2016-07-21 17:27:25 -07:00

166 lines
4.8 KiB

package s3
import (
// an operationBlacklist is a list of operation names that should a
// request handler should not be executed with.
type operationBlacklist []string
// Continue will return true of the Request's operation name is not
// in the blacklist. False otherwise.
func (b operationBlacklist) Continue(r *request.Request) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(b); i++ {
if b[i] == r.Operation.Name {
return false
return true
var accelerateOpBlacklist = operationBlacklist{
opListBuckets, opCreateBucket, opDeleteBucket,
// Request handler to automatically add the bucket name to the endpoint domain
// if possible. This style of bucket is valid for all bucket names which are
// DNS compatible and do not contain "."
func updateEndpointForS3Config(r *request.Request) {
forceHostStyle := aws.BoolValue(r.Config.S3ForcePathStyle)
accelerate := aws.BoolValue(r.Config.S3UseAccelerate)
if accelerate && accelerateOpBlacklist.Continue(r) {
if forceHostStyle {
if r.Config.Logger != nil {
r.Config.Logger.Log("ERROR: aws.Config.S3UseAccelerate is not compatible with aws.Config.S3ForcePathStyle, ignoring S3ForcePathStyle.")
} else if !forceHostStyle && r.Operation.Name != opGetBucketLocation {
func updateEndpointForHostStyle(r *request.Request) {
bucket, ok := bucketNameFromReqParams(r.Params)
if !ok {
// Ignore operation requests if the bucketname was not provided
// if this is an input validation error the validation handler
// will report it.
if !hostCompatibleBucketName(r.HTTPRequest.URL, bucket) {
// bucket name must be valid to put into the host
moveBucketToHost(r.HTTPRequest.URL, bucket)
func updateEndpointForAccelerate(r *request.Request) {
bucket, ok := bucketNameFromReqParams(r.Params)
if !ok {
// Ignore operation requests if the bucketname was not provided
// if this is an input validation error the validation handler
// will report it.
if !hostCompatibleBucketName(r.HTTPRequest.URL, bucket) {
r.Error = awserr.New("InvalidParameterException",
fmt.Sprintf("bucket name %s is not compatibile with S3 Accelerate", bucket),
// Change endpoint from s3(-[a-z0-1-])?.amazonaws.com to s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com
r.HTTPRequest.URL.Host = replaceHostRegion(r.HTTPRequest.URL.Host, "accelerate")
moveBucketToHost(r.HTTPRequest.URL, bucket)
// Attempts to retrieve the bucket name from the request input parameters.
// If no bucket is found, or the field is empty "", false will be returned.
func bucketNameFromReqParams(params interface{}) (string, bool) {
b, _ := awsutil.ValuesAtPath(params, "Bucket")
if len(b) == 0 {
return "", false
if bucket, ok := b[0].(*string); ok {
if bucketStr := aws.StringValue(bucket); bucketStr != "" {
return bucketStr, true
return "", false
// hostCompatibleBucketName returns true if the request should
// put the bucket in the host. This is false if S3ForcePathStyle is
// explicitly set or if the bucket is not DNS compatible.
func hostCompatibleBucketName(u *url.URL, bucket string) bool {
// Bucket might be DNS compatible but dots in the hostname will fail
// certificate validation, so do not use host-style.
if u.Scheme == "https" && strings.Contains(bucket, ".") {
return false
// if the bucket is DNS compatible
return dnsCompatibleBucketName(bucket)
var reDomain = regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\.\-]{1,61}[a-z0-9]$`)
var reIPAddress = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d+\.){3}\d+$`)
// dnsCompatibleBucketName returns true if the bucket name is DNS compatible.
// Buckets created outside of the classic region MUST be DNS compatible.
func dnsCompatibleBucketName(bucket string) bool {
return reDomain.MatchString(bucket) &&
!reIPAddress.MatchString(bucket) &&
!strings.Contains(bucket, "..")
// moveBucketToHost moves the bucket name from the URI path to URL host.
func moveBucketToHost(u *url.URL, bucket string) {
u.Host = bucket + "." + u.Host
u.Path = strings.Replace(u.Path, "/{Bucket}", "", -1)
if u.Path == "" {
u.Path = "/"
const s3HostPrefix = "s3"
// replaceHostRegion replaces the S3 region string in the host with the
// value provided. If v is empty the host prefix returned will be s3.
func replaceHostRegion(host, v string) string {
if !strings.HasPrefix(host, s3HostPrefix) {
return host
suffix := host[len(s3HostPrefix):]
for i := len(s3HostPrefix); i < len(host); i++ {
if host[i] == '.' {
// Trim until '.' leave the it in place.
suffix = host[i:]
if len(v) == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("s3%s", suffix)
return fmt.Sprintf("s3-%s%s", v, suffix)