--- title: "Getting Started" date: 2020-07-15T20:00:00+02:00 authors: - john-doe tags: - Documentation weight: 1 --- This post tells you how to get started with the Geekblog theme, including installation and basic configuration. [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/drone/build/xoxys/hugo-geekblog?logo=drone)](https://cloud.drone.io/xoxys/hugo-geekblog) [![Hugo Version](https://img.shields.io/badge/hugo-0.65-blue.svg)](https://gohugo.io) [![GitHub release](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/xoxys/hugo-geekblog)](https://github.com/xoxys/hugo-geekblog/releases/latest) [![GitHub contributors](https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/xoxys/hugo-geekblog)](https://github.com/xoxys/hugo-geekblog/graphs/contributors) [![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/github/license/xoxys/hugo-geekblog)](https://github.com/xoxys/hugo-geekblog/blob/master/LICENSE) {{< toc >}} ## Features - Clean and simple design - Light and mobile-friendly - Easy customization - Zero initial configuration - Handy shortcodes - Simple sticky posts - Content tags - Multiple authors - Supports Atom and JSON feeds ## Install requirements You need a recent version of Hugo for local builds and previews of sites that use Geekblog. As we are using [gulp](https://gulpjs.com/) as pre-processor the normal version of Hugo is sufficient. If you prefer the extended version of Hugo anyway this will work as well. For comprehensive Hugo documentation, see [gohugo.io](https://gohugo.io/documentation/). If you want to use the theme from a cloned branch instead of a release tarball you'll need to install `gulp` locally and run the default pipeline once to create all required assets. ```Shell # install required packages from package.json npm install # run gulp pipeline to build required assets gulp default ``` ## Using the theme To prepare your new site environment just a few steps are required: 1. Create a new empty Hugo site. ```Shell hugo new site demosite ``` 2. Switch to the root of the new site. ```Shell cd demosite ``` 3. Install the Geekblog theme from a [release bundle](#option-1-download-pre-build-release) (recommended) or form [Git branch](#option-2-clone-the-github-repository). 4. Create the minimal required Hugo configuration `config.toml`. For all configuration options see [here](/usage/configuration/). ```Toml baseURL = "http://localhost" title = "Geekblog" theme = "hugo-geekblog" # Geekblog required configuration pygmentsUseClasses = true pygmentsCodeFences = true disablePathToLower = true enableGitInfo=true # Needed for mermaid shortcodes [markup] [markup.goldmark.renderer] # Needed for mermaid shortcode unsafe = true [markup.tableOfContents] startLevel = 1 endLevel = 9 ``` 5. Test your site. ```Shell hugo server --theme geekblog -D ``` ### Option 1: Download pre-build release bundle Download and extract the latest release bundle into the theme directory. ```Shell curl -L https://github.com/xoxys/hugo-geekblog/releases/latest/download/hugo-geekblog.tar.gz | tar -xz -C themes/hugo-geekblog/ --strip-components=1 ``` ### Option 2: Clone the GitHub repository {{< hint info >}} **Info**\ Keep in mind this method is not recommended and needs some extra steps to get it working. If you want to use the Theme as submodule keep in mind that your build process need to run the described steps as well. {{< /hint >}} Clone the Geekblog git repository. ```Shell git clone https://github.com/xoxys/hugo-geekblog.git themes/geekblog ``` Build required theme assets e.g. CSS files and SVG sprites with `gulp`. ```Shell gulp default ``` ## Configuration ### Site configuration {{< tabs "site-config" >}} {{< tab "TOML" >}} ```Toml # ... theme = "hugo-geekblog" # Required to get well formatted code blocks pygmentsUseClasses = true pygmentsCodeFences = true enableGitInfo = true disablePathToLower = true enableGitInfo = true [markup] [goldmark] [renderer] unsafe = true [tableOfContents] startLevel = 1 endLevel = 9 [taxonomies] author = authors tag = tags [mediaTypes] ["application/atom+xml"] suffixes = ["xml"] [outputFormats] [Atom] # https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/atom.html#whatIsAtom name = "Atom" mediaType = "application/atom+xml" # generated file = . = atom.xml baseName = "atom" isPlainText = false rel = "alternate" isHTML = false noUgly = true permalinkable = false [outputs] home = ["HTML", "ATOM"] page = ["HTML"] section = ["HTML"] taxonomy = ["HTML"] term = ["HTML", "ATOM"] [params] subtitle = description = "This is my personal blog about tech." keywords = [] images = [] # (Optional, default static/brand.svg) Set the path to a logo for the Geekblog # relative to your 'static/' folder. logo = logo.png # (Optional, default 6) Set how many table of contents levels to be showed on page. # Use false to hide ToC, note that 0 will default to 6 (https://gohugo.io/functions/default/) # You can also specify this parameter per page in front matter. geekblogToC = 3 # (Optional, default none) Add a link to your Legal Notice page to the site footer. # It can be either a remote url or a local file path relative to your content directory. geekblogLegalNotice = "https://blog.example.com/legal" # (Optional, default none) Add a link to your Privacy Policy page to the site footer. # It can be either a remote url or a local file path relative to your content directory. geekblogPrivacyPolicy = "/privacy" # (Optional, default true) Add an anchor link to headlines. geekblogAnchor = true # (Optional, default true) Copy anchor url to clipboard on click. geekblogAnchorCopy = true # (Optional, default none) Sites main author. geekblogAuthor = "john-doe" # (Optional, default none) Adds a "Hosted on " line to the footer. # Could be used if you want to give credits to your hosting provider. [geekblogHostedOn] name = Uberspace link = "https://uberspace.de/en/" # (Optional, default none) Adds a "Content licensed under " line to the footer. # Could be used if you want to define a default license for your content. [geekblogContentLicense] name = "CC BY-SA 4.0" link = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< tab "YAML" >}} ```Yaml --- # ... theme: hugo-geekblog # Required to get well formatted code blocks pygmentsUseClasses: true pygmentsCodeFences: true enableGitInfo: true disablePathToLower: true enableGitInfo: true markup: goldmark: renderer: unsafe: true tableOfContents: startLevel: 1 endLevel: 9 taxonomies: author: authors tag: tags mediaTypes: "application/atom+xml": suffixes: - "xml" outputFormats: Atom: # https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/atom.html#whatIsAtom name: "Atom" mediaType: "application/atom+xml" # generated file: . = atom.xml baseName: "atom" isPlainText: false rel: "alternate" isHTML: false noUgly: true permalinkable: false outputs: home: - HTML - ATOM page: - HTML section: - HTML taxonomy: - HTML term: - HTML - ATOM # Required if you want to render robots.txt template enableRobotsTXT: true params: subtitle: description: "This is my personal blog about tech." keywords: [] images: [] # (Optional, default static/brand.svg) Set the path to a logo for the Geekblog # relative to your 'static/' folder. logo: logo.png # (Optional, default 6) Set how many table of contents levels to be showed on page. # Use false to hide ToC, note that 0 will default to 6 (https://gohugo.io/functions/default/) # You can also specify this parameter per page in front matter. geekblogToC: 3 # (Optional, default none) Add a link to your Legal Notice page to the site footer. # It can be either a remote url or a local file path relative to your content directory. geekblogLegalNotice: https://blog.example.com/legal # (Optional, default none) Add a link to your Privacy Policy page to the site footer. # It can be either a remote url or a local file path relative to your content directory. geekblogPrivacyPolicy: /privacy # (Optional, default true) Add an anchor link to headlines. geekblogAnchor: true # (Optional, default true) Copy anchor url to clipboard on click. geekblogAnchorCopy: true # (Optional, default none) Sites main author. geekblogAuthor: john-doe # (Optional, default none) Adds a "Hosted on " line to the footer. # Could be used if you want to give credits to your hosting provider. geekblogHostedOn: name: Uberspace link: https://uberspace.de/en/ # (Optional, default none) Adds a "Content licensed under " line to the footer. # Could be used if you want to define a default license for your content. geekblogContentLicense: name: CC BY-SA 4.0 link: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}} ### Page configuration {{< tabs "page-config" >}} {{< tab "TOML" >}} ```Toml # Title of your post. If not set, filename will be used. title = My first post # Set weigth to 1 to mark this post as sticky post. weight = 1 # List of authors of the post. authors = ["john-doe"] # Tags for this post. tags = ["Open Source"] # Set how many table of contents levels to be showed on page. geekblogToC = 3 # Set true to hide page or section from side menu (file-tree menu only). geekblogHidden = true # Add an anchor link to headlines. geekblogAnchor = true ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< tab "YAML" >}} ```Yaml # Title of your post. If not set, filename will be used. title: My first post # Set weigth to 1 to mark this post as sticky post. weight: 1 # List of authors of the post. authors: - john-doe # Tags for this post. tags: - Open Source # Set how many table of contents levels to be showed on page. geekblogToC: 3 # Set true to hide page or section from side menu (file-tree menu only). geekblogHidden: true # Add an anchor link to headlines. geekblogAnchor: true ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}}