEnvVar corresponds to Repo.RemoteURL.
// RepoSCMEnvVar corresponds to Repo.SCM.
// RepoVisibilityEnvVar corresponds to Repo.Visbility.
RepoVisibilityEnvVar = "DRONE_REPO_VISIBILITY"
// Commit Enviornment Variables
// CommitAfterEnvVar corresponds to Commit.After.
CommitAfterEnvVar = "DRONE_COMMIT_AFTER"
// CommitAuthorEnvVar corresponds to Commit.Author.
CommitAuthorEnvVar = "DRONE_COMMIT_AUTHOR"
// CommitAuthorAvatarEnvVar corresponds to Commit.AuthorAvatar.
// CommitAuthorEmailEnvVar corresponds to Commit.AuthorEmail.
// CommitAuthorNameEnvVar corresponds to Commit.AuthorName.
// CommitBeforeEnvVar corresponds to Commit.Before.
CommitBeforeEnvVar = "DRONE_COMMIT_BEFORE"
// CommitBranchEnvVar corresponds to Commit.Branch.
CommitBranchEnvVar = "DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH"
// CommitLinkEnvVar corresponds to Commit.Link.
CommitLinkEnvVar = "DRONE_COMMIT_LINK"
// CommitMessageEnvVar corresponds to Commit.Message.
CommitMessageEnvVar = "DRONE_COMMIT_MESSAGE"
// CommitRefEnvVar corresponds to Commit.Ref.
CommitRefEnvVar = "DRONE_COMMIT_REF"
// CommitSHAEnvVar corresponds to Commit.SHA.
// Stage Enviornment Variables
// StageArchEnvVar corresponds to Stage.Arch.
StageArchEnvVar = "DRONE_STAGE_ARCH"
// StageDependsOnEnvVar corresponds to Stage.DependsOn.
// StageFinishedEnvVar corresponds to Stage.Finished.
StageFinishedEnvVar = "DRONE_STAGE_FINISHED"
// StageKindEnvVar corresponds Stage.Kind.
StageKindEnvVar = "DRONE_STAGE_KIND"
// StageMachineEnvVar corresponds to Stage.Machine.
StageMachineEnvVar = "DRONE_STAGE_MACHINE"
// StageNameEnvVar corresponds to Stage.Name.
StageNameEnvVar = "DRONE_STAGE_NAME"
// StageNumberEnvVar corresponds to Stage.Number.
StageNumberEnvVar = "DRONE_STAGE_NUMBER"
// StageOSEnvVar corresponds to Stage.OS.
// StageStartedEnvVar corresponds to Stage.Started.
StageStartedEnvVar = "DRONE_STAGE_STARTED"
// StageStatusEnvVar corresponds to Stage.Status.
StageStatusEnvVar = "DRONE_STAGE_STATUS"
// StageTypeEnvVar corresponds to Stage.Type.
StageTypeEnvVar = "DRONE_STAGE_TYPE"
// StageVariantEnvVar corresponds to Stage.Variant.
StageVariantEnvVar = "DRONE_STAGE_VARIANT"
// StageVersionEnvVar corresponds to Stage.Version.
StageVersionEnvVar = "DRONE_STAGE_VERSION"
// Step Environment Variables
// StepNameEnvVar corresponds to Step.Name.
StepNameEnvVar = "DRONE_STEP_NAME"
// StepNumberEnvVar corresponds to Step.Number.
StepNumberEnvVar = "DRONE_STEP_NUMBER"
// SemVer Variables
// SemVerBuildEnvVar corresponds to SemVer.Build.
// SemVerErrorEnvVar corresponds to SemVer.Error.
// SemVerMajorEnvVar corresponds to SemVer.Major.
// SemVerMinorEnvVar corresponds to SemVer.Minor.
// SemVerPatchEnvVar corresponds to SemVer.Patch.
// SemVerPrereleaseEnvVar corresponds to SemVer.Prerelease
// SemVerShortEnvVar corresponds to SemVer.Short.
// SemVerVersionEnvVar corresponds to SemVer.Version
SemVerVersionEnvVar = "DRONE_SEMVER"

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package plugin
type (
// Plugin is an interface for a Drone plugin written in Go.
// This is a higly opinionated interface for what a Plugin should do. Its
// not required that a plugin author follow it.
Plugin interface {
// Validate checks the inputs to the Plugin and verifies that the
// configuration is correct before executing.
// An error is returned if there are any issues with the current
// configuration, such as missing information or files not being
// present. A Plugin may choose to populate additional information to
// ensure a successful execution, for example if a URL is parsed
// successfully it can be stored off for later use.
// Validate needs to be called before Exec.
Validate() error
// Exec runs the plugin in the current configuration.
// An error is returned if the Plugin did not run successfully that
// describes the runtime error.
// Exec needs to be called after Validate.
Exec() error

View File

@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package plugin
import "time"
type (
// Pipeline being executed.
// Represents the full Drone environment that the plugin is executing in.
Pipeline struct {
Build Build
Repo Repo
Commit Commit
Stage Stage
Step Step
SemVer SemVer
// Build represents a build of a repository.
Build struct {
// Action that triggered the build. This value is used to differentiate
// bettween a pull request being opened vs synchronized.
Action string
// Created time of the build.
Created time.Time
// DeployTo the environment.
DeployTo string
// Event that triggered the build.
Event string
// FailedStages of the build.
FailedStages []string
// FailedSteps of the build.
FailedSteps []string
// Finished time of the build.
Finished time.Time
// Number for the build.
Number int
// Parent build number for the build.
Parent int
// PullRequest number of the build.
PullRequest int
// Started time of the build.
Started time.Time
// Status of the build.
Status string
// SourceBranch for the pull request.
SourceBranch string
// Tag of the build.
Tag string
// TargetBranch for the pull request.
TargetBranch string
// Repo represents the repository for the build.
Repo struct {
DefaultBranch string
FullName string
Link string
Name string
Owner string
Private bool
RemoteURL string
SCM string
Visibility string
// Commit represents the current commit being built.
Commit struct {
// After contains the commit sha after the patch is applied.
After string
// Author of the commit.
Author string
// AuthorAvatar of the commit.
AuthorAvatar string
// AuthorEmail of the commit.
AuthorEmail string
// AuthorName of the commit.
AuthorName string
// Before contains the commit sha before the patch is applied.
Before string
// Branch target for the push or pull request. This may be empty for
// tag events.
Branch string
// Link to the commit or object in the source control management system.
Link string
// Message for the current commit.
Message string
// Ref for the current commit.
Ref string
// SHA for the current commit.
SHA string
// Stage represents a build stage.
Stage struct {
// Arch is the platform architecture of the current build stage.
Arch string
// DependsOn is a list of dependencies for the current build stage.
DependsOn []string
// Finished is the unix timestamp for when the pipeline is finished.
// A running pipleine cannot have a finish timestamp, therefore, the
// system aways sets this value to the current timestamp.
Finished time.Time
// Kind is the kind of resource being executed.
// This value is sourced from the `kind` attribute in the yaml
// configuration file
Kind string
// Machine provides the name of the host machine on which the build
// stage is currently running.
Machine string
// Name is the name for the current running build stage.
Name string
// Number is the stage number for the current running build stage.
Number int
// OS is the target operating system for the current build stage.
OS string
// Started is the unix timestamp for when a build stage was started by
// the runner.
Started time.Time
// Status is the status for the current running build stage.
// If all of the stage's steps are passing, the status defaults to
// success.
Status string
// Type is the type of resource being executed.
Type string
// Variant is the target architecture variant for the current build
// stage.
Variant string
// Version is OS version for the current build stage.
Version string
// Step represents the currently running step within the stage.
Step struct {
Name string
Number int
// SemVer represents the semantic version of the currently running build.
// This value is only applicable for tags. If the tag cannot be parsed into
// a semantic version then SemVer.Error will have the reason.
SemVer struct {
// Build version number.
// This is signified by a + at the end of the tag.
Build string
// Error is the semantic version parsing error if the tag was invalid.
Error string
// Major version number.
Major string
// Minor version number.
Minor string
// Patch version number.
Patch string
// Prerelease version.
Prerelease string
// Short version of the semantic version string where labels and
// metadata are truncated.
Short string
// Version is the full semantic version.
Version string

View File

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package urfave
import (
// Transport Flags
// Network contains options for connecting to the network.
type Network struct {
// Context for making network requests.
// If `trace` logging is requested the context will use `httptrace` to
// capture all network requests.
Context context.Context
// Client for making network requests.
Client *http.Client
/// Whether SSL verification is skipped
SkipVerify bool
const networkSkipVerifyFlag = "transport.skip-verify"
// networkFlags has the cli.Flags for the Transport.
func networkFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: networkSkipVerifyFlag,
Usage: "skip ssl verify",
EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_SKIP_VERIFY"},
// NetworkFromContext creates a Transport from the cli.Context.
func NetworkFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) Network {
// Create the client
transport := &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
DialContext: (&net.Dialer{
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
DualStack: true,
MaxIdleConns: 100,
IdleConnTimeout: 90 * time.Second,
TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
ExpectContinueTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
skipVerify := ctx.Bool(networkSkipVerifyFlag)
if skipVerify {
logrus.Warning("ssl verification is turned off")
transport.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
// Create the context
context := context.Background()
if ctx.String(logLevelFlag) == logrus.TraceLevel.String() {
context = traceHTTP(context)
return Network{
Client: &http.Client{
Transport: transport,
Context: context,
SkipVerify: skipVerify,

View File

@ -1,611 +0,0 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package urfave provides helpers for interacting with the `urfave/cli`
// package when creating plugins for use by the Drone CI/CD service.
// Drone communicates to plugins by passing in environment variables that have
// information on the currently executing build. The `urfave/cli` package can
// read these environment variables and extract them into structs.
// import(
// ""
// ""
// )
// func main() {
// app := cli.New()
// app.Name = "my awesome Drone plugin"
// app.Run = run
// app.Flags = []cli.Flags{
// // All my plugin flags
// }
// app.Flags = append(
// app.Flags,
// urfave.Flags()...,
// )
// }
// func run(ctx *cli.Context) {
// pipeline := urfave.PipelineFromContext(ctx)
// ....
// }
package urfave
import (
// Flags
// Flags for a urfave cli Drone plugin
func Flags() []cli.Flag {
flags := []cli.Flag{}
flags = append(flags, pipelineFlags()...)
flags = append(flags, networkFlags()...)
flags = append(flags, loggingFlags()...)
return flags
// Pipeline flags
// pipelineFlags has the cli.Flags for the plugin.Pipeline.
func pipelineFlags() []cli.Flag {
flags := []cli.Flag{}
flags = append(flags, buildFlags()...)
flags = append(flags, repoFlags()...)
flags = append(flags, commitFlags()...)
flags = append(flags, stageFlags()...)
flags = append(flags, stepFlags()...)
flags = append(flags, semVerFlags()...)
return flags
// PipelineFromContext creates a plugin.Pipeline from the cli.Context.
func PipelineFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) plugin.Pipeline {
return plugin.Pipeline{
Build: buildFromContext(ctx),
Repo: repoFromContext(ctx),
Commit: commitFromContext(ctx),
Stage: stageFromContext(ctx),
Step: stepFromContext(ctx),
SemVer: semVerFromContext(ctx),
// Build Flags
const (
buildActionFlag = "build.action"
buildCreatedFlag = "build.created"
buildDeployToFlag = "build.deploy-to"
buildEventFlag = "build.event"
buildFailedStagesFlag = "build.failed-stages"
buildFailedStepsFlag = "build.failed-steps"
buildFinishedFlag = "build.finished"
buildNumberFlag = "build.number"
buildParentFlag = "build.parent"
buildPullRequestFlag = "build.pull-request"
buildSourceBranchFlag = "build.source-branch"
buildStartedFlag = "build.started"
buildStatusFlag = "build.status"
buildTagFlag = "build.tag"
buildTargetBranchFlag = ""
// buildFlags has the cli.Flags for the plugin.Build.
func buildFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: buildActionFlag,
Usage: "build action",
EnvVars: []string{environ.BuildActionEnvVar},
Name: buildCreatedFlag,
Usage: "build created",
EnvVars: []string{environ.BuildCreatedEnvVar},
Name: buildDeployToFlag,
Usage: "build deploy to",
EnvVars: []string{environ.BuildDeployToEnvVar},
Name: buildEventFlag,
Usage: "build event",
EnvVars: []string{environ.BuildEventEnvVar},
Name: buildFailedStagesFlag,
Usage: "build failed stages",
EnvVars: []string{environ.BuildFailedStagesEnvVar},
Name: buildFailedStepsFlag,
Usage: "build failed steps",
EnvVars: []string{environ.BuildFailedStepsEnvVar},
Name: buildFinishedFlag,
Usage: "build finished",
EnvVars: []string{environ.BuildFinishedEnvVar},
Name: buildNumberFlag,
Usage: "build number",
EnvVars: []string{environ.BuildNumberEnvVar},
Name: buildParentFlag,
Usage: "build parent",
EnvVars: []string{environ.BuildParentEnvVar},
Name: buildPullRequestFlag,
Usage: "build pull request",
EnvVars: []string{environ.BuildPullRequestEnvVar},
Name: buildSourceBranchFlag,
Usage: "build source branch",
EnvVars: []string{environ.BuildSourceBranchEnvVar},
Name: buildStartedFlag,
Usage: "build started",
EnvVars: []string{environ.BuildStartedEnvVar},
Name: buildStatusFlag,
Usage: "build status",
EnvVars: []string{environ.BuildStatusEnvVar},
Name: buildTagFlag,
Usage: "build tag",
EnvVars: []string{environ.BuildTagEnvVar},
Name: buildTargetBranchFlag,
Usage: "build target branch",
EnvVars: []string{environ.BuildTargetBranchEnvVar},
// buildFromContext creates a plugin.Build from the cli.Context.
func buildFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) plugin.Build {
return plugin.Build{
Action: ctx.String(buildActionFlag),
Created: time.Unix(ctx.Int64(buildCreatedFlag), 0),
DeployTo: ctx.String(buildDeployToFlag),
Event: ctx.String(buildEventFlag),
FailedStages: ctx.StringSlice(buildFailedStagesFlag),
FailedSteps: ctx.StringSlice(buildFailedStepsFlag),
Finished: time.Unix(ctx.Int64(buildFinishedFlag), 0),
Number: ctx.Int(buildNumberFlag),
Parent: ctx.Int(buildParentFlag),
PullRequest: ctx.Int(buildPullRequestFlag),
SourceBranch: ctx.String(buildSourceBranchFlag),
Started: time.Unix(ctx.Int64(buildStartedFlag), 0),
Status: ctx.String(buildStatusFlag),
Tag: ctx.String(buildTagFlag),
TargetBranch: ctx.String(buildTargetBranchFlag),
// Repo Flags
const (
repoDefaultBranchFlag = "repo.branch"
repoFullNameFlag = "repo.full-name"
repoLinkFlag = ""
repoNameFlag = ""
repoOwnerFlag = "repo.owner"
repoPrivateFlag = "repo.private"
repoRemoteURLFlag = "repo.remote-url"
repoSCMFlag = "repo.scm"
repoVisibilityFlag = "repo.visibility"
// repoFlags has the cli.Flags for the plugin.Repo
func repoFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: repoDefaultBranchFlag,
Usage: "repo default branch",
EnvVars: []string{environ.RepoDefaultBranchEnvVar},
Name: repoFullNameFlag,
Usage: "repo full name",
EnvVars: []string{environ.RepoFullNameEnvVar},
Name: repoLinkFlag,
Usage: "repo link",
EnvVars: []string{environ.RepoLinkEnvVar},
Name: repoNameFlag,
Usage: "repo name",
EnvVars: []string{environ.RepoNameEnvVar},
Name: repoOwnerFlag,
Usage: "repo owner",
EnvVars: []string{environ.RepoOwnerEnvVar},
Name: repoPrivateFlag,
Usage: "repo private",
EnvVars: []string{environ.RepoPrivateEnvVar},
Name: repoRemoteURLFlag,
Usage: "repo remote url",
EnvVars: []string{environ.RepoRemoteURLEnvVar},
Name: repoSCMFlag,
Usage: "repo scm",
EnvVars: []string{environ.RepoSCMEnvVar},
Name: repoVisibilityFlag,
Usage: "repo visibility",
EnvVars: []string{environ.RepoVisibilityEnvVar},
// repoFromContext creates a plugin.Repo from the cli.Context.
func repoFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) plugin.Repo {
return plugin.Repo{
DefaultBranch: ctx.String(repoDefaultBranchFlag),
FullName: ctx.String(repoFullNameFlag),
Link: ctx.String(repoLinkFlag),
Name: ctx.String(repoNameFlag),
Owner: ctx.String(repoOwnerFlag),
Private: ctx.Bool(repoPrivateFlag),
RemoteURL: ctx.String(repoRemoteURLFlag),
SCM: ctx.String(repoSCMFlag),
Visibility: ctx.String(repoVisibilityFlag),
// Commit Flags
const (
commitAfterFlag = "commit.after"
commitAuthorFlag = ""
commitAuthorAvatarFlag = ""
commitAuthorEmailFlag = ""
commitAuthorNameFlag = ""
commitBeforeFlag = "commit.before"
commitBranchFlag = "commit.branch"
commitLinkFlag = ""
commitMessageFlag = "commit.message"
commitRefFlag = "commit.ref"
commitSHAFlag = "commit.sha"
// commitFlags has the cli.Flags for the plugin.Commit.
func commitFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: commitAfterFlag,
Usage: "commit after",
EnvVars: []string{environ.CommitAfterEnvVar},
Name: commitAuthorFlag,
Usage: "commit author",
EnvVars: []string{environ.CommitAuthorEnvVar},
Name: commitAuthorAvatarFlag,
Usage: "commit author avatar",
EnvVars: []string{environ.CommitAuthorAvatarEnvVar},
Name: commitAuthorEmailFlag,
Usage: "commit author email",
EnvVars: []string{environ.CommitAuthorEmailEnvVar},
Name: commitAuthorNameFlag,
Usage: "commit author name",
EnvVars: []string{environ.CommitAuthorNameEnvVar},
Name: commitBeforeFlag,
Usage: "commit before",
EnvVars: []string{environ.CommitBeforeEnvVar},
Name: commitBranchFlag,
Usage: "commit branch",
EnvVars: []string{environ.CommitBranchEnvVar},
Name: commitLinkFlag,
Usage: "commit link",
EnvVars: []string{environ.CommitLinkEnvVar},
Name: commitMessageFlag,
Usage: "commit message",
EnvVars: []string{environ.CommitMessageEnvVar},
Name: commitRefFlag,
Usage: "commit ref",
EnvVars: []string{environ.CommitRefEnvVar},
Name: commitSHAFlag,
Usage: "commit sha",
EnvVars: []string{environ.CommitSHAEnvVar},
// commitFromContext creates a plugin.Commit from the cli.Context.
func commitFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) plugin.Commit {
return plugin.Commit{
After: ctx.String(commitAfterFlag),
Author: ctx.String(commitAuthorFlag),
AuthorAvatar: ctx.String(commitAuthorAvatarFlag),
AuthorEmail: ctx.String(commitAuthorEmailFlag),
AuthorName: ctx.String(commitAuthorNameFlag),
Before: ctx.String(commitBeforeFlag),
Branch: ctx.String(commitBranchFlag),
Link: ctx.String(commitLinkFlag),
Message: ctx.String(commitMessageFlag),
Ref: ctx.String(commitRefFlag),
SHA: ctx.String(commitSHAFlag),
// Stage Flags
const (
stageArchFlag = "stage.arch"
stageDependsOnFlag = "stage.depends-on"
stageFinishedFlag = "stage.finished"
stageKindFlag = "stage.kind"
stageMachineFlag = "stage.machine"
stageNameFlag = ""
stageNumberFlag = "stage.number"
stageOSFlag = "stage.os"
stageStartedFlag = "stage.started"
stageStatusFlag = "stage.status"
stageTypeFlag = "stage.type"
stageVariantFlag = "stage.variant"
stageVersionFlag = "stage.version"
// stageFlags has the cli.Flags for the plugin.Stage
func stageFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: stageArchFlag,
Usage: "stage arch",
EnvVars: []string{environ.StageArchEnvVar},
Name: stageDependsOnFlag,
Usage: "stage depends on",
EnvVars: []string{environ.StageDependsOnEnvVar},
Name: stageFinishedFlag,
Usage: "stage finished",
EnvVars: []string{environ.StageFinishedEnvVar},
Name: stageKindFlag,
Usage: "stage kind",
EnvVars: []string{environ.StageKindEnvVar},
Name: stageMachineFlag,
Usage: "stage machine",
EnvVars: []string{environ.StageMachineEnvVar},
Name: stageNameFlag,
Usage: "stage name",
EnvVars: []string{environ.StageNameEnvVar},
Name: stageNumberFlag,
Usage: "stage number",
EnvVars: []string{environ.StageNumberEnvVar},
Name: stageOSFlag,
Usage: "stage os",
EnvVars: []string{environ.StageOSEnvVar},
Name: stageStartedFlag,
Usage: "stage started",
EnvVars: []string{environ.StageStartedEnvVar},
Name: stageStatusFlag,
Usage: "stage status",
EnvVars: []string{environ.StageStatusEnvVar},
Name: stageTypeFlag,
Usage: "stage type",
EnvVars: []string{environ.StageTypeEnvVar},
Name: stageVariantFlag,
Usage: "stage variant",
EnvVars: []string{environ.StageVariantEnvVar},
Name: stageVersionFlag,
Usage: "stage version",
EnvVars: []string{environ.StageVersionEnvVar},
// stageFromContext creates a plugin.Stage from the cli.Context.
func stageFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) plugin.Stage {
return plugin.Stage{
Arch: ctx.String(stageArchFlag),
DependsOn: ctx.StringSlice(stageDependsOnFlag),
Finished: time.Unix(ctx.Int64(stageFinishedFlag), 0),
Kind: ctx.String(stageKindFlag),
Machine: ctx.String(stageMachineFlag),
Name: ctx.String(stageNameFlag),
Number: ctx.Int(stageNumberFlag),
OS: ctx.String(stageOSFlag),
Started: time.Unix(ctx.Int64(stageStartedFlag), 0),
Status: ctx.String(stageStatusFlag),
Type: ctx.String(stageTypeFlag),
Variant: ctx.String(stageVariantFlag),
Version: ctx.String(stageVersionFlag),
// Step Flags
const (
// stepNameFlag corresponds to plugin.Step.Name.
stepNameFlag = ""
// stepNumberFlag corresponds to plugin.Step.Number.
stepNumberFlag = "step.number"
// stepFlags has the cli.Flags for the plugin.Step.
func stepFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: stepNameFlag,
Usage: "step name",
EnvVars: []string{environ.StepNameEnvVar},
Name: stepNumberFlag,
Usage: "step number",
EnvVars: []string{environ.StepNumberEnvVar},
// stepFromContext creates a plugin.Step from the cli.Context.
func stepFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) plugin.Step {
return plugin.Step{
Name: ctx.String(stepNameFlag),
Number: ctx.Int(stepNumberFlag),
// SemVer Flags
const (
semVerBuildFlag = ""
semVerErrorFlag = "semver.error"
semVerMajorFlag = "semver.major"
semVerMinorFlag = "semver.minor"
semVerPatchFlag = "semver.patch"
semVerPrereleaseFlag = "semver.prerelease"
semVerShortFlag = "semver.short"
semVerVersionFlag = "semver.version"
// semVerFlags has the cli.Flags for the plugin.SemVer.
func semVerFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: semVerBuildFlag,
Usage: "semver build",
EnvVars: []string{environ.SemVerBuildEnvVar},
Name: semVerErrorFlag,
Usage: "semver error",
EnvVars: []string{environ.SemVerErrorEnvVar},
Name: semVerMajorFlag,
Usage: "semver major",
EnvVars: []string{environ.SemVerMajorEnvVar},
Name: semVerMinorFlag,
Usage: "semver minor",
EnvVars: []string{environ.SemVerMinorEnvVar},
Name: semVerPatchFlag,
Usage: "semver patch",
EnvVars: []string{environ.SemVerPatchEnvVar},
Name: semVerPrereleaseFlag,
Usage: "semver prerelease",
EnvVars: []string{environ.SemVerPrereleaseEnvVar},
Name: semVerShortFlag,
Usage: "semver short",
EnvVars: []string{environ.SemVerShortEnvVar},
Name: semVerVersionFlag,
Usage: "semver version",
EnvVars: []string{environ.SemVerVersionEnvVar},
// semVerFromContext creates a plugin.Step from the cli.Context.
func semVerFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) plugin.SemVer {
return plugin.SemVer{
Build: ctx.String(semVerBuildFlag),
Error: ctx.String(semVerErrorFlag),
Major: ctx.String(semVerMajorFlag),
Minor: ctx.String(semVerMinorFlag),
Patch: ctx.String(semVerPatchFlag),
Prerelease: ctx.String(semVerPrereleaseFlag),
Short: ctx.String(semVerShortFlag),
Version: ctx.String(semVerVersionFlag),

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package urfave
package trace
import (
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import (
// traceHTTP uses httptrace to log all network activity for HTTP requests.
func traceHTTP(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
// HTTP uses httptrace to log all network activity for HTTP requests.
func HTTP(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
return httptrace.WithClientTrace(ctx, &httptrace.ClientTrace{
GetConn: func(hostPort string) {
logrus.WithField("host-port", hostPort).Trace("ClientTrace.GetConn")

urfave/build.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package urfave
import (
// buildFlags has the cli.Flags for the drone.Build.
func buildFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: "build.branch",
Usage: "build branch",
EnvVars: []string{"DRONE_BRANCH"},
Name: "build.pull-request",
Usage: "build pull request",
EnvVars: []string{"DRONE_PULL_REQUEST"},
Name: "build.tag",
Usage: "build tag",
EnvVars: []string{"DRONE_TAG"},
Name: "build.source-branch",
Usage: "build source branch",
EnvVars: []string{"DRONE_SOURCE_BRANCH"},
Name: "",
Usage: "build target branch",
EnvVars: []string{"DRONE_TARGET_BRANCH"},
Name: "build.number",
Usage: "build number",
EnvVars: []string{"DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER"},
Name: "build.parent",
Usage: "build parent",
EnvVars: []string{"DRONE_BUILD_PARENT"},
Name: "build.event",
Usage: "build event",
EnvVars: []string{"DRONE_BUILD_EVENT"},
Name: "build.action",
Usage: "build action",
EnvVars: []string{"DRONE_BUILD_ACTION"},
Name: "build.status",
Usage: "build status",
EnvVars: []string{"DRONE_BUILD_STATUS"},
Name: "build.created",
Usage: "build created",
EnvVars: []string{"DRONE_BUILD_CREATED"},
Name: "build.started",
Usage: "build started",
EnvVars: []string{"DRONE_BUILD_STARTED"},
Name: "build.finished",
Usage: "build finished",
EnvVars: []string{"DRONE_BUILD_FINISHED"},
Name: "build.deploy-to",
Usage: "build deploy to",
EnvVars: []string{"DRONE_DEPLOY_TO"},
Name: "build.failed-stages",
Usage: "build failed stages",
EnvVars: []string{"DRONE_FAILED_STAGES"},
Name: "build.failed-steps",
Usage: "build failed steps",
EnvVars: []string{"DRONE_FAILED_STEPS"},
// buildFromContext creates a drone.Build from the cli.Context.
func buildFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) drone.Build {
return drone.Build{
Branch: ctx.String("build.branch"),
PullRequest: ctx.Int("build.pull-request"),
Tag: ctx.String("build.tag"),
SourceBranch: ctx.String("build.source-branch"),
TargetBranch: ctx.String(""),
Number: ctx.Int("build.number"),
Parent: ctx.Int("build.parent"),
Event: ctx.String("build.event"),
Action: ctx.String("build.action"),
Status: ctx.String("build.status"),
Created: time.Unix(ctx.Int64("build.created"), 0),
Started: time.Unix(ctx.Int64("build.started"), 0),
Finished: time.Unix(ctx.Int64("build.finished"), 0),
DeployTo: ctx.String("build.deploy-to"),
FailedStages: ctx.StringSlice("build.failed-stages"),
FailedSteps: ctx.StringSlice("build.failed-steps"),

urfave/commit.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package urfave
import (
// commitFlags has the cli.Flags for the drone.Commit.
func commitFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: "commit.sha",
Usage: "commit sha",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "commit.before",
Usage: "commit before",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "commit.after",
Usage: "commit after",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "commit.ref",
Usage: "commit ref",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "commit.branch",
Usage: "commit branch",
EnvVars: []string{
}, &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "",
Usage: "commit link",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "commit.message",
Usage: "commit message",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "",
Usage: "commit author",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "",
Usage: "commit author name",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "",
Usage: "commit author email",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "",
Usage: "commit author avatar",
EnvVars: []string{
// commitFromContext creates a drone.Commit from the cli.Context.
func commitFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) drone.Commit {
return drone.Commit{
SHA: ctx.String("commit.sha"),
Before: ctx.String("commit.before"),
After: ctx.String("commit.after"),
Ref: ctx.String("commit.ref"),
Branch: ctx.String("commit.branch"),
Link: ctx.String(""),
Message: ctx.String("commit.message"),
Author: ctx.String(""),
AuthorName: ctx.String(""),
AuthorEmail: ctx.String(""),
AuthorAvatar: ctx.String(""),

urfave/doc.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package urfave provides helpers for interacting with the `urfave/cli`
// package when creating plugins for use by the Drone CI/CD service.
// Drone communicates to plugins by passing in environment variables that have
// information on the currently executing build. The `urfave/cli` package can
// read these environment variables and extract them into structs.
// import (
// ""
// ""
// )
// func main() {
// app := cli.NewApp()
// app.Name = "plugin name"
// app.Action = run
// app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
// // All my plugin flags
// }
// app.Flags = append(
// app.Flags,
// urfave.Flags()...,
// )
// }
// func run(ctx *cli.Context) error {
// pipeline := urfave.FromContext(ctx)
// ...
// return nil
// }
package urfave

View File

@ -10,26 +10,24 @@ import (
const logLevelFlag = "log-level"
// loggingFlags has the cli.Flags for logging config.
func loggingFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: logLevelFlag,
Usage: "logging-level",
Name: "log-level",
Usage: "log level",
EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_LOG_LEVEL"},
// LoggingFromContext sets the logrus logging level.
func LoggingFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) {
lvl, err := logrus.ParseLevel(ctx.String(logLevelFlag))
// loggingFromContext sets the logrus logging level.
func loggingFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) {
lvl, err := logrus.ParseLevel(ctx.String("log-level"))
if err != nil {
lvl = logrus.InfoLevel
logrus.WithField("level", lvl.String()).Info("setup logging")

urfave/network.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package urfave
import (
// networkFlags has the cli.Flags for the drone.Network.
func networkFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: "transport.skip-verify",
Usage: "skip ssl verify",
EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_SKIP_VERIFY"},
// networkFromContext creates a drone.Network from the cli.Context.
func networkFromContext(c *cli.Context) drone.Network {
dialer := &net.Dialer{
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
DualStack: true,
transport := &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
DialContext: dialer.DialContext,
MaxIdleConns: 100,
IdleConnTimeout: 90 * time.Second,
TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
ExpectContinueTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
ctx := context.Background()
skipVerify := c.Bool("transport.skip-verify")
if skipVerify {
logrus.Warning("ssl verification is turned off")
transport.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
if c.String("log-level") == logrus.TraceLevel.String() {
ctx = trace.HTTP(ctx)
client := &http.Client{
Transport: transport,
return drone.Network{
Context: ctx,
SkipVerify: skipVerify,
Client: client,

urfave/repo.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package urfave
import (
// repoFlags has the cli.Flags for the drone.Repo
func repoFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: "repo.slug",
Usage: "repo slug",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "repo.scm",
Usage: "repo scm",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "repo.owner",
Usage: "repo owner",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "",
Usage: "repo name",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "",
Usage: "repo link",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "repo.branch",
Usage: "repo branch",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "repo.http-url",
Usage: "repo http url",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "repo.ssh-url",
Usage: "repo ssh url",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "repo.visibility",
Usage: "repo visibility",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "repo.private",
Usage: "repo private",
EnvVars: []string{
// repoFromContext creates a drone.Repo from the cli.Context.
func repoFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) drone.Repo {
return drone.Repo{
Slug: ctx.String("repo.slug"),
SCM: ctx.String("repo.scm"),
Owner: ctx.String("repo.owner"),
Name: ctx.String(""),
Link: ctx.String(""),
Branch: ctx.String("repo.branch"),
HTTPURL: ctx.String("repo.http-url"),
SSHURL: ctx.String("repo.ssh-url"),
Visibility: ctx.String("repo.visibility"),
Private: ctx.Bool("repo.private"),

urfave/semver.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package urfave
import (
// semVerFlags has the cli.Flags for the drone.SemVer.
func semVerFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: "semver.version",
Usage: "semver version",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "semver.major",
Usage: "semver major",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "semver.minor",
Usage: "semver minor",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "semver.patch",
Usage: "semver patch",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "semver.prerelease",
Usage: "semver prerelease",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "",
Usage: "semver build",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "semver.short",
Usage: "semver short",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "semver.error",
Usage: "semver error",
EnvVars: []string{
// semVerFromContext creates a drone.Step from the cli.Context.
func semVerFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) drone.SemVer {
return drone.SemVer{
Version: ctx.String("semver.version"),
Major: ctx.String("semver.major"),
Minor: ctx.String("semver.minor"),
Patch: ctx.String("semver.patch"),
Prerelease: ctx.String("semver.prerelease"),
Build: ctx.String(""),
Short: ctx.String("semver.short"),
Error: ctx.String("semver.error"),

urfave/stage.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package urfave
import (
// stageFlags has the cli.Flags for the drone.Stage.
func stageFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: "stage.kind",
Usage: "stage kind",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "stage.type",
Usage: "stage type",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "",
Usage: "stage name",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "stage.number",
Usage: "stage number",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "stage.machine",
Usage: "stage machine",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "stage.os",
Usage: "stage os",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "stage.arch",
Usage: "stage arch",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "stage.variant",
Usage: "stage variant",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "stage.version",
Usage: "stage version",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "stage.status",
Usage: "stage status",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "stage.started",
Usage: "stage started",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "stage.finished",
Usage: "stage finished",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "stage.depends-on",
Usage: "stage depends on",
EnvVars: []string{
// stageFromContext creates a drone.Stage from the cli.Context.
func stageFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) drone.Stage {
return drone.Stage{
Kind: ctx.String("stage.kind"),
Type: ctx.String("stage.type"),
Name: ctx.String(""),
Number: ctx.Int("stage.number"),
Machine: ctx.String("stage.machine"),
OS: ctx.String("stage.os"),
Arch: ctx.String("stage.arch"),
Variant: ctx.String("stage.variant"),
Version: ctx.String("stage.version"),
Status: ctx.String("stage.status"),
Started: time.Unix(ctx.Int64("stage.started"), 0),
Finished: time.Unix(ctx.Int64("stage.finished"), 0),
DependsOn: ctx.StringSlice("stage.depends-on"),

urfave/step.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package urfave
import (
// stepFlags has the cli.Flags for the drone.Step.
func stepFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: "",
Usage: "step name",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "step.number",
Usage: "step number",
EnvVars: []string{
// stepFromContext creates a drone.Step from the cli.Context.
func stepFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) drone.Step {
return drone.Step{
Name: ctx.String(""),
Number: ctx.Int("step.number"),

urfave/system.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package urfave
import (
// systemFlags has the cli.Flags for the drone.System.
func systemFlags() []cli.Flag {
return []cli.Flag{
Name: "system.proto",
Usage: "system proto",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "",
Usage: "system host",
EnvVars: []string{
Name: "system.version",
Usage: "system version",
EnvVars: []string{
// systemFromContext creates a drone.System from the cli.Context.
func systemFromContext(ctx *cli.Context) drone.System {
return drone.System{
Proto: ctx.String("system.proto"),
Host: ctx.String(""),
Version: ctx.String("system.version"),

urfave/urfave.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Drone Plugins project authors.
// Please see the AUTHORS file for details. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an Apache 2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package urfave
import (
// Flags has the cli.Flags for the Drone plugin.
func Flags() []cli.Flag {
flags := []cli.Flag{}
flags = append(flags, buildFlags()...)
flags = append(flags, repoFlags()...)
flags = append(flags, commitFlags()...)
flags = append(flags, stageFlags()...)
flags = append(flags, stepFlags()...)
flags = append(flags, semVerFlags()...)
flags = append(flags, systemFlags()...)
flags = append(flags, networkFlags()...)
flags = append(flags, loggingFlags()...)
return flags
// FromContext creates a drone.Pipeline from the cli.Context.
func FromContext(ctx *cli.Context) drone.Pipeline {
return drone.Pipeline{
Network: networkFromContext(ctx),
Build: buildFromContext(ctx),
Repo: repoFromContext(ctx),
Commit: commitFromContext(ctx),
Stage: stageFromContext(ctx),
Step: stepFromContext(ctx),
SemVer: semVerFromContext(ctx),
System: systemFromContext(ctx),