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2019-02-10 19:00:16 +00:00
// Copyright 2019 Drone IO, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
2019-01-22 23:44:17 +00:00
package compiler
import (
// A Compiler compiles the pipeline configuration to an
// intermediate representation that can be executed by
// the Drone runtime engine.
type Compiler struct {
// GitCredentialsFunc returns a .git-credentials file
// that can be used by the default clone step to
// authenticate to the remote repository.
GitCredentialsFunc func() []byte
// NetrcFunc returns a .netrc file that can be used by
// the default clone step to authenticate to the remote
// repository.
NetrcFunc func() []byte
// PrivilegedFunc returns true if the container should
// be started in privileged mode. The intended use is
// for plugins that run Docker-in-Docker. This will be
// deprecated in a future release.
PrivilegedFunc func(*yaml.Container) bool
// SkipFunc returns true if the step should be skipped.
// The skip function can be used to evaluate the when
// clause of each step, and return true if it should
// be skipped.
SkipFunc func(*yaml.Container) bool
// TransformFunc can be used to modify the compiled
// output prior to completion. This can be useful when
// you need to programatically modify the output,
// set defaults, etc.
TransformFunc func(*engine.Spec)
// WorkspaceFunc can be used to set the workspace volume
// that is created for the entire pipeline. The primary
// use case for this function is running local builds,
// where the workspace is mounted to the host machine
// working directory.
WorkspaceFunc func(*engine.Spec)
// WorkspaceMountFunc can be used to override the default
// workspace volume mount.
WorkspaceMountFunc func(step *engine.Step, base, path, full string)
// Compile returns an intermediate representation of the
// pipeline configuration that can be executed by the
// Drone runtime engine.
func (c *Compiler) Compile(from *yaml.Pipeline) *engine.Spec {
namespace := rand.String()
isSerial := true
for _, step := range from.Steps {
if len(step.DependsOn) != 0 {
isSerial = false
spec := &engine.Spec{
Metadata: engine.Metadata{
UID: namespace,
Name: namespace,
Namespace: namespace,
Labels: map[string]string{
"io.drone.pipeline.name": from.Name,
"io.drone.pipeline.kind": from.Kind,
"io.drone.pipeline.type": from.Type,
Platform: engine.Platform{
OS: from.Platform.OS,
Arch: from.Platform.Arch,
Version: from.Platform.Version,
Variant: from.Platform.Variant,
Docker: &engine.DockerConfig{},
Files: nil,
Secrets: nil,
// create the default workspace path. If a container
// does not specify a working directory it defaults
// to the workspace path.
base, dir, workspace := createWorkspace(from)
// create the default workspace volume definition.
// the volume will be mounted to each container in
// the pipeline.
// for each volume defined in the yaml configuration
// file, convert to a runtime volume and append to the
// specification.
for _, from := range from.Volumes {
to := &engine.Volume{
Metadata: engine.Metadata{
UID: rand.String(),
Name: from.Name,
Namespace: namespace,
Labels: map[string]string{},
if from.EmptyDir != nil {
// if the yaml configuration specifies an empty
// directory volume (data volume) or an in-memory
// file system.
to.EmptyDir = &engine.VolumeEmptyDir{
Medium: from.EmptyDir.Medium,
SizeLimit: int64(from.EmptyDir.SizeLimit),
} else if from.HostPath != nil {
// if the yaml configuration specifies a bind
// mount to the host machine.
to.HostPath = &engine.VolumeHostPath{
Path: from.HostPath.Path,
spec.Docker.Volumes = append(spec.Docker.Volumes, to)
if !from.Clone.Disable {
src := createClone(from)
dst := createStep(spec, src)
dst.Docker.PullPolicy = engine.PullIfNotExists
setupCloneDepth(from, dst)
setupCloneCredentials(spec, dst, c.gitCredentials())
setupWorkingDir(src, dst, workspace)
setupWorkspaceEnv(dst, base, dir, workspace)
c.setupWorkspaceMount(dst, base, dir, workspace)
spec.Steps = append(spec.Steps, dst)
// for each pipeline service defined in the yaml
// configuration file, convert to a runtime step
// and append to the specification.
for _, service := range from.Services {
step := createStep(spec, service)
// note that all services are automatically
// set to run in detached mode.
step.Detach = true
setupWorkingDir(service, step, workspace)
setupWorkspaceEnv(step, base, dir, workspace)
c.setupWorkspaceMount(step, base, dir, workspace)
// if the skip callback function returns true,
// modify the runtime step to never execute.
if c.skip(service) {
step.RunPolicy = engine.RunNever
// if the step is a plugin and should be executed
// in privileged mode, set the privileged flag.
if c.privileged(service) {
step.Docker.Privileged = true
// if the clone step is enabled, the service should
// not start until the clone step is complete. Add
// the clone step as a dependency in the graph.
if isSerial == false && from.Clone.Disable == false {
step.DependsOn = append(step.DependsOn, cloneStepName)
spec.Steps = append(spec.Steps, step)
// rename will store a list of container names
// that should be mapped to their temporary alias.
rename := map[string]string{}
// for each pipeline step defined in the yaml
// configuration file, convert to a runtime step
// and append to the specification.
for _, container := range from.Steps {
var step *engine.Step
switch {
case container.Build != nil:
step = createBuildStep(spec, container)
rename[container.Build.Image] = step.Metadata.UID
step = createStep(spec, container)
setupWorkingDir(container, step, workspace)
setupWorkspaceEnv(step, base, dir, workspace)
c.setupWorkspaceMount(step, base, dir, workspace)
// if the skip callback function returns true,
// modify the runtime step to never execute.
if c.skip(container) {
step.RunPolicy = engine.RunNever
// if the step is a plugin and should be executed
// in privileged mode, set the privileged flag.
if c.privileged(container) {
step.Docker.Privileged = true
// if the clone step is enabled, the step should
// not start until the clone step is complete. If
// no dependencies are defined, at a minimum, the
// step depends on the initial clone step completing.
if isSerial == false && from.Clone.Disable == false && len(step.DependsOn) == 0 {
step.DependsOn = append(step.DependsOn, cloneStepName)
spec.Steps = append(spec.Steps, step)
// if the pipeline includes any build and publish
// steps we should create an entry for the host
// machine docker socket.
if spec.Docker != nil && len(rename) > 0 {
v := &engine.Volume{
Metadata: engine.Metadata{
UID: rand.String(),
Name: "_docker_socket",
Namespace: namespace,
Labels: map[string]string{},
HostPath: &engine.VolumeHostPath{
Path: "/var/run/docker.sock",
spec.Docker.Volumes = append(spec.Docker.Volumes, v)
// images created during the pipeline are assigned a
// random alias. All references to the origin image
// name must be changed to the alias.
for _, step := range spec.Steps {
for k, v := range rename {
if image.MatchTag(step.Docker.Image, k) {
img := image.Trim(step.Docker.Image) + ":" + v
step.Docker.Image = image.Expand(img)
// executes user-defined transformations before the
// final specification is returned.
if c.TransformFunc != nil {
return spec
// return a .git-credentials file. If the user-defined
// function is nil, a nil credentials file is returned.
func (c *Compiler) gitCredentials() []byte {
if c.GitCredentialsFunc != nil {
return c.GitCredentialsFunc()
return nil
// return a .netrc file. If the user-defined function is
// nil, a nil netrc file is returned.
func (c *Compiler) netrc() []byte {
if c.NetrcFunc != nil {
return c.NetrcFunc()
return nil
// return true if the step should be executed in privileged
// mode. If the user-defined privileged function is nil,
// a default value of false is returned.
func (c *Compiler) privileged(container *yaml.Container) bool {
if c.PrivilegedFunc != nil {
return c.PrivilegedFunc(container)
return false
// return true if the step should be skipped. If the
// user-defined skip function is nil, a defalt skip
// function is used that always returns true (i.e. do not skip).
func (c *Compiler) skip(container *yaml.Container) bool {
if c.SkipFunc != nil {
return c.SkipFunc(container)
return false
func (c *Compiler) setupWorkspace(spec *engine.Spec) {
if c.WorkspaceFunc != nil {
func (c *Compiler) setupWorkspaceMount(step *engine.Step, base, path, full string) {
if c.WorkspaceMountFunc != nil {
c.WorkspaceMountFunc(step, base, path, full)
MountWorkspace(step, base, path, full)