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2019-04-11 13:56:20 +00:00
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B701: Test for not auto escaping in jinja2
Jinja2 is a Python HTML templating system. It is typically used to build web
applications, though appears in other places well, notably the Ansible
automation system. When configuring the Jinja2 environment, the option to use
autoescaping on input can be specified. When autoescaping is enabled, Jinja2
will filter input strings to escape any HTML content submitted via template
variables. Without escaping HTML input the application becomes vulnerable to
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.
Unfortunately, autoescaping is False by default. Thus this plugin test will
warn on omission of an autoescape setting, as well as an explicit setting of
false. A HIGH severity warning is generated in either of these scenarios.
.. code-block:: none
>> Issue: Using jinja2 templates with autoescape=False is dangerous and can
lead to XSS. Use autoescape=True to mitigate XSS vulnerabilities.
Severity: High Confidence: High
Location: ./examples/
10 templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(autoescape=False,
11 Environment(loader=templateLoader,
12 load=templateLoader,
13 autoescape=False)
>> Issue: By default, jinja2 sets autoescape to False. Consider using
autoescape=True or use the select_autoescape function to mitigate XSS
Severity: High Confidence: High
Location: ./examples/
15 Environment(loader=templateLoader,
16 load=templateLoader)
18 Environment(autoescape=select_autoescape(['html', 'htm', 'xml']),
19 loader=templateLoader)
.. seealso::
- `OWASP XSS <>`_
.. versionadded:: 0.10.0
import ast
import bandit
from bandit.core import test_properties as test
def jinja2_autoescape_false(context):
# check type just to be safe
if isinstance(context.call_function_name_qual, str):
qualname_list = context.call_function_name_qual.split('.')
func = qualname_list[-1]
if 'jinja2' in qualname_list and func == 'Environment':
for node in ast.walk(context.node):
if isinstance(node, ast.keyword):
# definite autoescape = False
if (getattr(node, 'arg', None) == 'autoescape' and
(getattr(node.value, 'id', None) == 'False' or
getattr(node.value, 'value', None) is False)):
return bandit.Issue(
text="Using jinja2 templates with autoescape="
"False is dangerous and can lead to XSS. "
"Use autoescape=True or use the "
"select_autoescape function to mitigate XSS "
# found autoescape
if getattr(node, 'arg', None) == 'autoescape':
value = getattr(node, 'value', None)
if (getattr(value, 'id', None) == 'True' or
getattr(value, 'value', None) is True):
# Check if select_autoescape function is used.
elif isinstance(value, ast.Call) and getattr(
value.func, 'id', None) == 'select_autoescape':
return bandit.Issue(
text="Using jinja2 templates with autoescape="
"False is dangerous and can lead to XSS. "
"Ensure autoescape=True or use the "
"select_autoescape function to mitigate "
"XSS vulnerabilities."
# We haven't found a keyword named autoescape, indicating default
# behavior
return bandit.Issue(
text="By default, jinja2 sets autoescape to False. Consider "
"using autoescape=True or use the select_autoescape "
"function to mitigate XSS vulnerabilities."