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This project is based on the idea (and at some parts on the code) of [ansible-autodoc](https://github.com/AndresBott/ansible-autodoc) by Andres Bott so credits goes to him for his work.
`ansible-doctor` is a simple annotation like documentation generator based on Jinja2 templates. While `ansible-doctor` comes with a default template called `readme`, it is also possible to write your own templates. This gives you the ability to customize the output and render the data to every format you like (e.g. html or xml).
`ansible-doctor` is designed to work within your CI pipeline to complete your testing and deployment workflow. Releases are available as Python Packages on [GitHub](https://github.com/xoxys/ansible-doctor/releases) or [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/ansible-doctor/) and as Docker Image on [DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/r/xoxys/ansible-doctor).
## Table of Content
* [Setup](#Setup)
* [Using pip](#Using-pip)
* [Using docker](#Using-docker)
* [Configuration](#Configuration)
* [Default settings](#Default-settings)
* [CLI options](#CLI-options)
* [Environment variables](#Environment-variables)
* [Usage](#Usage)
* [License](#License)
* [Maintainers and Contributors](#Maintainers-and-Contributors)
If you don't pass a folder to `ansible-doctor` your current working directory will be used. The first step is to identify if the given folder is an ansible role. This check is very simple, if the folder contains a subfolder called `tasks` is MUST be an ansible role! :)
After the successful check, `ansible-doctor` will try to read some static files into a dictionary:
* defaults/main.yml
* meta/main.yml
This will be the base result set which is used as data source for every output template. Without any work, you will get at least a documentation about available variables and some meta information. Theses basic information can be expanded with a set of available annotations. In general, an annotation is a comment with an identifier. This identifier is followed by colon separated options and ends with a value.