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2019-04-11 13:56:20 +00:00
"""Package with general repository related functions"""
import os
import stat
from string import digits
from git.compat import xrange
from git.exc import WorkTreeRepositoryUnsupported
from git.objects import Object
from git.refs import SymbolicReference
from git.util import hex_to_bin, bin_to_hex, decygpath
from gitdb.exc import (
import os.path as osp
from git.cmd import Git
__all__ = ('rev_parse', 'is_git_dir', 'touch', 'find_submodule_git_dir', 'name_to_object', 'short_to_long', 'deref_tag',
'to_commit', 'find_worktree_git_dir')
def touch(filename):
with open(filename, "ab"):
return filename
def is_git_dir(d):
""" This is taken from the git setup.c:is_git_directory
@throws WorkTreeRepositoryUnsupported if it sees a worktree directory. It's quite hacky to do that here,
but at least clearly indicates that we don't support it.
There is the unlikely danger to throw if we see directories which just look like a worktree dir,
but are none."""
if osp.isdir(d):
if osp.isdir(osp.join(d, 'objects')) and osp.isdir(osp.join(d, 'refs')):
headref = osp.join(d, 'HEAD')
return osp.isfile(headref) or \
(osp.islink(headref) and
elif (osp.isfile(osp.join(d, 'gitdir')) and
osp.isfile(osp.join(d, 'commondir')) and
osp.isfile(osp.join(d, 'gitfile'))):
raise WorkTreeRepositoryUnsupported(d)
return False
def find_worktree_git_dir(dotgit):
"""Search for a gitdir for this worktree."""
statbuf = os.stat(dotgit)
except OSError:
return None
if not stat.S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode):
return None
lines = open(dotgit, 'r').readlines()
for key, value in [line.strip().split(': ') for line in lines]:
if key == 'gitdir':
return value
except ValueError:
return None
def find_submodule_git_dir(d):
"""Search for a submodule repo."""
if is_git_dir(d):
return d
with open(d) as fp:
content =
except (IOError, OSError):
# it's probably not a file
if content.startswith('gitdir: '):
path = content[8:]
if Git.is_cygwin():
## Cygwin creates submodules prefixed with `/cygdrive/...` suffixes.
path = decygpath(path)
if not osp.isabs(path):
path = osp.join(osp.dirname(d), path)
return find_submodule_git_dir(path)
# end handle exception
return None
def short_to_long(odb, hexsha):
""":return: long hexadecimal sha1 from the given less-than-40 byte hexsha
or None if no candidate could be found.
:param hexsha: hexsha with less than 40 byte"""
return bin_to_hex(odb.partial_to_complete_sha_hex(hexsha))
except BadObject:
return None
# END exception handling
def name_to_object(repo, name, return_ref=False):
:return: object specified by the given name, hexshas ( short and long )
as well as references are supported
:param return_ref: if name specifies a reference, we will return the reference
instead of the object. Otherwise it will raise BadObject or BadName
hexsha = None
# is it a hexsha ? Try the most common ones, which is 7 to 40
if repo.re_hexsha_shortened.match(name):
if len(name) != 40:
# find long sha for short sha
hexsha = short_to_long(repo.odb, name)
hexsha = name
# END handle short shas
# END find sha if it matches
# if we couldn't find an object for what seemed to be a short hexsha
# try to find it as reference anyway, it could be named 'aaa' for instance
if hexsha is None:
for base in ('%s', 'refs/%s', 'refs/tags/%s', 'refs/heads/%s', 'refs/remotes/%s', 'refs/remotes/%s/HEAD'):
hexsha = SymbolicReference.dereference_recursive(repo, base % name)
if return_ref:
return SymbolicReference(repo, base % name)
# END handle symbolic ref
except ValueError:
# END for each base
# END handle hexsha
# didn't find any ref, this is an error
if return_ref:
raise BadObject("Couldn't find reference named %r" % name)
# END handle return ref
# tried everything ? fail
if hexsha is None:
raise BadName(name)
# END assert hexsha was found
return Object.new_from_sha(repo, hex_to_bin(hexsha))
def deref_tag(tag):
"""Recursively dereference a tag and return the resulting object"""
while True:
tag = tag.object
except AttributeError:
# END dereference tag
return tag
def to_commit(obj):
"""Convert the given object to a commit if possible and return it"""
if obj.type == 'tag':
obj = deref_tag(obj)
if obj.type != "commit":
raise ValueError("Cannot convert object %r to type commit" % obj)
# END verify type
return obj
def rev_parse(repo, rev):
:return: Object at the given revision, either Commit, Tag, Tree or Blob
:param rev: git-rev-parse compatible revision specification as string, please see
for details
:raise BadObject: if the given revision could not be found
:raise ValueError: If rev couldn't be parsed
:raise IndexError: If invalid reflog index is specified"""
# colon search mode ?
if rev.startswith(':/'):
# colon search mode
raise NotImplementedError("commit by message search ( regex )")
# END handle search
obj = None
ref = None
output_type = "commit"
start = 0
parsed_to = 0
lr = len(rev)
while start < lr:
if rev[start] not in "^~:@":
start += 1
# END handle start
token = rev[start]
if obj is None:
# token is a rev name
if start == 0:
ref = repo.head.ref
if token == '@':
ref = name_to_object(repo, rev[:start], return_ref=True)
obj = name_to_object(repo, rev[:start])
# END handle token
# END handle refname
if ref is not None:
obj = ref.commit
# END handle ref
# END initialize obj on first token
start += 1
# try to parse {type}
if start < lr and rev[start] == '{':
end = rev.find('}', start)
if end == -1:
raise ValueError("Missing closing brace to define type in %s" % rev)
output_type = rev[start + 1:end] # exclude brace
# handle type
if output_type == 'commit':
pass # default
elif output_type == 'tree':
obj = to_commit(obj).tree
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
pass # error raised later
# END exception handling
elif output_type in ('', 'blob'):
if obj.type == 'tag':
obj = deref_tag(obj)
# cannot do anything for non-tags
# END handle tag
elif token == '@':
# try single int
assert ref is not None, "Requre Reference to access reflog"
revlog_index = None
# transform reversed index into the format of our revlog
revlog_index = -(int(output_type) + 1)
except ValueError:
# TODO: Try to parse the other date options, using parse_date
# maybe
raise NotImplementedError("Support for additional @{...} modes not implemented")
# END handle revlog index
entry = ref.log_entry(revlog_index)
except IndexError:
raise IndexError("Invalid revlog index: %i" % revlog_index)
# END handle index out of bound
obj = Object.new_from_sha(repo, hex_to_bin(entry.newhexsha))
# make it pass the following checks
output_type = None
raise ValueError("Invalid output type: %s ( in %s )" % (output_type, rev))
# END handle output type
# empty output types don't require any specific type, its just about dereferencing tags
if output_type and obj.type != output_type:
raise ValueError("Could not accommodate requested object type %r, got %s" % (output_type, obj.type))
# END verify output type
start = end + 1 # skip brace
parsed_to = start
# END parse type
# try to parse a number
num = 0
if token != ":":
found_digit = False
while start < lr:
if rev[start] in digits:
num = num * 10 + int(rev[start])
start += 1
found_digit = True
# END handle number
# END number parse loop
# no explicit number given, 1 is the default
# It could be 0 though
if not found_digit:
num = 1
# END set default num
# END number parsing only if non-blob mode
parsed_to = start
# handle hierarchy walk
if token == "~":
obj = to_commit(obj)
for _ in xrange(num):
obj = obj.parents[0]
# END for each history item to walk
elif token == "^":
obj = to_commit(obj)
# must be n'th parent
if num:
obj = obj.parents[num - 1]
elif token == ":":
if obj.type != "tree":
obj = obj.tree
# END get tree type
obj = obj[rev[start:]]
parsed_to = lr
raise ValueError("Invalid token: %r" % token)
# END end handle tag
except (IndexError, AttributeError):
raise BadName("Invalid revision spec '%s' - not enough parent commits to reach '%s%i'" % (rev, token, num))
# END exception handling
# END parse loop
# still no obj ? Its probably a simple name
if obj is None:
obj = name_to_object(repo, rev)
parsed_to = lr
# END handle simple name
if obj is None:
raise ValueError("Revision specifier could not be parsed: %s" % rev)
if parsed_to != lr:
raise ValueError("Didn't consume complete rev spec %s, consumed part: %s" % (rev, rev[:parsed_to]))
return obj