package pretty import ( "sort" "strings" "" ) // TODO consider "!!binary |" for secret value // helper function to pretty prints the signature resource. func printSecret(w writer, v *yaml.Secret) { w.WriteString("---") w.WriteTagValue("version", v.Version) w.WriteTagValue("kind", v.Kind) w.WriteTagValue("type", toSecretType(v.Type)) if len(v.Data) > 0 { printData(w, v.Data) } if len(v.External) > 0 { printExternalData(w, v.External) } w.WriteByte('\n') w.WriteByte('\n') } // helper function returns the secret type text. func toSecretType(s string) string { s = strings.ToLower(s) switch s { case "docker", "ecr", "general": return s default: return "general" } } // helper function prints the external data. func printExternalData(w writer, d map[string]yaml.ExternalData) { var keys []string for k := range d { keys = append(keys, k) } sort.Strings(keys) w.WriteTag("external_data") w.IndentIncrease() for _, k := range keys { v := d[k] w.WriteTag(k) w.IndentIncrease() w.WriteTagValue("path", v.Path) w.WriteTagValue("name", v.Name) w.IndentDecrease() } w.IndentDecrease() } func printData(w writer, d map[string]string) { var keys []string for k := range d { keys = append(keys, k) } sort.Strings(keys) w.WriteTag("data") w.IndentIncrease() for _, k := range keys { v := d[k] w.WriteTag(k) w.WriteByte(' ') w.WriteByte('>') w.IndentIncrease() v = spaceReplacer.Replace(v) for _, s := range chunk(v, 60) { w.WriteByte('\n') w.Indent() w.WriteString(s) } w.IndentDecrease() } w.IndentDecrease() } // replace spaces and newlines. var spaceReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(" ", "", "\n", "")