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2019-04-11 13:56:20 +00:00
import atexit
import os
import warnings
from re import compile
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from testfixtures.comparison import compare
from testfixtures.compat import basestring
from testfixtures.utils import wrap
from .rmtree import rmtree
class TempDirectory:
A class representing a temporary directory on disk.
:param ignore: A sequence of strings containing regular expression
patterns that match filenames that should be
ignored by the :class:`TempDirectory` listing and
checking methods.
:param create: If `True`, the temporary directory will be created
as part of class instantiation.
:param path: If passed, this should be a string containing a
physical path to use as the temporary directory. When
passed, :class:`TempDirectory` will not create a new
directory to use.
:param encoding: A default encoding to use for :meth:`read` and
:meth:`write` operations when the ``encoding`` parameter
is not passed to those methods.
instances = set()
atexit_setup = False
#: The physical path of the :class:`TempDirectory` on disk
path = None
def __init__(self, ignore=(), create=True, path=None, encoding=None):
self.ignore = []
for regex in ignore:
self.path = path
self.encoding = encoding
self.dont_remove = bool(path)
if create:
def atexit(cls):
if cls.instances:
'TempDirectory instances not cleaned up by shutdown:\n'
'%s' % ('\n'.join(i.path for i in cls.instances))
def create(self):
Create a temporary directory for this instance to use if one
has not already been created.
if self.path:
return self
self.path = mkdtemp()
if not self.__class__.atexit_setup:
self.__class__.atexit_setup = True
return self
def cleanup(self):
Delete the temporary directory and anything in it.
This :class:`TempDirectory` cannot be used again unless
:meth:`create` is called.
if self.path and os.path.exists(self.path) and not self.dont_remove:
del self.path
if self in self.instances:
def cleanup_all(cls):
Delete all temporary directories associated with all
:class:`TempDirectory` objects.
for i in tuple(cls.instances):
def actual(self,
path=None, recursive=False, files_only=False, followlinks=False):
path = self._join(path) if path else self.path
result = []
if recursive:
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(
path, followlinks=followlinks
dirpath = '/'.join(dirpath[len(path)+1:].split(os.sep))
if dirpath:
dirpath += '/'
for dirname in dirnames:
if not files_only:
for name in sorted(filenames):
for n in os.listdir(path):
filtered = []
for path in sorted(result):
ignore = False
for regex in self.ignore:
ignore = True
if ignore:
return filtered
def listdir(self, path=None, recursive=False):
Print the contents of the specified directory.
:param path: The path to list, which can be:
* `None`, indicating the root of the temporary
directory should be listed.
* A tuple of strings, indicating that the
elements of the tuple should be used as directory
names to traverse from the root of the
temporary directory to find the directory to be
* A forward-slash separated string, indicating
the directory or subdirectory that should be
traversed to from the temporary directory and
:param recursive: If `True`, the directory specified will have
its subdirectories recursively listed too.
actual = self.actual(path, recursive)
if not actual:
print('No files or directories found.')
for n in actual:
def compare(self, expected, path=None, files_only=False, recursive=True,
Compare the expected contents with the actual contents of the temporary
directory. An :class:`AssertionError` will be raised if they are not the
:param expected: A sequence of strings containing the paths
expected in the directory. These paths should
be forward-slash separated and relative to
the root of the temporary directory.
:param path: The path to use as the root for the comparison,
relative to the root of the temporary directory.
This can either be:
* A tuple of strings, making up the relative path.
* A forward-slash separated string.
If it is not provided, the root of the temporary
directory will be used.
:param files_only: If specified, directories will be excluded from
the list of actual paths used in the comparison.
:param recursive: If passed as ``False``, only the direct contents of
the directory specified by ``path`` will be included
in the actual contents used for comparison.
:param followlinks: If passed as ``True``, symlinks and hard links
will be followed when recursively building up
the actual list of directory contents.
__tracebackhide__ = True
path, recursive, files_only, followlinks
def check(self, *expected):
.. deprecated:: 4.3.0
Compare the contents of the temporary directory with the
expected contents supplied.
This method only checks the root of the temporary directory.
:param expected: A sequence of strings containing the names
expected in the directory.
compare(expected, tuple(self.actual()), recursive=False)
def check_dir(self, dir, *expected):
.. deprecated:: 4.3.0
Compare the contents of the specified subdirectory of the
temporary directory with the expected contents supplied.
This method will only check the contents of the subdirectory
specified and will not recursively check subdirectories.
:param dir: The subdirectory to check, which can be:
* A tuple of strings, indicating that the
elements of the tuple should be used as directory
names to traverse from the root of the
temporary directory to find the directory to be
* A forward-slash separated string, indicating
the directory or subdirectory that should be
traversed to from the temporary directory and
:param expected: A sequence of strings containing the names
expected in the directory.
compare(expected, tuple(self.actual(dir)), recursive=False)
def check_all(self, dir, *expected):
.. deprecated:: 4.3.0
Recursively compare the contents of the specified directory
with the expected contents supplied.
:param dir: The directory to check, which can be:
* A tuple of strings, indicating that the
elements of the tuple should be used as directory
names to traverse from the root of the
temporary directory to find the directory to be
* A forward-slash separated string, indicating
the directory or subdirectory that should be
traversed to from the temporary directory and
* An empty string, indicating that the whole
temporary directory should be checked.
:param expected: A sequence of strings containing the paths
expected in the directory. These paths should
be forward-slash separated and relative to
the root of the temporary directory.
compare(expected, tuple(self.actual(dir, recursive=True)),
def _join(self, name):
# make things platform independent
if isinstance(name, basestring):
name = name.split('/')
relative = os.sep.join(name).rstrip(os.sep)
if relative.startswith(os.sep):
if relative.startswith(self.path):
return relative
raise ValueError(
'Attempt to read or write outside the temporary Directory'
return os.path.join(self.path, relative)
def makedir(self, dirpath):
Make an empty directory at the specified path within the
temporary directory. Any intermediate subdirectories that do
not exist will also be created.
:param dirpath: The directory to create, which can be:
* A tuple of strings.
* A forward-slash separated string.
:returns: The full path of the created directory.
thepath = self._join(dirpath)
return thepath
def write(self, filepath, data, encoding=None):
Write the supplied data to a file at the specified path within
the temporary directory. Any subdirectories specified that do
not exist will also be created.
The file will always be written in binary mode. The data supplied must
either be bytes or an encoding must be supplied to convert the string
into bytes.
:param filepath: The path to the file to create, which can be:
* A tuple of strings.
* A forward-slash separated string.
:param data: A string containing the data to be written.
:param encoding: The encoding to be used if data is not bytes. Should
not be passed if data is already bytes.
:returns: The full path of the file written.
if isinstance(filepath, basestring):
filepath = filepath.split('/')
if len(filepath) > 1:
dirpath = self._join(filepath[:-1])
if not os.path.exists(dirpath):
thepath = self._join(filepath)
encoding = encoding or self.encoding
if encoding is not None:
data = data.encode(encoding)
with open(thepath, 'wb') as f:
return thepath
def getpath(self, path):
Return the full path on disk that corresponds to the path
relative to the temporary directory that is passed in.
:param path: The path to the file to create, which can be:
* A tuple of strings.
* A forward-slash separated string.
:returns: A string containing the full path.
return self._join(path)
def read(self, filepath, encoding=None):
Reads the file at the specified path within the temporary
The file is always read in binary mode. Bytes will be returned unless
an encoding is supplied, in which case a unicode string of the decoded
data will be returned.
:param filepath: The path to the file to read, which can be:
* A tuple of strings.
* A forward-slash separated string.
:param encoding: The encoding used to decode the data in the file.
:returns: A string containing the data read.
with open(self._join(filepath), 'rb') as f:
data =
encoding = encoding or self.encoding
if encoding is not None:
return data.decode(encoding)
return data
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
def tempdir(*args, **kw):
A decorator for making a :class:`TempDirectory` available for the
duration of a test function.
All arguments and parameters are passed through to the
:class:`TempDirectory` constructor.
kw['create'] = False
l = TempDirectory(*args, **kw)
return wrap(l.create, l.cleanup)