Update dependency mikefarah/yq to v4.2.0 #10

renovator wants to merge 280 commits from renovate/mikefarah-yq-4.x into master
Showing only changes of commit 2dfb0f277f - Show all commits

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ if [ -f "$CONFIG" ] && echo "$OUT" | grep -q "Done running Lighthouse"; then
UPLOAD_TARGET=$(yq e '.ci.upload.target // ""' "${CONFIG}")
UPLOAD_OUTPUT_DIR=$(yq e '.ci.upload.outputDir // ""' "${CONFIG}")
if [ "${UPLOAD_TARGET}" = "filesystem" ] && [ -n "${UPLOAD_OUTPUT_DIR}" ] ; then
if [ "${UPLOAD_TARGET}" = "filesystem" ] && [ -n "${UPLOAD_OUTPUT_DIR}" ]; then
mkdir -p "${DIST}"
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ if [ -f "$CONFIG" ] && echo "$OUT" | grep -q "Done running Lighthouse"; then
cp /templates/summary.md "${DIST}/summary.md"
printf "\nPost-process report files...\n"
for ITEM in $(jq -r '.[] | select( .isRepresentativeRun == true ) | @base64' < "${MANIFEST}"); do
for ITEM in $(jq -r '.[] | select( .isRepresentativeRun == true ) | @base64' <"${MANIFEST}"); do
JSON=$(echo "${ITEM}" | base64 -d)
FILE_DATE=$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M')
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ if [ -f "$CONFIG" ] && echo "$OUT" | grep -q "Done running Lighthouse"; then
cp "${FILENAME}" "${DIST}/${FILENAME_NEW}.html"
echo "Report for ${URL} will be uploaded to ${DOWNLOAD}"
echo "| [Link]("${DOWNLOAD}") | \`${URL}\` | $(echo "scale=0;($PERF*100)/1" | bc) % | $(echo "scale=0;($ACCESS*100)/1" | bc) % | $(echo "scale=0;($PRACTICE*100)/1" | bc) % | $(echo "scale=0;($SEO*100)/1" | bc) % | $(echo "scale=0;($PWA*100)/1" | bc) % |" >> "${DIST}/summary.md"
echo "| [Link](${DOWNLOAD}) | \`${URL}\` | $(echo "scale=0;($PERF*100)/1" | bc) % | $(echo "scale=0;($ACCESS*100)/1" | bc) % | $(echo "scale=0;($PRACTICE*100)/1" | bc) % | $(echo "scale=0;($SEO*100)/1" | bc) % | $(echo "scale=0;($PWA*100)/1" | bc) % |" >>"${DIST}/summary.md"
printf "\nPost-processing skipped. Manifest not found!\n"