package sv import ( "bufio" "fmt" "regexp" "strings" ) const ( breakingChangeFooterKey = "BREAKING CHANGE" breakingChangeMetadataKey = "breaking-change" issueMetadataKey = "issue" ) // CommitMessage is a message using conventional commits. type CommitMessage struct { Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` Scope string `json:"scope,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Body string `json:"body,omitempty"` IsBreakingChange bool `json:"isBreakingChange,omitempty"` Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata,omitempty"` } // NewCommitMessage commit message constructor func NewCommitMessage(ctype, scope, description, body, issue, breakingChanges string) CommitMessage { metadata := make(map[string]string) if issue != "" { metadata[issueMetadataKey] = issue } if breakingChanges != "" { metadata[breakingChangeMetadataKey] = breakingChanges } return CommitMessage{Type: ctype, Scope: scope, Description: description, Body: body, IsBreakingChange: breakingChanges != "", Metadata: metadata} } // Issue return issue from metadata. func (m CommitMessage) Issue() string { return m.Metadata[issueMetadataKey] } // BreakingMessage return breaking change message from metadata. func (m CommitMessage) BreakingMessage() string { return m.Metadata[breakingChangeMetadataKey] } // MessageProcessor interface. type MessageProcessor interface { SkipBranch(branch string, detached bool) bool Validate(message string) error Enhance(branch string, message string) (string, error) IssueID(branch string) (string, error) Format(msg CommitMessage) (string, string, string) Parse(subject, body string) CommitMessage } // NewMessageProcessor MessageProcessorImpl constructor func NewMessageProcessor(mcfg CommitMessageConfig, bcfg BranchesConfig) *MessageProcessorImpl { return &MessageProcessorImpl{ messageCfg: mcfg, branchesCfg: bcfg, } } // MessageProcessorImpl process validate message hook. type MessageProcessorImpl struct { messageCfg CommitMessageConfig branchesCfg BranchesConfig } // SkipBranch check if branch should be ignored. func (p MessageProcessorImpl) SkipBranch(branch string, detached bool) bool { return contains(branch, p.branchesCfg.Skip) || (p.branchesCfg.SkipDetached != nil && *p.branchesCfg.SkipDetached && detached) } // Validate commit message. func (p MessageProcessorImpl) Validate(message string) error { subject, body := splitCommitMessageContent(message) msg := p.Parse(subject, body) if !regexp.MustCompile("^[a-z+]+(\\(.+\\))?!?: .+$").MatchString(subject) { return fmt.Errorf("subject [%s] should be valid according with conventional commits", subject) } if msg.Type == "" || !contains(msg.Type, p.messageCfg.Types) { return fmt.Errorf("message type should be one of [%v]", strings.Join(p.messageCfg.Types, ", ")) } if len(p.messageCfg.Scope.Values) > 0 && !contains(msg.Scope, p.messageCfg.Scope.Values) { return fmt.Errorf("message scope should one of [%v]", strings.Join(p.messageCfg.Scope.Values, ", ")) } return nil } // Enhance add metadata on commit message. func (p MessageProcessorImpl) Enhance(branch string, message string) (string, error) { if p.branchesCfg.DisableIssue || p.messageCfg.IssueFooterConfig().Key == "" || hasIssueID(message, p.messageCfg.IssueFooterConfig()) { return "", nil //enhance disabled } issue, err := p.IssueID(branch) if err != nil { return "", err } if issue == "" { return "", fmt.Errorf("could not find issue id using configured regex") } footer := formatIssueFooter(p.messageCfg.IssueFooterConfig(), issue) if !hasFooter(message) { return "\n" + footer, nil } return footer, nil } func formatIssueFooter(cfg CommitMessageFooterConfig, issue string) string { if !strings.HasPrefix(issue, cfg.AddValuePrefix) { issue = cfg.AddValuePrefix + issue } if cfg.UseHash { return fmt.Sprintf("%s #%s", cfg.Key, strings.TrimPrefix(issue, "#")) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", cfg.Key, issue) } // IssueID try to extract issue id from branch, return empty if not found. func (p MessageProcessorImpl) IssueID(branch string) (string, error) { if p.branchesCfg.DisableIssue || p.messageCfg.Issue.Regex == "" { return "", nil } rstr := fmt.Sprintf("^%s(%s)%s$", p.branchesCfg.PrefixRegex, p.messageCfg.Issue.Regex, p.branchesCfg.SuffixRegex) r, err := regexp.Compile(rstr) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("could not compile issue regex: %s, error: %v", rstr, err.Error()) } groups := r.FindStringSubmatch(branch) if len(groups) != 4 { return "", nil } return groups[2], nil } // Format a commit message returning header, body and footer. func (p MessageProcessorImpl) Format(msg CommitMessage) (string, string, string) { var header strings.Builder header.WriteString(msg.Type) if msg.Scope != "" { header.WriteString("(" + msg.Scope + ")") } header.WriteString(": ") header.WriteString(msg.Description) var footer strings.Builder if msg.BreakingMessage() != "" { footer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", breakingChangeFooterKey, msg.BreakingMessage())) } if issue, exists := msg.Metadata[issueMetadataKey]; exists && p.messageCfg.IssueFooterConfig().Key != "" { if footer.Len() > 0 { footer.WriteString("\n") } footer.WriteString(formatIssueFooter(p.messageCfg.IssueFooterConfig(), issue)) } return header.String(), msg.Body, footer.String() } // Parse a commit message. func (p MessageProcessorImpl) Parse(subject, body string) CommitMessage { commitType, scope, description, hasBreakingChange := parseSubjectMessage(subject) metadata := make(map[string]string) for key, mdCfg := range p.messageCfg.Footer { if mdCfg.Key != "" { prefixes := append([]string{mdCfg.Key}, mdCfg.KeySynonyms...) for _, prefix := range prefixes { if tagValue := extractFooterMetadata(prefix, body, mdCfg.UseHash); tagValue != "" { metadata[key] = tagValue break } } } } if tagValue := extractFooterMetadata(breakingChangeFooterKey, body, false); tagValue != "" { metadata[breakingChangeMetadataKey] = tagValue hasBreakingChange = true } return CommitMessage{ Type: commitType, Scope: scope, Description: description, Body: body, IsBreakingChange: hasBreakingChange, Metadata: metadata, } } func parseSubjectMessage(message string) (string, string, string, bool) { regex := regexp.MustCompile("([a-z]+)(\\((.*)\\))?(!)?: (.*)") result := regex.FindStringSubmatch(message) if len(result) != 6 { return "", "", message, false } return result[1], result[3], strings.TrimSpace(result[5]), result[4] == "!" } func extractFooterMetadata(key, text string, useHash bool) string { var regex *regexp.Regexp if useHash { regex = regexp.MustCompile(key + " (#.*)") } else { regex = regexp.MustCompile(key + ": (.*)") } result := regex.FindStringSubmatch(text) if len(result) < 2 { return "" } return result[1] } func hasFooter(message string) bool { r := regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z-]+: .*|^[a-zA-Z-]+ #.*|^" + breakingChangeFooterKey + ": .*") scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(message)) lines := 0 for scanner.Scan() { if lines > 0 && r.MatchString(scanner.Text()) { return true } lines++ } return false } func hasIssueID(message string, issueConfig CommitMessageFooterConfig) bool { var r *regexp.Regexp if issueConfig.UseHash { r = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("(?m)^%s #.+$", issueConfig.Key)) } else { r = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("(?m)^%s: .+$", issueConfig.Key)) } return r.MatchString(message) } func contains(value string, content []string) bool { for _, v := range content { if value == v { return true } } return false } func splitCommitMessageContent(content string) (string, string) { scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(content)) scanner.Scan() subject := scanner.Text() var body strings.Builder first := true for scanner.Scan() { if !first { body.WriteString("\n") } body.WriteString(scanner.Text()) first = false } return subject, body.String() }