--- title: "Post with images" date: 2020-06-22T20:00:00+02:00 authors: - richard-roe - john-doe tags: - Open Source - Development resources: - name: feature src: "images/feature.jpg" params: credits: "[Angelina Litvin](https://unsplash.com/@linalitvina) on [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/s/photos/writing)" - name: testimage src: "images/testimage.jpg" title: This is a test image params: credits: "[David Pennington](https://unsplash.com/@dtpennington) on [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/s/photos/test)" --- If you need more flexibility for your embedded images, you could use the `img` shortcode. It is using Hugo's [page resources](https://gohugo.io/content-management/page-resources/) and supports lazy loading of your images. **Attributes:** | Name | Usage | default | | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | | name (string) | Name of the image resource defined in your front matter. | empty | | alt (string) | Description for displayed image. | resource `.Title` | | size (string) | Thumbnail size (tiny\|small\|medium\|large). | empty | | lazy (bool) | Enable or disable image lazy loading. Can be controlled globally by site parameter `geekblogImageLazyLoading`. | true | **Example:** Define your resources in the page front matter, custom parameter `params.credits` is optional. ```md --- resources: - name: testimage src: "images/testimage.jpg" title: This is a test image params: credits: "[David Pennington](https://unsplash.com/@dtpennington) on [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/s/photos/test)" --- {{}} ``` {{< img name="testimage" size="small" lazy=true >}}