
3.1 KiB

Getting Started

{{< toc >}}

Start PVE SD

Create a configuration file with the required parameters to connect to your Proxmox VE (PVE) server before you start the service.

prometheus-pve-sd -vv --loop-delay 900 -o /etc/prometheus/pve.json

Available Labels

The following list of meta labels can be used to relabel your scrape results:

Discovered IPv4 address or False if not found. To discover the IP address either QEMU guest agent or a cloud-init configuration is required.
Discovered IPv6 address or False if not found. To discover the IP address either QEMU guest agent or a cloud-init configuration is required.
Name of the node.
Node type, either qemu or lxc.
VMID of the node.
Current CPU load of the node.
Assigned CPU cores for the node.
Assigned RAM for the node.
Current state of the node.
A comma-separated list of tags, as set on the node. The label is not getting exported if no tags were found. (Requires PVE 6+)
Groups discovered from the Notes field of the node. Need to be a valid JSON string e.g. {"groups":["group1","group2"]}.

Prometheus configuration

Prometheus needs a basic file service discovery configuration to fetch system metrics from the host's discovered from PVE. Depending on the used metrics exporter the configuration need to be adjusted, using Telegraf a starter configuration might look like this:

- file_sd_configs:
  - files:
    - /opt/prometheus/conf/file_sd/proxmox.json
  job_name: telegraf-pve
  metrics_path: /metrics
  - replacement: telegraf
    target_label: job
  - replacement: ${1}:9273
    - __meta_pve_name
    target_label: __address__
  - source_labels:
    - __meta_pve_name
    target_label: instance

Use IP address labels

Instead of __meta_pve_name, it is also possible to configure Prometheus to use the address provided by __meta_pve_ipv4 or __meta_pve_ipv4 for connections:

- replacement: ${1}:9273
  - __meta_pve_ipv4
  target_label: __address__

Convert tags to custom labels

Tags of a node exposed by the __meta_pve_tags might be useful to build more complex configurations in Prometheus. As an example, an alert tag can be extracted to dine alerting routes based on the tag value.


Extract group and alert from a list of tags like this: __meta_pve_tags="alert:team-1,group:cluster-1,node:node-1"

- source_labels:
  - __meta_pve_tags
  regex: ".*group:([\w\-_]*)"
  target_label: "group"
  replacement: "${1}"
- source_labels:
  - __meta_pve_tags
  regex: ".*alert:([\w\-_]*)"
  target_label: "alert"
  replacement: "${1}"

Use the extracted alert label to set an Alertmanager route:

- receiver: "empty"
  - alert = muted
- receiver: "team-1"
  - alert = team-1