2019-01-22 15:44:17 -08:00

32 lines
749 B

package yaml
type (
// Parameter represents an configuration parameter that
// can be defined as a literal or as a reference
// to a secret.
Parameter struct {
Value interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"`
Secret string `json:"from_secret,omitempty" yaml:"from_secret"`
// parameter is a tempoary type used to unmarshal
// parameters with references to secrets.
parameter struct {
Secret string `yaml:"from_secret"`
// UnmarshalYAML implements yaml unmarshalling.
func (p *Parameter) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
d := new(parameter)
err := unmarshal(d)
if err == nil && d.Secret != ""{
p.Secret = d.Secret
return nil
var i interface{}
err = unmarshal(&i)
p.Value = i
return err