--- when: - event: [pull_request, tag] - event: [push, manual] branch: - ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} - event: [push] branch: - renovate/auto/* steps: - name: markdownlint image: quay.io/thegeeklab/markdownlint-cli group: test commands: - markdownlint 'README.md' 'CONTRIBUTING.md' - name: spellcheck image: quay.io/thegeeklab/alpine-tools group: test commands: - spellchecker --files 'docs/**/*.md' 'README.md' 'CONTRIBUTING.md' -d .dictionary -p spell indefinite-article syntax-urls environment: FORCE_COLOR: "true" - name: link-validation image: docker.io/lycheeverse/lychee group: test commands: - lychee --no-progress --format detailed docs/content README.md - name: publish image: quay.io/thegeeklab/wp-git-action settings: action: - pages author_email: bot@thegeeklab.de author_name: thegeeklab-bot branch: docs message: "[skip ci] auto-update documentation" netrc_password: from_secret: github_token pages_directory: docs/ when: - event: [push, manual] branch: - ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} status: [success, failure] - name: pushrm-dockerhub image: docker.io/chko/docker-pushrm:1 secrets: - source: docker_password target: DOCKER_PASS - source: docker_username target: DOCKER_USER environment: PUSHRM_FILE: README.md PUSHRM_SHORT: Woodpecker CI plugin to manage infrastructure with OpenTofu PUSHRM_TARGET: ${CI_REPO} when: - event: [push, manual] branch: - ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} status: [success] - name: pushrm-quay image: docker.io/chko/docker-pushrm:1 secrets: - source: quay_token target: APIKEY__QUAY_IO environment: PUSHRM_FILE: README.md PUSHRM_TARGET: quay.io/${CI_REPO} when: - event: [push, manual] branch: - ${CI_REPO_DEFAULT_BRANCH} status: [success] depends_on: - build-package - build-container