--- baseURL: https://hugo-geekblog.geekdocs.de/ title: Geekblog theme: hugo-geekblog pygmentsUseClasses: true pygmentsCodeFences: true enableGitInfo: true paginate: 5 markup: goldmark: renderer: unsafe: true tableOfContents: startLevel: 1 endLevel: 9 taxonomies: author: authors tag: tags mediaTypes: "application/atom+xml": suffixes: - "xml" outputFormats: Atom: # https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/atom.html#whatIsAtom name: "Atom" mediaType: "application/atom+xml" # generated file: . = atom.xml baseName: "feed" isPlainText: false rel: "alternate" isHTML: false noUgly: true permalinkable: false Json: # https://www.jsonfeed.org/2020/08/07/json-feed-version.html name: "Json" mediaType: "application/json" # generated file: . = feed.json baseName: "feed" isPlainText: false rel: "alternate" isHTML: false noUgly: true permalinkable: false outputs: home: - HTML - ATOM - JSON page: - HTML section: - HTML taxonomy: - HTML term: - HTML - ATOM - JSON enableRobotsTXT: true params: subtitle: Subtitle to describe your blog description: > hugo-geekblog is a simple Hugo theme for personal blogs. This page is theme documentation and powered by the latest version of hugo-geekblog itself. images: - "favicon/android-chrome-512x512.png" geekblogToC: 3 geekblogAuthor: john-doe geekblogAnchorLeft: true geekblogLegalNotice: https://thegeeklab.de/legal-notice/#contact-information geekblogPrivacyPolicy: https://thegeeklab.de/legal-notice/#privacy-policy