--- kind: pipeline name: test platform: os: linux arch: amd64 steps: - name: deps image: golang:1.19 commands: - make deps volumes: - name: godeps path: /go - name: lint image: golang:1.19 commands: - make lint volumes: - name: godeps path: /go - name: test image: golang:1.19 commands: - make test volumes: - name: godeps path: /go volumes: - name: godeps temp: {} trigger: ref: - refs/heads/main - refs/tags/** - refs/pull/** --- kind: pipeline name: build-binaries platform: os: linux arch: amd64 steps: - name: build image: techknowlogick/xgo:go-1.19.x commands: - ln -s /drone/src /source - make release - name: executable image: alpine commands: - $(find dist/ -executable -type f -iname ${DRONE_REPO_NAME}-linux-amd64) --help - name: changelog-generate image: thegeeklab/git-chglog commands: - git fetch -tq - git-chglog --no-color --no-emoji -o CHANGELOG.md ${DRONE_TAG:---next-tag unreleased unreleased} - name: changelog-format image: thegeeklab/alpine-tools commands: - prettier CHANGELOG.md - prettier -w CHANGELOG.md - name: publish image: plugins/github-release settings: api_key: from_secret: github_token files: - dist/* note: CHANGELOG.md overwrite: true title: ${DRONE_TAG} when: ref: - refs/tags/** trigger: ref: - refs/heads/main - refs/tags/** - refs/pull/** depends_on: - test --- kind: pipeline name: build-container-amd64 platform: os: linux arch: amd64 steps: - name: build image: golang:1.19 commands: - make build - name: dryrun image: thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx:20.12 settings: dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.amd64 dry_run: true provenance: false repo: thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} when: ref: - refs/pull/** depends_on: - build - name: publish-dockerhub image: thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx:20.12 settings: auto_tag: true auto_tag_suffix: amd64 dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.amd64 password: from_secret: docker_password provenance: false repo: thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} username: from_secret: docker_username when: ref: - refs/heads/main - refs/tags/** depends_on: - dryrun - name: publish-quay image: thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx:20 settings: auto_tag: true auto_tag_suffix: amd64 dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.amd64 password: from_secret: quay_password registry: quay.io repo: quay.io/thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} username: from_secret: quay_username when: ref: - refs/heads/main - refs/tags/** depends_on: - dryrun trigger: ref: - refs/heads/main - refs/tags/** - refs/pull/** depends_on: - test --- kind: pipeline name: build-container-arm64 platform: os: linux arch: arm64 steps: - name: build image: golang:1.19 commands: - make build - name: dryrun image: thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx:20.12 settings: dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.arm64 dry_run: true provenance: false repo: thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} when: ref: - refs/pull/** depends_on: - build - name: publish-dockerhub image: thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx:20.12 settings: auto_tag: true auto_tag_suffix: arm64 dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.arm64 password: from_secret: docker_password provenance: false repo: thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} username: from_secret: docker_username when: ref: - refs/heads/main - refs/tags/** depends_on: - dryrun - name: publish-quay image: thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx:20 settings: auto_tag: true auto_tag_suffix: arm64 dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile.arm64 password: from_secret: quay_password registry: quay.io repo: quay.io/thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} username: from_secret: quay_username when: ref: - refs/heads/main - refs/tags/** depends_on: - dryrun trigger: ref: - refs/heads/main - refs/tags/** - refs/pull/** depends_on: - test --- kind: pipeline name: docs platform: os: linux arch: amd64 concurrency: limit: 1 steps: - name: markdownlint image: thegeeklab/markdownlint-cli commands: - markdownlint 'docs/content/**/*.md' 'README.md' 'CONTRIBUTING.md' - name: spellcheck image: thegeeklab/alpine-tools commands: - spellchecker --files '_docs/**/*.md' 'README.md' 'CONTRIBUTING.md' -d .dictionary -p spell indefinite-article syntax-urls --no-suggestions environment: FORCE_COLOR: true NPM_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL: error - name: publish image: plugins/gh-pages settings: pages_directory: _docs/ password: from_secret: github_token target_branch: docs username: from_secret: github_username when: ref: - refs/heads/main trigger: ref: - refs/heads/main - refs/tags/** - refs/pull/** depends_on: - build-binaries - build-container-amd64 - build-container-arm64 --- kind: pipeline name: notifications platform: os: linux arch: amd64 steps: - name: manifest-dockerhub image: plugins/manifest settings: auto_tag: true ignore_missing: true password: from_secret: docker_password spec: docker/manifest.tmpl username: from_secret: docker_username when: status: - success - name: manifest-quay image: plugins/manifest settings: auto_tag: true ignore_missing: true password: from_secret: quay_password spec: docker/manifest-quay.tmpl username: from_secret: quay_username when: status: - success - name: pushrm-dockerhub image: chko/docker-pushrm:1 environment: DOCKER_PASS: from_secret: docker_password DOCKER_USER: from_secret: docker_username PUSHRM_FILE: README.md PUSHRM_SHORT: Drone plugin to build multiarch Docker images with buildx PUSHRM_TARGET: thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} when: status: - success - name: pushrm-quay image: chko/docker-pushrm:1 environment: APIKEY__QUAY_IO: from_secret: quay_token PUSHRM_FILE: README.md PUSHRM_TARGET: quay.io/thegeeklab/${DRONE_REPO_NAME} when: status: - success - name: matrix image: thegeeklab/drone-matrix settings: homeserver: from_secret: matrix_homeserver password: from_secret: matrix_password roomid: from_secret: matrix_roomid template: "Status: **{{ build.Status }}**
Build: [{{ repo.Owner }}/{{ repo.Name }}]({{ build.Link }}){{#if build.Branch}} ({{ build.Branch }}){{/if}} by {{ commit.Author }}
Message: {{ commit.Message.Title }}" username: from_secret: matrix_username when: status: - success - failure trigger: ref: - refs/heads/main - refs/tags/** status: - success - failure depends_on: - docs --- kind: signature hmac: 8dfbe014c9e7bc9617e21d240a9768b312f3dd4ac21075369b66aa108c76e122 ...