Use the S3 sync plugin to synchronize files and folders with an Amazon S3 bucket. The following parameters are used to configure this plugin: * `access_key` - amazon key * `secret_key` - amazon secret key * `bucket` - bucket name * `region` - bucket region (`us-east-1`, `eu-west-1`, etc) * `acl` - access to files that are uploaded (`private`, `public-read`, etc) * `source` - location of folder to sync * `target` - target folder in your S3 bucket * `delete` - deletes files in the target not found in the source * `include` - don't exclude files that match the specified pattern * `exclude` - exclude files that match the specified pattern * `content_type` - override default mime-tpyes to use this value The following is a sample S3 configuration in your .drone.yml file: ```yaml publish: s3_sync: acl: public-read region: "us-east-1" bucket: "" access_key: "970d28f4dd477bc184fbd10b376de753" secret_key: "9c5785d3ece6a9cdefa42eb99b58986f9095ff1c" source: folder/to/archive target: /target/location delete: true ```