package sv import ( "bufio" "errors" "fmt" "regexp" "strings" ) const ( BreakingChangeFooterKey = "BREAKING CHANGE" BreakingChangeMetadataKey = "breaking-change" IssueMetadataKey = "issue" MessageRegexGroupName = "header" ) var ( errInvalidCommitMessage = errors.New("commit message not valid") errIssueIDNotFound = errors.New("could not find issue id using configured regex") errInvalidIssueRegex = errors.New("could not compile issue regex") errInvalidHeaderRegex = errors.New("invalid regex on header-selector") ) // CommitMessage is a message using conventional commits. type CommitMessage struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Scope string `json:"scope,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Body string `json:"body,omitempty"` IsBreakingChange bool `json:"isBreakingChange,omitempty"` Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata,omitempty"` } type CommitMessageConfig struct { Types []string `yaml:"types,flow"` HeaderSelector string `yaml:"header-selector"` Scope CommitMessageScopeConfig `yaml:"scope"` Footer map[string]CommitMessageFooterConfig `yaml:"footer"` Issue CommitMessageIssueConfig `yaml:"issue"` } // IssueFooterConfig config for issue. func (c CommitMessageConfig) IssueFooterConfig() CommitMessageFooterConfig { if v, exists := c.Footer[IssueMetadataKey]; exists { return v } return CommitMessageFooterConfig{} } // CommitMessageScopeConfig config scope preferences. type CommitMessageScopeConfig struct { Values []string `yaml:"values"` } // CommitMessageFooterConfig config footer metadata. type CommitMessageFooterConfig struct { Key string `yaml:"key"` KeySynonyms []string `yaml:"key-synonyms,flow"` UseHash bool `yaml:"use-hash"` AddValuePrefix string `yaml:"add-value-prefix"` } // CommitMessageIssueConfig issue preferences. type CommitMessageIssueConfig struct { Regex string `yaml:"regex"` } // BranchesConfig branches preferences. type BranchesConfig struct { Prefix string `yaml:"prefix"` Suffix string `yaml:"suffix"` DisableIssue bool `yaml:"disable-issue"` Skip []string `yaml:"skip,flow"` SkipDetached *bool `yaml:"skip-detached"` } // NewCommitMessage commit message constructor. func NewCommitMessage(ctype, scope, description, body, issue, breakingChanges string) CommitMessage { metadata := make(map[string]string) if issue != "" { metadata[IssueMetadataKey] = issue } if breakingChanges != "" { metadata[BreakingChangeMetadataKey] = breakingChanges } return CommitMessage{ Type: ctype, Scope: scope, Description: description, Body: body, IsBreakingChange: breakingChanges != "", Metadata: metadata, } } // Issue return issue from metadata. func (m CommitMessage) Issue() string { return m.Metadata[IssueMetadataKey] } // BreakingMessage return breaking change message from metadata. func (m CommitMessage) BreakingMessage() string { return m.Metadata[BreakingChangeMetadataKey] } // MessageProcessor interface. type MessageProcessor interface { SkipBranch(branch string, detached bool) bool Validate(message string) error ValidateType(ctype string) error ValidateScope(scope string) error ValidateDescription(description string) error Enhance(branch, message string) (string, error) IssueID(branch string) (string, error) Format(msg CommitMessage) (string, string, string) Parse(subject, body string) (CommitMessage, error) } // NewMessageProcessor BaseMessageProcessor constructor. func NewMessageProcessor(mcfg CommitMessageConfig, bcfg BranchesConfig) *BaseMessageProcessor { return &BaseMessageProcessor{ messageCfg: mcfg, branchesCfg: bcfg, } } // BaseMessageProcessor process validate message hook. type BaseMessageProcessor struct { messageCfg CommitMessageConfig branchesCfg BranchesConfig } // SkipBranch check if branch should be ignored. func (p BaseMessageProcessor) SkipBranch(branch string, detached bool) bool { return contains(branch, p.branchesCfg.Skip) || (p.branchesCfg.SkipDetached != nil && *p.branchesCfg.SkipDetached && detached) } // Validate commit message. func (p BaseMessageProcessor) Validate(message string) error { subject, body := splitCommitMessageContent(message) msg, parseErr := p.Parse(subject, body) if parseErr != nil { return parseErr } if !regexp.MustCompile(`^[a-z+]+(\(.+\))?!?: .+$`).MatchString(subject) { return fmt.Errorf("%w: subject [%s] not valid", errInvalidCommitMessage, subject) } if err := p.ValidateType(msg.Type); err != nil { return err } if err := p.ValidateScope(msg.Scope); err != nil { return err } return p.ValidateDescription(msg.Description) } // ValidateType check if commit type is valid. func (p BaseMessageProcessor) ValidateType(ctype string) error { if ctype == "" || !contains(ctype, p.messageCfg.Types) { return fmt.Errorf( "%w: type must be one of [%s]", errInvalidCommitMessage, strings.Join(p.messageCfg.Types, ", "), ) } return nil } // ValidateScope check if commit scope is valid. func (p BaseMessageProcessor) ValidateScope(scope string) error { if len(p.messageCfg.Scope.Values) > 0 && !contains(scope, p.messageCfg.Scope.Values) { return fmt.Errorf( "%w: scope must one of [%s]", errInvalidCommitMessage, strings.Join(p.messageCfg.Scope.Values, ", "), ) } return nil } // ValidateDescription check if commit description is valid. func (p BaseMessageProcessor) ValidateDescription(description string) error { if !regexp.MustCompile("^[a-z]+.*$").MatchString(description) { return fmt.Errorf("%w: description [%s] must start with lowercase", errInvalidCommitMessage, description) } return nil } // Enhance add metadata on commit message. func (p BaseMessageProcessor) Enhance(branch, message string) (string, error) { if p.branchesCfg.DisableIssue || p.messageCfg.IssueFooterConfig().Key == "" || hasIssueID(message, p.messageCfg.IssueFooterConfig()) { return "", nil // enhance disabled } issue, err := p.IssueID(branch) if err != nil { return "", err } if issue == "" { return "", errIssueIDNotFound } footer := formatIssueFooter(p.messageCfg.IssueFooterConfig(), issue) if !hasFooter(message) { return "\n" + footer, nil } return footer, nil } func formatIssueFooter(cfg CommitMessageFooterConfig, issue string) string { if !strings.HasPrefix(issue, cfg.AddValuePrefix) { issue = cfg.AddValuePrefix + issue } if cfg.UseHash { return fmt.Sprintf("%s #%s", cfg.Key, strings.TrimPrefix(issue, "#")) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", cfg.Key, issue) } // IssueID try to extract issue id from branch, return empty if not found. func (p BaseMessageProcessor) IssueID(branch string) (string, error) { if p.branchesCfg.DisableIssue || p.messageCfg.Issue.Regex == "" { return "", nil } rstr := fmt.Sprintf("^%s(%s)%s$", p.branchesCfg.Prefix, p.messageCfg.Issue.Regex, p.branchesCfg.Suffix) r, err := regexp.Compile(rstr) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("%w: %s: %v", errInvalidIssueRegex, rstr, err.Error()) } groups := r.FindStringSubmatch(branch) if len(groups) != 4 { //nolint:gomnd return "", nil } return groups[2], nil } // Format a commit message returning header, body and footer. func (p BaseMessageProcessor) Format(msg CommitMessage) (string, string, string) { var header strings.Builder header.WriteString(msg.Type) if msg.Scope != "" { header.WriteString("(" + msg.Scope + ")") } header.WriteString(": ") header.WriteString(msg.Description) var footer strings.Builder if msg.BreakingMessage() != "" { footer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", BreakingChangeFooterKey, msg.BreakingMessage())) } if issue, exists := msg.Metadata[IssueMetadataKey]; exists && p.messageCfg.IssueFooterConfig().Key != "" { if footer.Len() > 0 { footer.WriteString("\n") } footer.WriteString(formatIssueFooter(p.messageCfg.IssueFooterConfig(), issue)) } return header.String(), msg.Body, footer.String() } func removeCarriage(commit string) string { return regexp.MustCompile(`\r`).ReplaceAllString(commit, "") } // Parse a commit message. func (p BaseMessageProcessor) Parse(subject, body string) (CommitMessage, error) { preparedSubject, err := p.prepareHeader(subject) commitBody := removeCarriage(body) if err != nil { return CommitMessage{}, err } commitType, scope, description, hasBreakingChange := parseSubjectMessage(preparedSubject) metadata := make(map[string]string) for key, mdCfg := range p.messageCfg.Footer { if mdCfg.Key != "" { prefixes := append([]string{mdCfg.Key}, mdCfg.KeySynonyms...) for _, prefix := range prefixes { if tagValue := extractFooterMetadata(prefix, commitBody, mdCfg.UseHash); tagValue != "" { metadata[key] = tagValue break } } } } if tagValue := extractFooterMetadata(BreakingChangeFooterKey, commitBody, false); tagValue != "" { metadata[BreakingChangeMetadataKey] = tagValue hasBreakingChange = true } return CommitMessage{ Type: commitType, Scope: scope, Description: description, Body: commitBody, IsBreakingChange: hasBreakingChange, Metadata: metadata, }, nil } func (p BaseMessageProcessor) prepareHeader(header string) (string, error) { if p.messageCfg.HeaderSelector == "" { return header, nil } regex, err := regexp.Compile(p.messageCfg.HeaderSelector) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("%w: %s: %s", errInvalidHeaderRegex, p.messageCfg.HeaderSelector, err.Error()) } index := regex.SubexpIndex(MessageRegexGroupName) if index < 0 { return "", fmt.Errorf("%w: could not find group %s", errInvalidHeaderRegex, MessageRegexGroupName) } match := regex.FindStringSubmatch(header) if match == nil || len(match) < index { return "", fmt.Errorf( "%w: could not find group %s in match result for '%s'", errInvalidHeaderRegex, MessageRegexGroupName, header, ) } return match[index], nil } func parseSubjectMessage(message string) (string, string, string, bool) { regex := regexp.MustCompile(`([a-z]+)(\((.*)\))?(!)?: (.*)`) result := regex.FindStringSubmatch(message) if len(result) != 6 { //nolint:gomnd return "", "", message, false } return result[1], result[3], strings.TrimSpace(result[5]), result[4] == "!" } func extractFooterMetadata(key, text string, useHash bool) string { var regex *regexp.Regexp if useHash { regex = regexp.MustCompile(key + " (#.*)") } else { regex = regexp.MustCompile(key + ": (.*)") } result := regex.FindStringSubmatch(text) if len(result) < 2 { //nolint:gomnd return "" } return result[1] } func hasFooter(message string) bool { r := regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z-]+: .*|^[a-zA-Z-]+ #.*|^" + BreakingChangeFooterKey + ": .*") scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(message)) lines := 0 for scanner.Scan() { if lines > 0 && r.MatchString(scanner.Text()) { return true } lines++ } return false } func hasIssueID(message string, issueConfig CommitMessageFooterConfig) bool { var r *regexp.Regexp if issueConfig.UseHash { r = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("(?m)^%s #.+$", issueConfig.Key)) } else { r = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("(?m)^%s: .+$", issueConfig.Key)) } return r.MatchString(message) } func contains(value string, content []string) bool { for _, v := range content { if value == v { return true } } return false } func splitCommitMessageContent(content string) (string, string) { scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(content)) scanner.Scan() subject := scanner.Text() var body strings.Builder first := true for scanner.Scan() { if !first { body.WriteString("\n") } body.WriteString(scanner.Text()) first = false } return subject, body.String() }