
138 lines
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2019-04-23 11:04:27 +00:00
# encoding: utf-8
This module provides an object oriented interface for pattern matching
of files.
from . import util
from .compat import collection_type, iterkeys, izip_longest, string_types, unicode
class PathSpec(object):
The :class:`PathSpec` class is a wrapper around a list of compiled
:class:`.Pattern` instances.
def __init__(self, patterns):
Initializes the :class:`PathSpec` instance.
*patterns* (:class:`` or :class:``)
yields each compiled pattern (:class:`.Pattern`).
self.patterns = patterns if isinstance(patterns, collection_type) else list(patterns)
*patterns* (:class:`` of :class:`.Pattern`)
contains the compiled patterns.
def __eq__(self, other):
Tests the equality of this path-spec with *other* (:class:`PathSpec`)
by comparing their :attr:`~PathSpec.patterns` attributes.
if isinstance(other, PathSpec):
paired_patterns = izip_longest(self.patterns, other.patterns)
return all(a == b for a, b in paired_patterns)
return NotImplemented
def __len__(self):
Returns the number of compiled patterns this path-spec contains
return len(self.patterns)
def from_lines(cls, pattern_factory, lines):
Compiles the pattern lines.
*pattern_factory* can be either the name of a registered pattern
factory (:class:`str`), or a :class:`` used
to compile patterns. It must accept an uncompiled pattern (:class:`str`)
and return the compiled pattern (:class:`.Pattern`).
*lines* (:class:``) yields each uncompiled
pattern (:class:`str`). This simply has to yield each line so it can
be a :class:`file` (e.g., from :func:`open` or :class:`io.StringIO`)
or the result from :meth:`str.splitlines`.
Returns the :class:`PathSpec` instance.
if isinstance(pattern_factory, string_types):
pattern_factory = util.lookup_pattern(pattern_factory)
if not callable(pattern_factory):
raise TypeError("pattern_factory:{0!r} is not callable.".format(pattern_factory))
if isinstance(lines, (bytes, unicode)):
raise TypeError("lines:{0!r} is not an iterable.".format(lines))
lines = [pattern_factory(line) for line in lines if line]
return cls(lines)
def match_file(self, file, separators=None):
Matches the file to this path-spec.
*file* (:class:`str`) is the file path to be matched against
:attr:`self.patterns <PathSpec.patterns>`.
*separators* (:class:`` of :class:`str`)
optionally contains the path separators to normalize. See
:func:`~pathspec.util.normalize_file` for more information.
Returns :data:`True` if *file* matched; otherwise, :data:`False`.
norm_file = util.normalize_file(file, separators=separators)
return util.match_file(self.patterns, norm_file)
def match_files(self, files, separators=None):
Matches the files to this path-spec.
*files* (:class:`` of :class:`str`) contains
the file paths to be matched against :attr:`self.patterns
*separators* (:class:`` of :class:`str`;
or :data:`None`) optionally contains the path separators to
normalize. See :func:`~pathspec.util.normalize_file` for more
Returns the matched files (:class:`` of
if isinstance(files, (bytes, unicode)):
raise TypeError("files:{0!r} is not an iterable.".format(files))
file_map = util.normalize_files(files, separators=separators)
matched_files = util.match_files(self.patterns, iterkeys(file_map))
for path in matched_files:
yield file_map[path]
def match_tree(self, root, on_error=None, follow_links=None):
Walks the specified root path for all files and matches them to this
*root* (:class:`str`) is the root directory to search for files.
*on_error* (:class:`` or :data:`None`)
optionally is the error handler for file-system exceptions. See
:func:`~pathspec.util.iter_tree` for more information.
*follow_links* (:class:`bool` or :data:`None`) optionally is whether
to walk symbolik links that resolve to directories. See
:func:`~pathspec.util.iter_tree` for more information.
Returns the matched files (:class:`` of
files = util.iter_tree(root, on_error=on_error, follow_links=follow_links)
return self.match_files(files)