+++ title = "Admonition Icons" date = 2020-06-22T20:00:00+02:00 +++ :icons: font By default, the admonition is rendered with a plain text label. To enable font icons the document attribute `:icons: font` need to be set. == Example [NOTE] Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. [TIP] Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. [IMPORTANT] Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. [CAUTION] Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re. [WARNING] Dolor sit, sumo unique argument um no. Gracie nominal id xiv. Romanesque acclimates investiture. Ornateness bland it ex enc, est yeti am bongo detract re.