| SV4GIT_MAJOR_VERSION_TYPES | types used to bump major version | |
| SV4GIT_MINOR_VERSION_TYPES | types used to bump minor version | feat |
| SV4GIT_PATCH_VERSION_TYPES | types used to bump patch version | build,ci,chore,docs,fix,perf,refactor,style,test |
| SV4GIT_INCLUDE_UNKNOWN_TYPE_AS_PATCH | force patch bump on unknown type | true |
| SV4GIT_BRAKING_CHANGE_PREFIXES | list of prefixes that will be used to identify a breaking change | BREAKING CHANGE:,BREAKING CHANGES: |
| SV4GIT_ISSUEID_PREFIXES | list of prefixes that will be used to identify an issue id | jira:,JIRA:,Jira: |
| SV4GIT_TAG_PATTERN | tag version pattern | %d.%d.%d |
| SV4GIT_RELEASE_NOTES_TAGS | release notes headers for each visible type | fix:Bug Fixes,feat:Features |
| SV4GIT_VALIDATE_MESSAGE_SKIP_BRANCHES | ignore branches from this list on validate commit message | master,develop |
| SV4GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE_TYPES | list of valid commit types for commit message | build,ci,chore,docs,feat,fix,perf,refactor,revert,style,test |
| SV4GIT_ISSUE_KEY_NAME | metadata key name used on validate commit message hook to enhance footer, if blank footer will not be added | jira |
| SV4GIT_ISSUE_REGEX | issue id regex, if blank footer will not be added | [A-Z]+-[0-9]+ |
| SV4GIT_BRANCH_ISSUE_REGEX | regex to extract issue id from branch name, must have 3 groups (prefix, id, posfix), if blank footer will not be added | ^([a-z]+\\/)?([A-Z]+-[0-9]+)(-.*)? |
Commands like `commit-log` and `commit-notes` has a range option. Supported range types are: `tag`, `date` and `hash`.
By default, it's used [--date=short](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log#Documentation/git-log.txt---dateltformatgt) at `git log`, all dates returned from it will be in `YYYY-MM-DD` format.
Range `tag` will use `git describe` to get the last tag available if `start` is empty, the others types won't use the existing tags, it's recommended to always use a start limit in a old repository with a lot of commits. This behavior was maintained to not break the retrocompatibility.
Range `date` use git log `--since` and `--until`, it's possible to use all supported formats from [git log](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log#Documentation/git-log.txt---sinceltdategt), if `end` is in `YYYY-MM-DD` format, `sv` will add a day on git log command to make the end date inclusive.
Range `tag` and `hash` are used on git log [revision range](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-log#Documentation/git-log.txt-ltrevisionrangegt). If `end` is empty, `HEAD` will be used instead.
tip: you can configure a directory as your global git templates using the command below, check [git config docs](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-config#Documentation/git-config.txt-inittemplateDir) for more information!