repository: name: git-batch description: Automate cloning a single branch from a list of repositories topics: git, automation, python private: false has_issues: true has_projects: false has_wiki: false has_downloads: true default_branch: main allow_squash_merge: true allow_merge_commit: true allow_rebase_merge: true labels: - name: bug color: d73a4a description: Something isn't working - name: documentation color: 0075ca description: Improvements or additions to documentation - name: duplicate color: cfd3d7 description: This issue or pull request already exists - name: enhancement color: a2eeef description: New feature or request - name: good first issue color: 7057ff description: Good for newcomers - name: help wanted color: 008672 description: Extra attention is needed - name: invalid color: e4e669 description: This doesn't seem right - name: question color: d876e3 description: Further information is requested - name: wontfix color: ffffff description: This will not be worked on branches: - name: main protection: required_pull_request_reviews: null required_status_checks: strict: false contexts: - ci/woodpecker/pr/lint - ci/woodpecker/pr/test - ci/woodpecker/pr/build-package - ci/woodpecker/pr/build-container - ci/woodpecker/pr/docs enforce_admins: false required_linear_history: true restrictions: null