--- homeassistant: auth_providers: - type: trusted_networks trusted_networks: - customize: !include_dir_merge_named customize/named/ customize_glob: !include_dir_merge_named customize/glob/ packages: !include_dir_merge_named packages/ http: use_x_forwarded_for: True trusted_proxies: - - recorder: auto_purge: True purge_keep_days: 30 db_url: !env_var HA_RECORDER_DB_URL lovelace: mode: yaml resources: - url: /local/plugins/slider-entity-row.js type: module - url: /local/plugins/card-tools.js type: module - url: /local/plugins/fold-entity-row.js type: module - url: /local/plugins/vertical-stack-in-card.js type: module - url: /local/plugins/button-card.js type: module - url: /local/plugins/vacuum-card.js type: module - url: /local/plugins/valetudo-map-card.js type: module - url: /local/plugins/weather-card.js type: module - url: /local/plugins/multiple-entity-row.js type: module - url: /local/plugins/auto-entities.js type: module # Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc) default_config: # Text to speech tts: - platform: google_translate light: - platform: group name: all entities: # - light.bedroom_light - light.livingroom_light - light.office_light - light.hall_light - light.bath_light group: !include groups.yaml automation: !include automations.yaml script: !include scripts.yaml scene: !include scenes.yaml template: !include_dir_merge_list templates/