package plugin import ( "fmt" wp "" "" "" ) //go:generate go run ../internal/docs/main.go -output=../docs/data/data-raw.yaml // Plugin implements provide the plugin. type Plugin struct { *wp.Plugin Settings *Settings } // Settings for the Plugin. type Settings struct { PythonRequirements string GalaxyRequirements string Inventories cli.StringSlice Playbooks cli.StringSlice Limit string SkipTags string StartAtTask string Tags string ExtraVars cli.StringSlice ModulePath cli.StringSlice Check bool Diff bool FlushCache bool ForceHandlers bool ListHosts bool ListTags bool ListTasks bool SyntaxCheck bool Forks int VaultID string VaultPassword string VaultPasswordFile string Verbose int PrivateKey string PrivateKeyFile string User string Connection string Timeout int SSHCommonArgs string SFTPExtraArgs string SCPExtraArgs string SSHExtraArgs string Become bool BecomeMethod string BecomeUser string } type Cmd struct { *execabs.Cmd Private bool } func New(e wp.ExecuteFunc, build ...string) *Plugin { p := &Plugin{ Settings: &Settings{}, } options := wp.Options{ Name: "wp-ansible", Description: "Manage infrastructure with Ansible", Flags: Flags(p.Settings, wp.FlagsPluginCategory), Execute:, HideWoodpeckerFlags: true, } if len(build) > 0 { options.Version = build[0] } if len(build) > 1 { options.VersionMetadata = fmt.Sprintf("date=%s", build[1]) } if e != nil { options.Execute = e } p.Plugin = wp.New(options) return p } // Flags returns a slice of CLI flags for the plugin. func Flags(settings *Settings, category string) []cli.Flag { return []cli.Flag{ &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "python-requirements", Usage: "path to python requirements file", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_PYTHON_REQUIREMENTS"}, Destination: &settings.PythonRequirements, Category: category, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "galaxy-requirements", Usage: "path to galaxy requirements file", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_GALAXY_REQUIREMENTS"}, Destination: &settings.GalaxyRequirements, Category: category, }, &cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "inventory", Usage: "path to inventory file", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_INVENTORY", "PLUGIN_INVENTORIES"}, Required: true, Destination: &settings.Inventories, Category: category, }, &cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "playbook", Usage: "list of playbooks to apply", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_PLAYBOOK", "PLUGIN_PLAYBOOKS"}, Required: true, Destination: &settings.Playbooks, Category: category, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "limit", Usage: "limit selected hosts to an additional pattern", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_LIMIT"}, Destination: &settings.Limit, Category: category, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "skip-tags", Usage: "only run plays and tasks whose tags do not match", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_SKIP_TAGS"}, Destination: &settings.SkipTags, Category: category, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "start-at-task", Usage: "start the playbook at the task matching this name", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_START_AT_TASK"}, Destination: &settings.StartAtTask, Category: category, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "tags", Usage: "only run plays and tasks tagged with these values", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_TAGS"}, Destination: &settings.Tags, Category: category, }, &cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "extra-vars", Usage: "set additional variables as `key=value`", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_EXTRA_VARS", "ANSIBLE_EXTRA_VARS"}, Destination: &settings.ExtraVars, Category: category, }, &cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "module-path", Usage: "prepend paths to module library", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_MODULE_PATH"}, Destination: &settings.ModulePath, Category: category, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "check", Usage: "run a check, do not apply any changes", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_CHECK"}, Destination: &settings.Check, Category: category, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "diff", Usage: "show the differences, may print secrets", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_DIFF"}, Destination: &settings.Diff, Category: category, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "flush-cache", Usage: "clear the fact cache for every host in inventory", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_FLUSH_CACHE"}, Destination: &settings.FlushCache, Category: category, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "force-handlers", Usage: "run handlers even if a task fails", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_FORCE_HANDLERS"}, Destination: &settings.ForceHandlers, Category: category, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "list-hosts", Usage: "outputs a list of matching hosts", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_LIST_HOSTS"}, Destination: &settings.ListHosts, Category: category, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "list-tags", Usage: "list all available tags", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_LIST_TAGS"}, Destination: &settings.ListTags, Category: category, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "list-tasks", Usage: "list all tasks that would be executed", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_LIST_TASKS"}, Destination: &settings.ListTasks, Category: category, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "syntax-check", Usage: "perform a syntax check on the playbook", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_SYNTAX_CHECK"}, Destination: &settings.SyntaxCheck, Category: category, }, &cli.IntFlag{ Name: "forks", Usage: "specify number of parallel processes to use", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_FORKS"}, Value: AnsibleForksDefault, Destination: &settings.Forks, Category: category, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "vault-id", Usage: "the vault identity to use", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_VAULT_ID", "ANSIBLE_VAULT_ID"}, Destination: &settings.VaultID, Category: category, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "vault-password", Usage: "the vault password to use", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_VAULT_PASSWORD", "ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD"}, Destination: &settings.VaultPassword, Category: category, }, &cli.IntFlag{ Name: "verbose", Usage: "level of verbosity, 0 up to 4", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_VERBOSE"}, Destination: &settings.Verbose, Category: category, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "private-key", Usage: "SSH private key used to authenticate the connection", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_PRIVATE_KEY", "ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY"}, Destination: &settings.PrivateKey, Category: category, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "user", Usage: "connect as this user", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_USER", "ANSIBLE_USER"}, Destination: &settings.User, Category: category, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "connection", Usage: "connection type to use", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_CONNECTION"}, Destination: &settings.Connection, Category: category, }, &cli.IntFlag{ Name: "timeout", Usage: "override the connection timeout in seconds", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_TIMEOUT"}, Destination: &settings.Timeout, Category: category, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "ssh-common-args", Usage: "specify common arguments to pass to SFTP, SCP and SSH connections", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_SSH_COMMON_ARGS"}, Destination: &settings.SSHCommonArgs, Category: category, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "sftp-extra-args", Usage: "specify extra arguments to pass to SFTP connections only", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_SFTP_EXTRA_ARGS"}, Destination: &settings.SFTPExtraArgs, Category: category, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "scp-extra-args", Usage: "specify extra arguments to pass to SCP connections only", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_SCP_EXTRA_ARGS"}, Destination: &settings.SCPExtraArgs, Category: category, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "ssh-extra-args", Usage: "specify extra arguments to pass to SSH connections only", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_SSH_EXTRA_ARGS"}, Destination: &settings.SSHExtraArgs, Category: category, }, &cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "become", Usage: "enable privilege escalation", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_BECOME"}, Destination: &settings.Become, Category: category, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "become-method", Usage: "privilege escalation method to use", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_BECOME_METHOD", "ANSIBLE_BECOME_METHOD"}, Destination: &settings.BecomeMethod, Category: category, }, &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "become-user", Usage: "privilege escalation user to use", EnvVars: []string{"PLUGIN_BECOME_USER", "ANSIBLE_BECOME_USER"}, Destination: &settings.BecomeUser, Category: category, }, } }