{{ printf `` | safeHTML }} {{/* ref: https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/atom.html */}} Hugo {{- $title := .Site.Title -}} {{- with .Title -}} {{- if (not (eq . $title)) -}} {{- $title = printf `%s on %s` . $title -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{ printf `<![CDATA[%s]]>` $title | safeHTML }} {{ with .Site.Params.subtitle }} {{ printf `` . | safeHTML }} {{ end }} {{ $output_formats := .OutputFormats }} {{ range $output_formats -}} {{- $rel := (or (and (eq "atom" (.Name | lower)) "self") "alternate") -}} {{ with $output_formats.Get .Name }} {{ printf `` .Permalink $rel .MediaType.Type .Name | safeHTML }} {{- end -}} {{- end }} {{ now.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00" | safeHTML }} {{ with .Site.Params.GeekblogAuthor -}} {{ with index $.Site.Data.authors . }} {{ .name }} {{ with .email }} {{ . }} {{ end -}} {{ end }} {{- end }} {{ .Permalink }} {{- $pages := where .RegularPages "Type" "in" .Site.Params.mainSections -}} {{- if (eq .Kind "home") -}} {{- $pages = where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "in" .Site.Params.mainSections -}} {{- end -}} {{- range $pages }} {{ $page := . }} {{ printf `<![CDATA[%s]]>` .Title | safeHTML }} {{ .Permalink }} {{ with .Params.authors -}} {{- range sort . -}} {{ $author := index $.Site.Data.authors . }} {{ $author.name }} {{- end -}} {{- end }} {{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00" | safeHTML }} {{ .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00" | safeHTML }} {{ $desc := .Description | default "" }} {{ $description := (cond (eq "" $desc) "" (printf "
" ($desc | markdownify))) }} {{ printf `` $description .Content | safeHTML }} {{ with .Site.Taxonomies }} {{ range $taxo,$_ := . }} {{ with $page.Param $taxo }} {{ $taxo_list := . }} {{ with $.Site.GetPage (printf "/%s" $taxo) }} {{ $taxonomy_page := . }} {{ range $taxo_list }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }}
{{ end }}