package aws import ( "context" "crypto/md5" //nolint:gosec "errors" "fmt" "io" "mime" "os" "path/filepath" "" "" "" "" ) type S3 struct { client S3APIClient Bucket string DryRun bool } type S3UploadOptions struct { LocalFilePath string RemoteObjectKey string ACL map[string]string ContentType map[string]string ContentEncoding map[string]string CacheControl map[string]string Metadata map[string]map[string]string } type S3RedirectOptions struct { Path string Location string } type S3DeleteOptions struct { RemoteObjectKey string } type S3ListOptions struct { Path string } // Upload uploads a file to an S3 bucket. It first checks if the file already exists in the bucket // and compares the local file's content and metadata with the remote file. If the file has changed, // it updates the remote file's metadata. If the file does not exist or has changed, // it uploads the local file to the remote bucket. func (u *S3) Upload(ctx context.Context, opt S3UploadOptions) error { if opt.LocalFilePath == "" { return nil } file, err := os.Open(opt.LocalFilePath) if err != nil { return err } defer file.Close() acl := getACL(opt.LocalFilePath, opt.ACL) contentType := getContentType(opt.LocalFilePath, opt.ContentType) contentEncoding := getContentEncoding(opt.LocalFilePath, opt.ContentEncoding) cacheControl := getCacheControl(opt.LocalFilePath, opt.CacheControl) metadata := getMetadata(opt.LocalFilePath, opt.Metadata) head, err := u.client.HeadObject(ctx, &s3.HeadObjectInput{ Bucket: &u.Bucket, Key: &opt.RemoteObjectKey, }) if err != nil { var noSuchKeyError *types.NoSuchKey if !errors.As(err, &noSuchKeyError) { return err } log.Debug().Msgf( "'%s' not found in bucket, uploading with content-type '%s' and permissions '%s'", opt.LocalFilePath, contentType, acl, ) if u.DryRun { return nil } _, err = u.client.PutObject(ctx, &s3.PutObjectInput{ Bucket: &u.Bucket, Key: &opt.RemoteObjectKey, Body: file, ContentType: &contentType, ACL: types.ObjectCannedACL(acl), Metadata: metadata, CacheControl: &cacheControl, ContentEncoding: &contentEncoding, }) return err } //nolint:gosec hash := md5.New() _, _ = io.Copy(hash, file) sum := fmt.Sprintf("'%x'", hash.Sum(nil)) if sum == *head.ETag { shouldCopy, reason := u.shouldCopyObject( ctx, head, opt.LocalFilePath, opt.RemoteObjectKey, contentType, acl, contentEncoding, cacheControl, metadata, ) if !shouldCopy { log.Debug().Msgf("skipping '%s' because hashes and metadata match", opt.LocalFilePath) return nil } log.Debug().Msgf("updating metadata for '%s' %s", opt.LocalFilePath, reason) if u.DryRun { return nil } _, err = u.client.CopyObject(ctx, &s3.CopyObjectInput{ Bucket: &u.Bucket, Key: &opt.RemoteObjectKey, CopySource: aws.String(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", u.Bucket, opt.RemoteObjectKey)), ACL: types.ObjectCannedACL(acl), ContentType: &contentType, Metadata: metadata, MetadataDirective: types.MetadataDirectiveReplace, CacheControl: &cacheControl, ContentEncoding: &contentEncoding, }) return err } _, err = file.Seek(0, 0) if err != nil { return err } log.Debug().Msgf("uploading '%s' with content-type '%s' and permissions '%s'", opt.LocalFilePath, contentType, acl) if u.DryRun { return nil } _, err = u.client.PutObject(ctx, &s3.PutObjectInput{ Bucket: &u.Bucket, Key: &opt.RemoteObjectKey, Body: file, ContentType: &contentType, ACL: types.ObjectCannedACL(acl), Metadata: metadata, CacheControl: &cacheControl, ContentEncoding: &contentEncoding, }) return err } // shouldCopyObject determines whether an S3 object should be copied based on changes in content type, // content encoding, cache control, and metadata. It compares the existing object's metadata with the // provided metadata and returns a boolean indicating whether the object should be copied, // along with a string describing the reason for the copy if applicable. // //nolint:gocognit func (u *S3) shouldCopyObject( ctx context.Context, head *s3.HeadObjectOutput, local, remote, contentType, acl, contentEncoding, cacheControl string, metadata map[string]string, ) (bool, string) { var reason string if head.ContentType == nil && contentType != "" { reason = fmt.Sprintf("content-type has changed from unset to %s", contentType) return true, reason } if head.ContentType != nil && contentType != *head.ContentType { reason = fmt.Sprintf("content-type has changed from %s to %s", *head.ContentType, contentType) return true, reason } if head.ContentEncoding == nil && contentEncoding != "" { reason = fmt.Sprintf("Content-Encoding has changed from unset to %s", contentEncoding) return true, reason } if head.ContentEncoding != nil && contentEncoding != *head.ContentEncoding { reason = fmt.Sprintf("Content-Encoding has changed from %s to %s", *head.ContentEncoding, contentEncoding) return true, reason } if head.CacheControl == nil && cacheControl != "" { reason = fmt.Sprintf("cache-control has changed from unset to %s", cacheControl) return true, reason } if head.CacheControl != nil && cacheControl != *head.CacheControl { reason = fmt.Sprintf("cache-control has changed from %s to %s", *head.CacheControl, cacheControl) return true, reason } if len(head.Metadata) != len(metadata) { reason = fmt.Sprintf("count of metadata values has changed for %s", local) return true, reason } if len(metadata) > 0 { for k, v := range metadata { if hv, ok := head.Metadata[k]; ok { if v != hv { reason = fmt.Sprintf("metadata values have changed for %s", remote) return true, reason } } } } grant, err := u.client.GetObjectAcl(ctx, &s3.GetObjectAclInput{ Bucket: &u.Bucket, Key: &remote, }) if err != nil { return false, "" } previousACL := "private" for _, g := range grant.Grants { grantee := g.Grantee if grantee.URI != nil { switch *grantee.URI { case "": if g.Permission == "READ" { previousACL = "public-read" } else if g.Permission == "WRITE" { previousACL = "public-read-write" } case "": if g.Permission == "READ" { previousACL = "authenticated-read" } } } } if previousACL != acl { reason = fmt.Sprintf("permissions for '%s' have changed from '%s' to '%s'", remote, previousACL, acl) return true, reason } return false, "" } // getACL returns the ACL for the given file based on the provided patterns. func getACL(file string, patterns map[string]string) string { for pattern, acl := range patterns { if match, _ := filepath.Match(pattern, file); match { return acl } } return "private" } // getContentType returns the content type for the given file based on the provided patterns. func getContentType(file string, patterns map[string]string) string { ext := filepath.Ext(file) if contentType, ok := patterns[ext]; ok { return contentType } return mime.TypeByExtension(ext) } // getContentEncoding returns the content encoding for the given file based on the provided patterns. func getContentEncoding(file string, patterns map[string]string) string { ext := filepath.Ext(file) if contentEncoding, ok := patterns[ext]; ok { return contentEncoding } return "" } // getCacheControl returns the cache control for the given file based on the provided patterns. func getCacheControl(file string, patterns map[string]string) string { for pattern, cacheControl := range patterns { if match, _ := filepath.Match(pattern, file); match { return cacheControl } } return "" } // getMetadata returns the metadata for the given file based on the provided patterns. func getMetadata(file string, patterns map[string]map[string]string) map[string]string { metadata := make(map[string]string) for pattern, meta := range patterns { if match, _ := filepath.Match(pattern, file); match { for k, v := range meta { metadata[k] = v } break } } return metadata } // Redirect adds a redirect from the specified path to the specified location in the S3 bucket. func (u *S3) Redirect(ctx context.Context, opt S3RedirectOptions) error { log.Debug().Msgf("adding redirect from '%s' to '%s'", opt.Path, opt.Location) if u.DryRun { return nil } _, err := u.client.PutObject(ctx, &s3.PutObjectInput{ Bucket: aws.String(u.Bucket), Key: aws.String(opt.Path), ACL: types.ObjectCannedACLPublicRead, WebsiteRedirectLocation: aws.String(opt.Location), }) return err } // Delete removes the specified object from the S3 bucket. func (u *S3) Delete(ctx context.Context, opt S3DeleteOptions) error { log.Debug().Msgf("removing remote file '%s'", opt.RemoteObjectKey) if u.DryRun { return nil } _, err := u.client.DeleteObject(ctx, &s3.DeleteObjectInput{ Bucket: aws.String(u.Bucket), Key: aws.String(opt.RemoteObjectKey), }) return err } // List retrieves a list of object keys in the S3 bucket under the specified path. func (u *S3) List(ctx context.Context, opt S3ListOptions) ([]string, error) { var remote []string input := &s3.ListObjectsInput{ Bucket: aws.String(u.Bucket), Prefix: aws.String(opt.Path), } for { resp, err := u.client.ListObjects(ctx, input) if err != nil { return remote, err } for _, item := range resp.Contents { remote = append(remote, *item.Key) } if !*resp.IsTruncated { break } input.Marker = aws.String(remote[len(remote)-1]) } return remote, nil }