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2019-04-23 11:04:27 +00:00
# This file is part of Ansible
# Copyright (c) 2017 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import base64
import json
import os
import os.path
import shutil
import tempfile
import traceback
import zipfile
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleFileNotFound
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native, to_text
from ansible.module_utils.parsing.convert_bool import boolean
from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase
from ansible.utils.hashing import checksum
def _walk_dirs(topdir, loader, decrypt=True, base_path=None, local_follow=False, trailing_slash_detector=None, checksum_check=False):
Walk a filesystem tree returning enough information to copy the files.
This is similar to the _walk_dirs function in ```` but returns
a dict instead of a tuple for each entry and includes the checksum of
a local file if wanted.
:arg topdir: The directory that the filesystem tree is rooted at
:arg loader: The self._loader object from ActionBase
:kwarg decrypt: Whether to decrypt a file encrypted with ansible-vault
:kwarg base_path: The initial directory structure to strip off of the
files for the destination directory. If this is None (the default),
the base_path is set to ``top_dir``.
:kwarg local_follow: Whether to follow symlinks on the source. When set
to False, no symlinks are dereferenced. When set to True (the
default), the code will dereference most symlinks. However, symlinks
can still be present if needed to break a circular link.
:kwarg trailing_slash_detector: Function to determine if a path has
a trailing directory separator. Only needed when dealing with paths on
a remote machine (in which case, pass in a function that is aware of the
directory separator conventions on the remote machine).
:kawrg whether to get the checksum of the local file and add to the dict
:returns: dictionary of dictionaries. All of the path elements in the structure are text string.
This separates all the files, directories, and symlinks along with
import information about each::
'files'; [{
src: '/absolute/path/to/copy/from',
dest: 'relative/path/to/copy/to',
checksum: 'b54ba7f5621240d403f06815f7246006ef8c7d43'
}, ...],
'directories'; [{
src: '/absolute/path/to/copy/from',
dest: 'relative/path/to/copy/to'
}, ...],
'symlinks'; [{
src: '/symlink/target/path',
dest: 'relative/path/to/copy/to'
}, ...],
The ``symlinks`` field is only populated if ``local_follow`` is set to False
*or* a circular symlink cannot be dereferenced. The ``checksum`` entry is set
to None if checksum_check=False.
# Convert the path segments into byte strings
r_files = {'files': [], 'directories': [], 'symlinks': []}
def _recurse(topdir, rel_offset, parent_dirs, rel_base=u'', checksum_check=False):
This is a closure (function utilizing variables from it's parent
function's scope) so that we only need one copy of all the containers.
Note that this function uses side effects (See the Variables used from
outer scope).
:arg topdir: The directory we are walking for files
:arg rel_offset: Integer defining how many characters to strip off of
the beginning of a path
:arg parent_dirs: Directories that we're copying that this directory is in.
:kwarg rel_base: String to prepend to the path after ``rel_offset`` is
applied to form the relative path.
Variables used from the outer scope
:r_files: Dictionary of files in the hierarchy. See the return value
for :func:`walk` for the structure of this dictionary.
:local_follow: Read-only inside of :func:`_recurse`. Whether to follow symlinks
for base_path, sub_folders, files in os.walk(topdir):
for filename in files:
filepath = os.path.join(base_path, filename)
dest_filepath = os.path.join(rel_base, filepath[rel_offset:])
if os.path.islink(filepath):
# Dereference the symlnk
real_file = loader.get_real_file(os.path.realpath(filepath), decrypt=decrypt)
if local_follow and os.path.isfile(real_file):
# Add the file pointed to by the symlink
"src": real_file,
"dest": dest_filepath,
"checksum": _get_local_checksum(checksum_check, real_file)
# Mark this file as a symlink to copy
r_files['symlinks'].append({"src": os.readlink(filepath), "dest": dest_filepath})
# Just a normal file
real_file = loader.get_real_file(filepath, decrypt=decrypt)
"src": real_file,
"dest": dest_filepath,
"checksum": _get_local_checksum(checksum_check, real_file)
for dirname in sub_folders:
dirpath = os.path.join(base_path, dirname)
dest_dirpath = os.path.join(rel_base, dirpath[rel_offset:])
real_dir = os.path.realpath(dirpath)
dir_stats = os.stat(real_dir)
if os.path.islink(dirpath):
if local_follow:
if (dir_stats.st_dev, dir_stats.st_ino) in parent_dirs:
# Just insert the symlink if the target directory
# exists inside of the copy already
r_files['symlinks'].append({"src": os.readlink(dirpath), "dest": dest_dirpath})
# Walk the dirpath to find all parent directories.
new_parents = set()
parent_dir_list = os.path.dirname(dirpath).split(os.path.sep)
for parent in range(len(parent_dir_list), 0, -1):
parent_stat = os.stat(u'/'.join(parent_dir_list[:parent]))
if (parent_stat.st_dev, parent_stat.st_ino) in parent_dirs:
# Reached the point at which the directory
# tree is already known. Don't add any
# more or we might go to an ancestor that
# isn't being copied.
new_parents.add((parent_stat.st_dev, parent_stat.st_ino))
if (dir_stats.st_dev, dir_stats.st_ino) in new_parents:
# This was a a circular symlink. So add it as
# a symlink
r_files['symlinks'].append({"src": os.readlink(dirpath), "dest": dest_dirpath})
# Walk the directory pointed to by the symlink
r_files['directories'].append({"src": real_dir, "dest": dest_dirpath})
offset = len(real_dir) + 1
_recurse(real_dir, offset, parent_dirs.union(new_parents),
# Add the symlink to the destination
r_files['symlinks'].append({"src": os.readlink(dirpath), "dest": dest_dirpath})
# Just a normal directory
r_files['directories'].append({"src": dirpath, "dest": dest_dirpath})
# Check if the source ends with a "/" so that we know which directory
# level to work at (similar to rsync)
source_trailing_slash = False
if trailing_slash_detector:
source_trailing_slash = trailing_slash_detector(topdir)
source_trailing_slash = topdir.endswith(os.path.sep)
# Calculate the offset needed to strip the base_path to make relative
# paths
if base_path is None:
base_path = topdir
if not source_trailing_slash:
base_path = os.path.dirname(base_path)
if topdir.startswith(base_path):
offset = len(base_path)
# Make sure we're making the new paths relative
if trailing_slash_detector and not trailing_slash_detector(base_path):
offset += 1
elif not base_path.endswith(os.path.sep):
offset += 1
if os.path.islink(topdir) and not local_follow:
r_files['symlinks'] = {"src": os.readlink(topdir), "dest": os.path.basename(topdir)}
return r_files
dir_stats = os.stat(topdir)
parents = frozenset(((dir_stats.st_dev, dir_stats.st_ino),))
# Actually walk the directory hierarchy
_recurse(topdir, offset, parents, checksum_check=checksum_check)
return r_files
def _get_local_checksum(get_checksum, local_path):
if get_checksum:
return checksum(local_path)
return None
class ActionModule(ActionBase):
def _create_content_tempfile(self, content):
''' Create a tempfile containing defined content '''
fd, content_tempfile = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=C.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TMP)
f = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb')
content = to_bytes(content)
except Exception as err:
raise Exception(err)
return content_tempfile
def _create_zip_tempfile(self, files, directories):
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=C.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TMP)
zip_file_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, "")
zip_file = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_path, "w", zipfile.ZIP_STORED, True)
# encoding the file/dir name with base64 so Windows can unzip a unicode
# filename and get the right name, Windows doesn't handle unicode names
# very well
for directory in directories:
directory_path = to_bytes(directory['src'], errors='surrogate_or_strict')
archive_path = to_bytes(directory['dest'], errors='surrogate_or_strict')
encoded_path = to_text(base64.b64encode(archive_path), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
zip_file.write(directory_path, encoded_path, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
for file in files:
file_path = to_bytes(file['src'], errors='surrogate_or_strict')
archive_path = to_bytes(file['dest'], errors='surrogate_or_strict')
encoded_path = to_text(base64.b64encode(archive_path), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
zip_file.write(file_path, encoded_path, zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
return zip_file_path
def _remove_tempfile_if_content_defined(self, content, content_tempfile):
if content is not None:
def _copy_single_file(self, local_file, dest, source_rel, task_vars, tmp):
if self._play_context.check_mode:
module_return = dict(changed=True)
return module_return
# copy the file across to the server
tmp_src = self._connection._shell.join_path(tmp, 'source')
self._transfer_file(local_file, tmp_src)
copy_args = self._task.args.copy()
copy_args.pop('content', None)
copy_result = self._execute_module(module_name="copy",
return copy_result
def _copy_zip_file(self, dest, files, directories, task_vars, tmp):
# create local zip file containing all the files and directories that
# need to be copied to the server
if self._play_context.check_mode:
module_return = dict(changed=True)
return module_return
zip_file = self._create_zip_tempfile(files, directories)
except Exception as e:
module_return = dict(
msg="failed to create tmp zip file: %s" % to_text(e),
return module_return
zip_path = self._loader.get_real_file(zip_file)
# send zip file to remote, file must end in .zip so
# Com Shell.Application works
tmp_src = self._connection._shell.join_path(tmp, '')
self._transfer_file(zip_path, tmp_src)
# run the explode operation of win_copy on remote
copy_args = self._task.args.copy()
copy_args.pop('content', None)
module_return = self._execute_module(module_name='copy',
return module_return
def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None):
''' handler for file transfer operations '''
if task_vars is None:
task_vars = dict()
result = super(ActionModule, self).run(tmp, task_vars)
del tmp # tmp no longer has any effect
source = self._task.args.get('src', None)
content = self._task.args.get('content', None)
dest = self._task.args.get('dest', None)
remote_src = boolean(self._task.args.get('remote_src', False), strict=False)
local_follow = boolean(self._task.args.get('local_follow', False), strict=False)
force = boolean(self._task.args.get('force', True), strict=False)
decrypt = boolean(self._task.args.get('decrypt', True), strict=False)
result['src'] = source
result['dest'] = dest
result['failed'] = True
if (source is None and content is None) or dest is None:
result['msg'] = "src (or content) and dest are required"
elif source is not None and content is not None:
result['msg'] = "src and content are mutually exclusive"
elif content is not None and dest is not None and (
dest.endswith(os.path.sep) or dest.endswith(self.WIN_PATH_SEPARATOR)):
result['msg'] = "dest must be a file if content is defined"
del result['failed']
if result.get('failed'):
return result
# If content is defined make a temp file and write the content into it
content_tempfile = None
if content is not None:
# if content comes to us as a dict it should be decoded json.
# We need to encode it back into a string and write it out
if isinstance(content, dict) or isinstance(content, list):
content_tempfile = self._create_content_tempfile(json.dumps(content))
content_tempfile = self._create_content_tempfile(content)
source = content_tempfile
except Exception as err:
result['failed'] = True
result['msg'] = "could not write content tmp file: %s" % to_native(err)
return result
# all actions should occur on the remote server, run win_copy module
elif remote_src:
new_module_args = self._task.args.copy()
new_module_args.pop('content', None)
result.update(self._execute_module(module_args=new_module_args, task_vars=task_vars))
return result
# find_needle returns a path that may not have a trailing slash on a
# directory so we need to find that out first and append at the end
trailing_slash = source.endswith(os.path.sep)
# find in expected paths
source = self._find_needle('files', source)
except AnsibleError as e:
result['failed'] = True
result['msg'] = to_text(e)
result['exception'] = traceback.format_exc()
return result
if trailing_slash != source.endswith(os.path.sep):
if source[-1] == os.path.sep:
source = source[:-1]
source = source + os.path.sep
# A list of source file tuples (full_path, relative_path) which will try to copy to the destination
source_files = {'files': [], 'directories': [], 'symlinks': []}
# If source is a directory populate our list else source is a file and translate it to a tuple.
if os.path.isdir(to_bytes(source, errors='surrogate_or_strict')):
result['operation'] = 'folder_copy'
# Get a list of the files we want to replicate on the remote side
source_files = _walk_dirs(source, self._loader, decrypt=decrypt, local_follow=local_follow,
# If it's recursive copy, destination is always a dir,
# explicitly mark it so (note - win_copy module relies on this).
if not self._connection._shell.path_has_trailing_slash(dest):
dest = "%s%s" % (dest, self.WIN_PATH_SEPARATOR)
check_dest = dest
# Source is a file, add details to source_files dict
result['operation'] = 'file_copy'
# If the local file does not exist, get_real_file() raises AnsibleFileNotFound
source_full = self._loader.get_real_file(source, decrypt=decrypt)
except AnsibleFileNotFound as e:
result['failed'] = True
result['msg'] = "could not find src=%s, %s" % (source_full, to_text(e))
return result
original_basename = os.path.basename(source)
result['original_basename'] = original_basename
# check if dest ends with / or \ and append source filename to dest
if self._connection._shell.path_has_trailing_slash(dest):
check_dest = dest
filename = original_basename
result['dest'] = self._connection._shell.join_path(dest, filename)
# replace \\ with / so we can use os.path to get the filename or dirname
unix_path = dest.replace(self.WIN_PATH_SEPARATOR, os.path.sep)
filename = os.path.basename(unix_path)
check_dest = os.path.dirname(unix_path)
file_checksum = _get_local_checksum(force, source_full)
result['checksum'] = file_checksum
result['size'] = os.path.getsize(to_bytes(source_full, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
# find out the files/directories/symlinks that we need to copy to the server
query_args = self._task.args.copy()
# src is not required for query, will fail path validation is src has unix allowed chars
query_args.pop('src', None)
query_args.pop('content', None)
query_return = self._execute_module(module_args=query_args,
if query_return.get('failed') is True:
return result
if len(query_return['files']) > 0 or len(query_return['directories']) > 0 and self._connection._shell.tmpdir is None:
self._connection._shell.tmpdir = self._make_tmp_path()
if len(query_return['files']) == 1 and len(query_return['directories']) == 0:
# we only need to copy 1 file, don't mess around with zips
file_src = query_return['files'][0]['src']
file_dest = query_return['files'][0]['dest']
copy_result = self._copy_single_file(file_src, dest, file_dest,
task_vars, self._connection._shell.tmpdir)
result['changed'] = True
if copy_result.get('failed') is True:
result['failed'] = True
result['msg'] = "failed to copy file %s: %s" % (file_src, copy_result['msg'])
elif len(query_return['files']) > 0 or len(query_return['directories']) > 0:
# either multiple files or directories need to be copied, compress
# to a zip and 'explode' the zip on the server
# TODO: handle symlinks
result.update(self._copy_zip_file(dest, source_files['files'],
task_vars, self._connection._shell.tmpdir))
result['changed'] = True
# no operations need to occur
result['failed'] = False
result['changed'] = False
# remove the content tmp file and remote tmp file if it was created
self._remove_tempfile_if_content_defined(content, content_tempfile)
return result