
20 lines
583 B
Raw Normal View History

{% set todo = role.todo | default({}) %}
{% if todo %}
## Open Tasks
{% for key, item in todo | dictsort %}
{% for line in item %}
{% if line.value is defined and line.value | safe_join(" ") | striptags and key == "default" %}
- {{ line.value | safe_join(" ") | striptags }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% for key, item in todo | dictsort %}
{% for line in item %}
{% if line.value is defined and line.value | safe_join(" ") | striptags and key != "default" %}
- ({{ key }}): {{ line.value | safe_join(" ") | striptags }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}