package ansible import ( "testing" "" "" ) func TestVersion(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string ansible *Ansible want []string }{ { name: "test version command", ansible: &Ansible{}, want: []string{ansibleBin, "--version"}, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { cmd := tt.ansible.Version() assert.Equal(t, tt.want, cmd.Cmd.Args) }) } } func TestGalaxyInstall(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string ansible *Ansible want []string }{ { name: "with valid requirements file and no verbosity", ansible: &Ansible{ GalaxyRequirements: "requirements.yml", }, want: []string{ansibleGalaxyBin, "install", "--force", "--role-file", "requirements.yml"}, }, { name: "with valid requirements file and verbosity level 1", ansible: &Ansible{ GalaxyRequirements: "requirements.yml", Verbose: 1, }, want: []string{ansibleGalaxyBin, "install", "--force", "--role-file", "requirements.yml", "-v"}, }, { name: "with valid requirements file and verbosity level 3", ansible: &Ansible{ GalaxyRequirements: "requirements.yml", Verbose: 3, }, want: []string{ansibleGalaxyBin, "install", "--force", "--role-file", "requirements.yml", "-vvv"}, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { cmd := tt.ansible.GalaxyInstall() assert.Equal(t, tt.want, cmd.Cmd.Args) }) } } func TestAnsibleCommand(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string ansible *Ansible want []string }{ { name: "with inventory and no other settings", ansible: &Ansible{ Inventories: *cli.NewStringSlice("inventory.yml"), }, want: []string{ansiblePlaybookBin, "--inventory", "inventory.yml", "--forks", "0"}, }, { name: "with inventory and module path", ansible: &Ansible{ Inventories: *cli.NewStringSlice("inventory.yml"), ModulePath: *cli.NewStringSlice("/path/to/modules"), }, want: []string{ ansiblePlaybookBin, "--inventory", "inventory.yml", "--module-path", "/path/to/modules", "--forks", "0", }, }, { name: "with inventory, module path, and vault ID", ansible: &Ansible{ Inventories: *cli.NewStringSlice("inventory.yml"), ModulePath: *cli.NewStringSlice("/path/to/modules"), VaultID: "my_vault_id", }, want: []string{ ansiblePlaybookBin, "--inventory", "inventory.yml", "--module-path", "/path/to/modules", "--vault-id", "my_vault_id", "--forks", "0", }, }, { name: "with inventory, module path, vault ID, and vault password file", ansible: &Ansible{ Inventories: *cli.NewStringSlice("inventory.yml"), ModulePath: *cli.NewStringSlice("/path/to/modules"), VaultID: "my_vault_id", VaultPasswordFile: "/path/to/vault/password/file", }, want: []string{ ansiblePlaybookBin, "--inventory", "inventory.yml", "--module-path", "/path/to/modules", "--vault-id", "my_vault_id", "--vault-password-file", "/path/to/vault/password/file", "--forks", "0", }, }, { name: "with inventory, module path, vault ID, vault password file, and extra vars", ansible: &Ansible{ Inventories: *cli.NewStringSlice("inventory.yml"), ModulePath: *cli.NewStringSlice("/path/to/modules"), VaultID: "my_vault_id", VaultPasswordFile: "/path/to/vault/password/file", ExtraVars: *cli.NewStringSlice("var1=value1", "var2=value2"), }, want: []string{ ansiblePlaybookBin, "--inventory", "inventory.yml", "--module-path", "/path/to/modules", "--vault-id", "my_vault_id", "--vault-password-file", "/path/to/vault/password/file", "--extra-vars", "var1=value1", "--extra-vars", "var2=value2", "--forks", "0", }, }, { name: "with inventory and list hosts", ansible: &Ansible{ ListHosts: true, Inventories: *cli.NewStringSlice("inventory.yml"), Playbooks: *cli.NewStringSlice("playbook1.yml", "playbook2.yml"), }, want: []string{ ansiblePlaybookBin, "--inventory", "inventory.yml", "--list-hosts", "playbook1.yml", "playbook2.yml", }, }, { name: "with inventory and syntax check", ansible: &Ansible{ SyntaxCheck: true, Inventories: *cli.NewStringSlice("inventory.yml"), Playbooks: *cli.NewStringSlice("playbook1.yml", "playbook2.yml"), }, want: []string{ ansiblePlaybookBin, "--inventory", "inventory.yml", "--syntax-check", "playbook1.yml", "playbook2.yml", }, }, { name: "with all options", ansible: &Ansible{ Check: true, Diff: true, FlushCache: true, ForceHandlers: true, Forks: 10, Limit: "host1,host2", ListTags: true, ListTasks: true, SkipTags: "tag1,tag2", StartAtTask: "task_name", Tags: "tag3,tag4", PrivateKeyFile: "/path/to/private/key", User: "remote_user", Connection: "ssh", Timeout: 60, SSHCommonArgs: "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no", SFTPExtraArgs: "-o IdentitiesOnly=yes", SCPExtraArgs: "-r", SSHExtraArgs: "-o ForwardAgent=yes", Become: true, BecomeMethod: "sudo", BecomeUser: "root", Verbose: 2, Inventories: *cli.NewStringSlice("inventory.yml"), Playbooks: *cli.NewStringSlice("playbook1.yml", "playbook2.yml"), }, want: []string{ ansiblePlaybookBin, "--inventory", "inventory.yml", "--check", "--diff", "--flush-cache", "--force-handlers", "--forks", "10", "--limit", "host1,host2", "--list-tags", "--list-tasks", "--skip-tags", "tag1,tag2", "--start-at-task", "task_name", "--tags", "tag3,tag4", "--private-key", "/path/to/private/key", "--user", "remote_user", "--connection", "ssh", "--timeout", "60", "--ssh-common-args", "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "--sftp-extra-args", "-o IdentitiesOnly=yes", "--scp-extra-args", "-r", "--ssh-extra-args", "-o ForwardAgent=yes", "--become", "--become-method", "sudo", "--become-user", "root", "-vv", "playbook1.yml", "playbook2.yml", }, }, } for _, tt := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { cmd := tt.ansible.Play() assert.Equal(t, tt.want, cmd.Cmd.Args) }) } }