
1752 lines
65 KiB
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2019-04-23 11:04:27 +00:00
# Copyright (c) 2014, Chris Church <>
# Copyright (c) 2017 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
name: powershell
plugin_type: shell
version_added: ""
short_description: Windows Powershell
- The only option when using 'winrm' as a connection plugin
- Temporary directory to use on targets when copying files to the host.
default: '%TEMP%'
- section: powershell
key: remote_tmp
- name: ansible_remote_tmp
- Controls if we set the locale for moduels when executing on the
- Windows only supports C(no) as an option.
type: bool
default: 'no'
- 'no'
- Dictionary of environment variables and their values to use when
executing commands.
type: dict
default: {}
# FIXME: admin_users and set_module_language don't belong here but must be set
# so they don't failk when someone get_option('admin_users') on this plugin
import base64
import os
import re
import shlex
import pkgutil
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
from import ShellBase
_common_args = ['PowerShell', '-NoProfile', '-NonInteractive', '-ExecutionPolicy', 'Unrestricted']
# Primarily for testing, allow explicitly specifying PowerShell version via
# an environment variable.
_powershell_version = os.environ.get('POWERSHELL_VERSION', None)
if _powershell_version:
_common_args = ['PowerShell', '-Version', _powershell_version] + _common_args[1:]
exec_wrapper = br'''
begin {
$DebugPreference = "Continue"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
function ConvertTo-HashtableFromPsCustomObject ($myPsObject){
$output = @{};
$myPsObject | Get-Member -MemberType *Property | % {
$val = $myPsObject.($;
If ($val -is [psobject]) {
$val = ConvertTo-HashtableFromPsCustomObject $val
$output.($ = $val
return $output;
# stream JSON including become_pw, ps_module_payload, bin_module_payload, become_payload, write_payload_path, preserve directives
# exec runspace, capture output, cleanup, return module output
# only init and stream in $json_raw if it wasn't set by the enclosing scope
if (-not $(Get-Variable "json_raw" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
$json_raw = ''
process {
$input_as_string = [string]$input
$json_raw += $input_as_string
end {
If (-not $json_raw) {
Write-Error "no input given" -Category InvalidArgument
$payload = ConvertTo-HashtableFromPsCustomObject (ConvertFrom-Json $json_raw)
# TODO: handle binary modules
# TODO: handle persistence
$min_os_version = [version]$payload.min_os_version
if ($min_os_version -ne $null) {
$actual_os_version = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version
if ($actual_os_version -lt $min_os_version) {
$msg = "This module cannot run on this OS as it requires a minimum version of $min_os_version, actual was $actual_os_version"
Write-Output (ConvertTo-Json @{failed=$true;msg=$msg})
exit 1
$min_ps_version = [version]$payload.min_ps_version
if ($min_ps_version -ne $null) {
$actual_ps_version = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
if ($actual_ps_version -lt $min_ps_version) {
$msg = "This module cannot run as it requires a minimum PowerShell version of $min_ps_version, actual was $actual_ps_version"
Write-Output (ConvertTo-Json @{failed=$true;msg=$msg})
exit 1
$actions = $payload.actions
# pop 0th action as entrypoint
$entrypoint = $payload.($actions[0])
$payload.actions = $payload.actions[1..99]
$entrypoint = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($entrypoint))
# load the current action entrypoint as a module custom object with a Run method
$entrypoint = New-Module -ScriptBlock ([scriptblock]::Create($entrypoint)) -AsCustomObject
Set-Variable -Scope global -Name complex_args -Value $payload["module_args"] | Out-Null
# dynamically create/load modules
ForEach ($mod in $payload.powershell_modules.GetEnumerator()) {
$decoded_module = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($mod.Value))
New-Module -ScriptBlock ([scriptblock]::Create($decoded_module)) -Name $mod.Key | Import-Module -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
$output = $entrypoint.Run($payload)
Write-Output $output
''' # end exec_wrapper
leaf_exec = br'''
Function Run($payload) {
$entrypoint = $payload.module_entry
$entrypoint = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($entrypoint))
$ps = [powershell]::Create()
$ps.AddStatement().AddCommand("Set-Variable").AddParameters(@{Scope="global";Name="complex_args";Value=$payload.module_args}) | Out-Null
$ps.AddCommand("Out-Null") | Out-Null
# redefine Write-Host to dump to output instead of failing- lots of scripts use it
$ps.AddStatement().AddScript("Function Write-Host(`$msg){ Write-Output `$msg }") | Out-Null
ForEach ($env_kv in $payload.environment.GetEnumerator()) {
# need to escape ' in both the key and value
$env_key = $env_kv.Key.ToString().Replace("'", "''")
$env_value = $env_kv.Value.ToString().Replace("'", "''")
$escaped_env_set = "[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('{0}', '{1}')" -f $env_key, $env_value
$ps.AddStatement().AddScript($escaped_env_set) | Out-Null
# dynamically create/load modules
ForEach ($mod in $payload.powershell_modules.GetEnumerator()) {
$decoded_module = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($mod.Value))
$ps.AddStatement().AddCommand("New-Module").AddParameters(@{ScriptBlock=([scriptblock]::Create($decoded_module));Name=$mod.Key}) | Out-Null
$ps.AddCommand("Import-Module").AddParameters(@{WarningAction="SilentlyContinue"}) | Out-Null
$ps.AddCommand("Out-Null") | Out-Null
# force input encoding to preamble-free UTF8 so PS sub-processes (eg,
# Start-Job) don't blow up. This is only required for WinRM, a PSRP
# runspace doesn't have a host console and this will bomb out
if ($host.Name -eq "ConsoleHost") {
$ps.AddStatement().AddScript("[Console]::InputEncoding = New-Object Text.UTF8Encoding `$false") | Out-Null
$ps.AddStatement().AddScript($entrypoint) | Out-Null
$output = $ps.Invoke()
# PS3 doesn't properly set HadErrors in many cases, inspect the error stream as a fallback
If ($ps.HadErrors -or ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 4 -and $ps.Streams.Error.Count -gt 0)) {
$host.UI.WriteErrorLine($($ps.Streams.Error | Out-String))
$exit_code = $ps.Runspace.SessionStateProxy.GetVariable("LASTEXITCODE")
If(-not $exit_code) {
$exit_code = 1
# need to use this instead of Exit keyword to prevent runspace from crashing with dynamic modules
''' # end leaf_exec
become_wrapper = br'''
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$helper_def = @"
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security.AccessControl;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace AnsibleBecome
public int nLength;
public IntPtr lpSecurityDescriptor;
public bool bInheritHandle = false;
nLength = Marshal.SizeOf(this);
public class STARTUPINFO
public Int32 cb;
public IntPtr lpReserved;
public IntPtr lpDesktop;
public IntPtr lpTitle;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 28)]
public byte[] _data1;
public Int32 dwFlags;
public Int16 wShowWindow;
public Int16 cbReserved2;
public IntPtr lpReserved2;
public SafeFileHandle hStdInput;
public SafeFileHandle hStdOutput;
public SafeFileHandle hStdError;
cb = Marshal.SizeOf(this);
public class STARTUPINFOEX
public STARTUPINFO startupInfo;
public IntPtr lpAttributeList;
startupInfo = new STARTUPINFO();
startupInfo.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(this);
public struct LUID
public UInt32 LowPart;
public Int32 HighPart;
public static explicit operator UInt64(LUID l)
return (UInt64)((UInt64)l.HighPart << 32) | (UInt64)l.LowPart;
public LUID Luid;
public UInt32 Attributes;
public IntPtr hProcess;
public IntPtr hThread;
public int dwProcessId;
public int dwThreadId;
public struct SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES
public IntPtr Sid;
public int Attributes;
public struct TOKEN_PRIVILEGES
public UInt32 PrivilegeCount;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 1)]
public LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES[] Privileges;
public struct TOKEN_USER
public enum StartupInfoFlags : uint
USESTDHANDLES = 0x00000100
public enum CreationFlags : uint
CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE = 0x00000010,
CREATE_SUSPENDED = 0x00000004,
public enum HandleFlags : uint
None = 0,
public enum LogonFlags
LOGON_WITH_PROFILE = 0x00000001,
public enum LogonType
public enum LogonProvider
public enum TokenInformationClass
TokenUser = 1,
TokenPrivileges = 3,
TokenType = 8,
TokenImpersonationLevel = 9,
TokenElevationType = 18,
TokenLinkedToken = 19,
public enum TokenElevationType
TokenElevationTypeDefault = 1,
public enum ProcessAccessFlags : uint
public enum TOKEN_TYPE
TokenPrimary = 1,
class NativeWaitHandle : WaitHandle
public NativeWaitHandle(IntPtr handle)
this.SafeWaitHandle = new SafeWaitHandle(handle, false);
class SafeMemoryBuffer : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid
public SafeMemoryBuffer() : base(true) { }
public SafeMemoryBuffer(int cb) : base(true)
public SafeMemoryBuffer(IntPtr handle) : base(true)
[ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail)]
protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
return true;
public class Win32Exception : System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception
private string _msg;
public Win32Exception(string message) : this(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), message) { }
public Win32Exception(int errorCode, string message) : base(errorCode)
_msg = String.Format("{0} ({1}, Win32ErrorCode {2})", message, base.Message, errorCode);
public override string Message { get { return _msg; } }
public static explicit operator Win32Exception(string message) { return new Win32Exception(message); }
public class CommandResult
public string StandardOut { get; internal set; }
public string StandardError { get; internal set; }
public uint ExitCode { get; internal set; }
public class BecomeUtil
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool LogonUser(
string lpszUsername,
string lpszDomain,
string lpszPassword,
LogonType dwLogonType,
LogonProvider dwLogonProvider,
out IntPtr phToken);
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
private static extern bool CreateProcessWithTokenW(
IntPtr hToken,
LogonFlags dwLogonFlags,
string lpApplicationName,
StringBuilder lpCommandLine,
CreationFlags dwCreationFlags,
IntPtr lpEnvironment,
string lpCurrentDirectory,
out PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation);
private static extern bool CreatePipe(
out SafeFileHandle hReadPipe,
out SafeFileHandle hWritePipe,
uint nSize);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool SetHandleInformation(
SafeFileHandle hObject,
HandleFlags dwMask,
int dwFlags);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool GetExitCodeProcess(
IntPtr hProcess,
out uint lpExitCode);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool CloseHandle(
IntPtr hObject);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr GetProcessWindowStation();
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr GetThreadDesktop(
int dwThreadId);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int GetCurrentThreadId();
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool GetTokenInformation(
IntPtr TokenHandle,
TokenInformationClass TokenInformationClass,
SafeMemoryBuffer TokenInformation,
uint TokenInformationLength,
out uint ReturnLength);
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern bool LookupPrivilegeNameW(
string lpSystemName,
ref LUID lpLuid,
StringBuilder lpName,
ref UInt32 cchName);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(
ProcessAccessFlags processAccess,
bool bInheritHandle,
UInt32 processId);
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool OpenProcessToken(
IntPtr ProcessHandle,
TokenAccessLevels DesiredAccess,
out IntPtr TokenHandle);
[DllImport("advapi32", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool DuplicateTokenEx(
IntPtr hExistingToken,
TokenAccessLevels dwDesiredAccess,
IntPtr lpTokenAttributes,
out IntPtr phNewToken);
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(
IntPtr hToken);
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool RevertToSelf();
public static CommandResult RunAsUser(string username, string password, string lpCommandLine,
string lpCurrentDirectory, string stdinInput, LogonFlags logonFlags, LogonType logonType)
SecurityIdentifier account = null;
if (logonType != LogonType.LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS)
account = GetBecomeSid(username);
si.startupInfo.dwFlags = (int)StartupInfoFlags.USESTDHANDLES;
pipesec.bInheritHandle = true;
// Create the stdout, stderr and stdin pipes used in the process and add to the startupInfo
SafeFileHandle stdout_read, stdout_write, stderr_read, stderr_write, stdin_read, stdin_write;
if (!CreatePipe(out stdout_read, out stdout_write, pipesec, 0))
throw new Win32Exception("STDOUT pipe setup failed");
if (!SetHandleInformation(stdout_read, HandleFlags.INHERIT, 0))
throw new Win32Exception("STDOUT pipe handle setup failed");
if (!CreatePipe(out stderr_read, out stderr_write, pipesec, 0))
throw new Win32Exception("STDERR pipe setup failed");
if (!SetHandleInformation(stderr_read, HandleFlags.INHERIT, 0))
throw new Win32Exception("STDERR pipe handle setup failed");
if (!CreatePipe(out stdin_read, out stdin_write, pipesec, 0))
throw new Win32Exception("STDIN pipe setup failed");
if (!SetHandleInformation(stdin_write, HandleFlags.INHERIT, 0))
throw new Win32Exception("STDIN pipe handle setup failed");
si.startupInfo.hStdOutput = stdout_write;
si.startupInfo.hStdError = stderr_write;
si.startupInfo.hStdInput = stdin_read;
// Setup the stdin buffer
UTF8Encoding utf8_encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false);
FileStream stdin_fs = new FileStream(stdin_write, FileAccess.Write, 32768);
StreamWriter stdin = new StreamWriter(stdin_fs, utf8_encoding, 32768);
// Create the environment block if set
IntPtr lpEnvironment = IntPtr.Zero;
CreationFlags startup_flags = CreationFlags.CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT;
// Get the user tokens to try running processes with
List<IntPtr> tokens = GetUserTokens(account, username, password, logonType);
bool launch_success = false;
foreach (IntPtr token in tokens)
if (CreateProcessWithTokenW(
new StringBuilder(lpCommandLine),
out pi))
launch_success = true;
if (!launch_success)
throw new Win32Exception("Failed to start become process");
CommandResult result = new CommandResult();
// Setup the output buffers and get stdout/stderr
FileStream stdout_fs = new FileStream(stdout_read, FileAccess.Read, 4096);
StreamReader stdout = new StreamReader(stdout_fs, utf8_encoding, true, 4096);
FileStream stderr_fs = new FileStream(stderr_read, FileAccess.Read, 4096);
StreamReader stderr = new StreamReader(stderr_fs, utf8_encoding, true, 4096);
string stdout_str, stderr_str = null;
GetProcessOutput(stdout, stderr, out stdout_str, out stderr_str);
UInt32 rc = GetProcessExitCode(pi.hProcess);
result.StandardOut = stdout_str;
result.StandardError = stderr_str;
result.ExitCode = rc;
return result;
private static SecurityIdentifier GetBecomeSid(string username)
NTAccount account = new NTAccount(username);
SecurityIdentifier security_identifier = (SecurityIdentifier)account.Translate(typeof(SecurityIdentifier));
return security_identifier;
catch (IdentityNotMappedException ex)
throw new Exception(String.Format("Unable to find become user {0}: {1}", username, ex.Message));
private static List<IntPtr> GetUserTokens(SecurityIdentifier account, string username, string password, LogonType logonType)
List<IntPtr> tokens = new List<IntPtr>();
List<String> service_sids = new List<String>()
"S-1-5-19", // NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
"S-1-5-20" // NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService
IntPtr hSystemToken = IntPtr.Zero;
string account_sid = "";
if (logonType != LogonType.LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS)
// Try to get SYSTEM token handle so we can impersonate to get full admin token
hSystemToken = GetSystemUserHandle();
account_sid = account.ToString();
bool impersonated = false;
if (hSystemToken == IntPtr.Zero && service_sids.Contains(account_sid))
// We need the SYSTEM token if we want to become one of those accounts, fail here
throw new Win32Exception("Failed to get token for NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM");
else if (hSystemToken != IntPtr.Zero)
// If SYSTEM impersonation failed but we're trying to become a regular user, just proceed;
// might get a limited token in UAC-enabled cases, but better than nothing...
if (ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(hSystemToken))
impersonated = true;
else if (service_sids.Contains(account_sid))
throw new Win32Exception("Failed to impersonate as SYSTEM account");
string domain = null;
if (service_sids.Contains(account_sid))
// We're using a well-known service account, do a service logon instead of the actual flag set
logonType = LogonType.LOGON32_LOGON_SERVICE;
domain = "NT AUTHORITY";
password = null;
switch (account_sid)
case "S-1-5-18":
return tokens;
case "S-1-5-19":
username = "LocalService";
case "S-1-5-20":
username = "NetworkService";
// We are trying to become a local or domain account
if (username.Contains(@"\"))
var user_split = username.Split(Convert.ToChar(@"\"));
domain = user_split[0];
username = user_split[1];
else if (username.Contains("@"))
domain = null;
domain = ".";
IntPtr hToken = IntPtr.Zero;
if (!LogonUser(
out hToken))
throw new Win32Exception("LogonUser failed");
if (!service_sids.Contains(account_sid))
// Try and get the elevated token for local/domain account
IntPtr hTokenElevated = GetElevatedToken(hToken);
// add the original token as a fallback
if (impersonated)
return tokens;
private static IntPtr GetSystemUserHandle()
// According to CreateProcessWithTokenW we require a token with
// Also add in TOKEN_IMPERSONATE so we can get an impersontated token
TokenAccessLevels desired_access = TokenAccessLevels.Query |
TokenAccessLevels.Duplicate |
TokenAccessLevels.AssignPrimary |
foreach (System.Diagnostics.Process process in System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses())
using (process)
IntPtr hProcess = OpenProcess(ProcessAccessFlags.PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, false, (UInt32)process.Id);
if (hProcess == IntPtr.Zero)
IntPtr hToken = IntPtr.Zero;
if (!OpenProcessToken(hProcess, desired_access, out hToken))
string sid = GetTokenUserSID(hToken);
if (sid != "S-1-5-18")
// Make sure the SYSTEM token we are checking contains the SeTcbPrivilege required for
// escalation. Some SYSTEM tokens have this privilege stripped out.
List<string> actualPrivileges = GetTokenPrivileges(hToken);
if (!actualPrivileges.Contains("SeTcbPrivilege"))
IntPtr dupToken = IntPtr.Zero;
if (!DuplicateTokenEx(hToken, TokenAccessLevels.MaximumAllowed, IntPtr.Zero,
out dupToken))
return dupToken;
return IntPtr.Zero;
private static string GetTokenUserSID(IntPtr hToken)
using (SafeMemoryBuffer tokenInfo = GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenInformationClass.TokenUser))
TOKEN_USER tokenUser = (TOKEN_USER)Marshal.PtrToStructure(tokenInfo.DangerousGetHandle(),
return new SecurityIdentifier(tokenUser.User.Sid).Value;
private static void GetProcessOutput(StreamReader stdoutStream, StreamReader stderrStream, out string stdout, out string stderr)
var sowait = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset);
var sewait = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset);
string so = null, se = null;
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((s) =>
so = stdoutStream.ReadToEnd();
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((s) =>
se = stderrStream.ReadToEnd();
foreach (var wh in new WaitHandle[] { sowait, sewait })
stdout = so;
stderr = se;
private static uint GetProcessExitCode(IntPtr processHandle)
new NativeWaitHandle(processHandle).WaitOne();
uint exitCode;
if (!GetExitCodeProcess(processHandle, out exitCode))
throw new Win32Exception("Error getting process exit code");
return exitCode;
private static IntPtr GetElevatedToken(IntPtr hToken)
// First determine if the current token is a limited token
using (SafeMemoryBuffer tokenInfo = GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenInformationClass.TokenElevationType))
TokenElevationType tet = (TokenElevationType)Marshal.ReadInt32(tokenInfo.DangerousGetHandle());
// We already have the best token we can get, just use it
if (tet != TokenElevationType.TokenElevationTypeLimited)
return hToken;
// We have a limited token, get the linked elevated token
using (SafeMemoryBuffer tokenInfo = GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenInformationClass.TokenLinkedToken))
return Marshal.ReadIntPtr(tokenInfo.DangerousGetHandle());
private static List<string> GetTokenPrivileges(IntPtr hToken)
using (SafeMemoryBuffer tokenInfo = GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenInformationClass.TokenPrivileges))
TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tokenPrivileges = (TOKEN_PRIVILEGES)Marshal.PtrToStructure(
tokenInfo.DangerousGetHandle(), typeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES));
LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES[] luidAndAttributes = new LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES[tokenPrivileges.PrivilegeCount];
PtrToStructureArray(luidAndAttributes, IntPtr.Add(tokenInfo.DangerousGetHandle(), Marshal.SizeOf(tokenPrivileges.PrivilegeCount)));
return luidAndAttributes.Select(x => GetPrivilegeName(x.Luid)).ToList();
private static SafeMemoryBuffer GetTokenInformation(IntPtr hToken, TokenInformationClass tokenClass)
UInt32 tokenLength;
bool res = GetTokenInformation(hToken, tokenClass, new SafeMemoryBuffer(IntPtr.Zero), 0, out tokenLength);
if (!res && tokenLength == 0) // res will be false due to insufficient buffer size, we ignore if we got the buffer length
throw new Win32Exception(String.Format("GetTokenInformation({0}) failed to get buffer length", tokenClass.ToString()));
SafeMemoryBuffer tokenInfo = new SafeMemoryBuffer((int)tokenLength);
if (!GetTokenInformation(hToken, tokenClass, tokenInfo, tokenLength, out tokenLength))
throw new Win32Exception(String.Format("GetTokenInformation({0}) failed", tokenClass.ToString()));
return tokenInfo;
private static string GetPrivilegeName(LUID luid)
UInt32 nameLen = 0;
LookupPrivilegeNameW(null, ref luid, null, ref nameLen);
StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder((int)(nameLen + 1));
if (!LookupPrivilegeNameW(null, ref luid, name, ref nameLen))
throw new Win32Exception("LookupPrivilegeNameW() failed");
return name.ToString();
private static void PtrToStructureArray<T>(T[] array, IntPtr ptr)
IntPtr ptrOffset = ptr;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++, ptrOffset = IntPtr.Add(ptrOffset, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T))))
array[i] = (T)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptrOffset, typeof(T));
private static void GrantAccessToWindowStationAndDesktop(SecurityIdentifier account)
const int WindowStationAllAccess = 0x000f037f;
GrantAccess(account, GetProcessWindowStation(), WindowStationAllAccess);
const int DesktopRightsAllAccess = 0x000f01ff;
GrantAccess(account, GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId()), DesktopRightsAllAccess);
private static void GrantAccess(SecurityIdentifier account, IntPtr handle, int accessMask)
SafeHandle safeHandle = new NoopSafeHandle(handle);
GenericSecurity security =
new GenericSecurity(false, ResourceType.WindowObject, safeHandle, AccessControlSections.Access);
new GenericAccessRule(account, accessMask, AccessControlType.Allow));
security.Persist(safeHandle, AccessControlSections.Access);
private class GenericSecurity : NativeObjectSecurity
public GenericSecurity(bool isContainer, ResourceType resType, SafeHandle objectHandle, AccessControlSections sectionsRequested)
: base(isContainer, resType, objectHandle, sectionsRequested) { }
public new void Persist(SafeHandle handle, AccessControlSections includeSections) { base.Persist(handle, includeSections); }
public new void AddAccessRule(AccessRule rule) { base.AddAccessRule(rule); }
public override Type AccessRightType { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
public override AccessRule AccessRuleFactory(System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference identityReference, int accessMask, bool isInherited,
InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags, AccessControlType type)
{ throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override Type AccessRuleType { get { return typeof(AccessRule); } }
public override AuditRule AuditRuleFactory(System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference identityReference, int accessMask, bool isInherited,
InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags, AuditFlags flags)
{ throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public override Type AuditRuleType { get { return typeof(AuditRule); } }
private class NoopSafeHandle : SafeHandle
public NoopSafeHandle(IntPtr handle) : base(handle, false) { }
public override bool IsInvalid { get { return false; } }
protected override bool ReleaseHandle() { return true; }
private class GenericAccessRule : AccessRule
public GenericAccessRule(IdentityReference identity, int accessMask, AccessControlType type) :
base(identity, accessMask, false, InheritanceFlags.None, PropagationFlags.None, type)
{ }
# due to the command line size limitations of CreateProcessWithTokenW, we
# execute a simple PS script that executes our full exec_wrapper so no files
# touch the disk
$become_exec_wrapper = { 65001 > $null
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$raw = [System.Console]::In.ReadToEnd()
$split_parts = $raw.Split(@("`0`0`0`0"), 0)
If (-not $split_parts.Length -eq 2) { throw "invalid payload" }
$json_raw = $split_parts[1]
$exec_wrapper = {
& 65001 > $null
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
$DebugPreference = "Continue"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Function ConvertTo-HashtableFromPsCustomObject($myPsObject) {
$output = @{}
$myPsObject | Get-Member -MemberType *Property | % {
$val = $myPsObject.($
if ($val -is [psobject]) {
$val = ConvertTo-HashtableFromPsCustomObject -myPsObject $val
$output.($ = $val
return $output
# stream JSON including become_pw, ps_module_payload, bin_module_payload, become_payload, write_payload_path, preserve directives
# exec runspace, capture output, cleanup, return module output. Do not change this as it is set become before being passed to the
# become process.
if (-not $(Get-Variable "json_raw" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Write-Error "no payload supplied" -Category InvalidArgument
$payload = ConvertTo-HashtableFromPsCustomObject -myPsObject (ConvertFrom-Json $json_raw)
# TODO: handle binary modules
# TODO: handle persistence
$actions = $payload.actions
# pop 0th action as entrypoint
$entrypoint = $payload.($actions[0])
$payload.actions = $payload.actions[1..99]
$entrypoint = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($entrypoint))
# load the current action entrypoint as a module custom object with a Run method
$entrypoint = New-Module -ScriptBlock ([scriptblock]::Create($entrypoint)) -AsCustomObject
Set-Variable -Scope global -Name complex_args -Value $payload["module_args"] | Out-Null
# dynamically create/load modules
ForEach ($mod in $payload.powershell_modules.GetEnumerator()) {
$decoded_module = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($mod.Value))
New-Module -ScriptBlock ([scriptblock]::Create($decoded_module)) -Name $mod.Key | Import-Module -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
$output = $entrypoint.Run($payload)
# base64 encode the output so the non-ascii characters are preserved
Write-Output ([System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((Write-Output $output))))
} # end exec_wrapper
Function Dump-Error ($excep, $msg=$null) {
$eo = @{failed=$true}
$exception_message = $excep.Exception.Message
if ($null -ne $msg) {
$exception_message = "$($msg): $exception_message"
$eo.msg = $exception_message
$eo.exception = $excep | Out-String
$eo | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 -Compress
Function Parse-EnumValue($enum, $flag_type, $value, $prefix) {
$raw_enum_value = "$prefix$($value.ToUpper())"
try {
$enum_value = [Enum]::Parse($enum, $raw_enum_value)
} catch [System.ArgumentException] {
$valid_options = [Enum]::GetNames($enum) | ForEach-Object { $_.Substring($prefix.Length).ToLower() }
throw "become_flags $flag_type value '$value' is not valid, valid values are: $($valid_options -join ", ")"
return $enum_value
Function Parse-BecomeFlags($flags) {
$logon_type = [AnsibleBecome.LogonType]::LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE
$logon_flags = [AnsibleBecome.LogonFlags]::LOGON_WITH_PROFILE
if ($flags -eq $null -or $flags -eq "") {
$flag_split = @()
} elseif ($flags -is [string]) {
$flag_split = $flags.Split(" ")
} else {
throw "become_flags must be a string, was $($flags.GetType())"
foreach ($flag in $flag_split) {
$split = $flag.Split("=")
if ($split.Count -ne 2) {
throw "become_flags entry '$flag' is in an invalid format, must be a key=value pair"
$flag_key = $split[0]
$flag_value = $split[1]
if ($flag_key -eq "logon_type") {
$enum_details = @{
enum = [AnsibleBecome.LogonType]
flag_type = $flag_key
value = $flag_value
prefix = "LOGON32_LOGON_"
$logon_type = Parse-EnumValue @enum_details
} elseif ($flag_key -eq "logon_flags") {
$logon_flag_values = $flag_value.Split(",")
$logon_flags = 0 -as [AnsibleBecome.LogonFlags]
foreach ($logon_flag_value in $logon_flag_values) {
if ($logon_flag_value -eq "") {
$enum_details = @{
enum = [AnsibleBecome.LogonFlags]
flag_type = $flag_key
value = $logon_flag_value
prefix = "LOGON_"
$logon_flag = Parse-EnumValue @enum_details
$logon_flags = $logon_flags -bor $logon_flag
} else {
throw "become_flags key '$flag_key' is not a valid runas flag, must be 'logon_type' or 'logon_flags'"
return $logon_type, [AnsibleBecome.LogonFlags]$logon_flags
Function Run($payload) {
# NB: action popping handled inside subprocess wrapper
$original_tmp = $env:TMP
$remote_tmp = $payload["module_args"]["_ansible_remote_tmp"]
$remote_tmp = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($remote_tmp)
if ($null -eq $remote_tmp) {
$remote_tmp = $original_tmp
# become process is run under a different console to the WinRM one so we
# need to set the UTF-8 codepage again
$env:TMP = $remote_tmp
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $helper_def -Debug:$false
$env:TMP = $original_tmp
$username = $payload.become_user
$password = $payload.become_password
try {
$logon_type, $logon_flags = Parse-BecomeFlags -flags $payload.become_flags
} catch {
Dump-Error -excep $_ -msg "Failed to parse become_flags '$($payload.become_flags)'"
return $null
# NB: CreateProcessWithTokenW commandline maxes out at 1024 chars, must bootstrap via small
# wrapper which calls our read wrapper passed through stdin. Cannot use 'powershell -' as
# the $ErrorActionPreference is always set to Stop and cannot be changed
$payload_string = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99 -Compress
$exec_wrapper = $exec_wrapper.ToString() + "`0`0`0`0" + $payload_string
$rc = 0
$exec_command = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($become_exec_wrapper.ToString()))
$lp_command_line = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder @("powershell.exe -NonInteractive -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -EncodedCommand $exec_command")
$lp_current_directory = "$env:SystemRoot"
Try {
$result = [AnsibleBecome.BecomeUtil]::RunAsUser($username, $password, $lp_command_line, $lp_current_directory, $exec_wrapper, $logon_flags, $logon_type)
$stdout = $result.StandardOut
$stdout = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($stdout.Trim()))
$stderr = $result.StandardError
$rc = $result.ExitCode
} Catch {
$excep = $_
Dump-Error -excep $excep -msg "Failed to become user $username"
async_wrapper = br'''
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# build exec_wrapper encoded command
# start powershell with breakaway running exec_wrapper encodedcommand
# stream payload to powershell with normal exec, but normal exec writes results to resultfile instead of stdout/stderr
# return asyncresult to controller
$exec_wrapper = {
# help to debug any errors in the exec_wrapper or async_watchdog by generating
# an error log in case of a terminating error
trap {
$log_path = "$($env:TEMP)\async-exec-wrapper-$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH-mm-ss.ffffZ")-error.txt"
$error_msg = "Error while running the async exec wrapper`r`n$_`r`n$($_.ScriptStackTrace)"
Set-Content -Path $log_path -Value $error_msg
throw $_
& 65001 > $null
$DebugPreference = "Continue"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
function ConvertTo-HashtableFromPsCustomObject ($myPsObject){
$output = @{};
$myPsObject | Get-Member -MemberType *Property | % {
$val = $myPsObject.($;
If ($val -is [psobject]) {
$val = ConvertTo-HashtableFromPsCustomObject $val
$output.($ = $val
return $output;
# store the pipe name and no. of bytes to read, these are populated by the
# Run function before being run - do not remove or change
$pipe_name = ""
$bytes_length = 0
# stream JSON including become_pw, ps_module_payload, bin_module_payload, become_payload, write_payload_path, preserve directives
# exec runspace, capture output, cleanup, return module output
$input_bytes = New-Object -TypeName byte[] -ArgumentList $bytes_length
$pipe = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream -ArgumentList @(
".", # localhost
try {
$pipe.Read($input_bytes, 0, $bytes_length) > $null
} finally {
$json_raw = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($input_bytes)
If (-not $json_raw) {
Write-Error "no input given" -Category InvalidArgument
$payload = ConvertTo-HashtableFromPsCustomObject (ConvertFrom-Json $json_raw)
# TODO: handle binary modules
# TODO: handle persistence
$actions = $payload.actions
# pop 0th action as entrypoint
$entrypoint = $payload.($actions[0])
$payload.actions = $payload.actions[1..99]
$entrypoint = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($entrypoint))
# load the current action entrypoint as a module custom object with a Run method
$entrypoint = New-Module -ScriptBlock ([scriptblock]::Create($entrypoint)) -AsCustomObject
Set-Variable -Scope global -Name complex_args -Value $payload["module_args"] | Out-Null
# dynamically create/load modules
ForEach ($mod in $payload.powershell_modules.GetEnumerator()) {
$decoded_module = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($mod.Value))
New-Module -ScriptBlock ([scriptblock]::Create($decoded_module)) -Name $mod.Key | Import-Module -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
$output = $entrypoint.Run($payload)
Write-Output $output
} # end exec_wrapper
Function Run($payload) {
$remote_tmp = $payload["module_args"]["_ansible_remote_tmp"]
$remote_tmp = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($remote_tmp)
# calculate the result path so we can include it in the worker payload
$jid = $payload.async_jid
$local_jid = $jid + "." + $pid
$results_path = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($remote_tmp, ".ansible_async", $local_jid)
$payload.async_results_path = $results_path
[System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($results_path)) | Out-Null
# can't use anonymous pipes as the spawned process will not be a child due to
# the way WMI works, use a named pipe with a random name instead and set to
# only allow current user to read from the pipe
$pipe_name = "ansible-async-$jid-$([guid]::NewGuid())"
$current_user = ([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).User
$payload_string = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99 -Compress
$payload_bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($payload_string)
$pipe_sec = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.Pipes.PipeSecurity
$pipe_ar = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRule -ArgumentList @(
$pipe = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream -ArgumentList @(
try {
$exec_wrapper_str = $exec_wrapper.ToString()
$exec_wrapper_str = $exec_wrapper_str.Replace('$pipe_name = ""', "`$pipe_name = `"$pipe_name`"")
$exec_wrapper_str = $exec_wrapper_str.Replace('$bytes_length = 0', "`$bytes_length = $($payload_bytes.Count)")
$encoded_command = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($exec_wrapper_str))
$exec_args = "powershell.exe -NonInteractive -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -EncodedCommand $encoded_command"
# not all connection plugins support breakaway from job that is required
# for async, Win32_Process.Create() is still able to escape so we use
# that here
$process = Invoke-CimMethod -ClassName Win32_Process -Name Create -Arguments @{CommandLine=$exec_args}
$rc = $process.ReturnValue
if ($rc -ne 0) {
$error_msg = switch($rc) {
2 { "Access denied" }
3 { "Insufficient privilege" }
8 { "Unknown failure" }
9 { "Path not found" }
21 { "Invalid parameter" }
default { "Other" }
throw "Failed to start async process: $rc ($error_msg)"
$watchdog_pid = $process.ProcessId
# populate initial results before we send the async data to avoid result race
$result = @{
started = 1;
finished = 0;
results_file = $results_path;
ansible_job_id = $local_jid;
_ansible_suppress_tmpdir_delete = $true;
ansible_async_watchdog_pid = $watchdog_pid
$result_json = ConvertTo-Json $result
Set-Content $results_path -Value $result_json
# wait until the client connects, throw an error if the timeout is reached
$wait_async = $pipe.BeginWaitForConnection($null, $null)
$wait_async.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(5000) > $null
if (-not $wait_async.IsCompleted) {
throw "timeout while waiting for child process to connect to named pipe"
# write the exec manifest to the child process
$pipe.Write($payload_bytes, 0, $payload_bytes.Count)
} finally {
return $result_json
''' # end async_wrapper
async_watchdog = br'''
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web.Extensions
Function Log {
If(Get-Variable -Name log_path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
Add-Content $log_path $msg
Function Deserialize-Json {
# FUTURE: move this into module_utils/powershell.ps1 and use for everything (sidestep PSCustomObject issues)
# FUTURE: won't work w/ Nano Server/.NET Core- fallback to DataContractJsonSerializer (which can't handle dicts on .NET 4.0)
Log "Deserializing:`n$json"
$jss = New-Object System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
return $jss.DeserializeObject($json)
Function Write-Result {
$result | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path $resultfile_path
Function Run($payload) {
$actions = $payload.actions
# pop 0th action as entrypoint
$entrypoint = $payload.($actions[0])
$entrypoint = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($entrypoint))
$payload.actions = $payload.actions[1..99]
$resultfile_path = $payload.async_results_path
$max_exec_time_sec = $payload.async_timeout_sec
Log "deserializing existing resultfile args"
# read in existing resultsfile to merge w/ module output (it should be written by the time we're unsuspended and running)
$result = Get-Content $resultfile_path -Raw | Deserialize-Json
Log "deserialized result is $($result | Out-String)"
Log "creating runspace"
$rs = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
Log "creating Powershell object"
$job = [powershell]::Create()
$job.Runspace = $rs
$job.AddScript($entrypoint) | Out-Null
$job.AddStatement().AddCommand("Run").AddArgument($payload) | Out-Null
Log "job BeginInvoke()"
$job_asyncresult = $job.BeginInvoke()
Log "waiting $max_exec_time_sec seconds for job to complete"
$signaled = $job_asyncresult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($max_exec_time_sec * 1000)
$result["finished"] = 1
If($job_asyncresult.IsCompleted) {
Log "job completed, calling EndInvoke()"
$job_output = $job.EndInvoke($job_asyncresult)
$job_error = $job.Streams.Error
Log "raw module stdout: \r\n$job_output"
If($job_error) {
Log "raw module stderr: \r\n$job_error"
# write success/output/error to result object
# TODO: cleanse leading/trailing junk
Try {
$module_result = Deserialize-Json $job_output
# TODO: check for conflicting keys
$result = $result + $module_result
Catch {
$excep = $_
$result.failed = $true
$result.msg = "failed to parse module output: $excep"
# return the output back to Ansible to help with debugging errors
$result.stdout = $job_output | Out-String
$result.stderr = $job_error | Out-String
# TODO: determine success/fail, or always include stderr if nonempty?
Write-Result $result $resultfile_path
Log "wrote output to $resultfile_path"
Else {
$job.BeginStop($null, $null) | Out-Null # best effort stop
# write timeout to result object
$result.failed = $true
$result.msg = "timed out waiting for module completion"
Write-Result $result $resultfile_path
Log "wrote timeout to $resultfile_path"
# in the case of a hung pipeline, this will cause the process to stay alive until it's un-hung...
#$rs.Close() | Out-Null
''' # end async_watchdog
from ansible.plugins import AnsiblePlugin
class ShellModule(ShellBase):
# Common shell filenames that this plugin handles
# Powershell is handled differently. It's selected when winrm is the
# connection
# Family of shells this has. Must match the filename without extension
SHELL_FAMILY = 'powershell'
env = dict()
# We're being overly cautious about which keys to accept (more so than
# the Windows environment is capable of doing), since the powershell
# env provider's limitations don't appear to be documented.
safe_envkey = re.compile(r'^[\d\w_]{1,255}$')
# TODO: add binary module support
def assert_safe_env_key(self, key):
if not self.safe_envkey.match(key):
raise AnsibleError("Invalid PowerShell environment key: %s" % key)
return key
def safe_env_value(self, key, value):
if len(value) > 32767:
raise AnsibleError("PowerShell environment value for key '%s' exceeds 32767 characters in length" % key)
# powershell single quoted literals need single-quote doubling as their only escaping
value = value.replace("'", "''")
return to_text(value, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
def env_prefix(self, **kwargs):
# powershell/winrm env handling is handled in the exec wrapper
return ""
def join_path(self, *args):
parts = []
for arg in args:
arg = self._unquote(arg).replace('/', '\\')
parts.extend([a for a in arg.split('\\') if a])
path = '\\'.join(parts)
if path.startswith('~'):
return path
return path
def get_remote_filename(self, pathname):
# powershell requires that script files end with .ps1
base_name = os.path.basename(pathname.strip())
name, ext = os.path.splitext(base_name.strip())
if ext.lower() not in ['.ps1', '.exe']:
return name + '.ps1'
return base_name.strip()
def path_has_trailing_slash(self, path):
# Allow Windows paths to be specified using either slash.
path = self._unquote(path)
return path.endswith('/') or path.endswith('\\')
def chmod(self, paths, mode):
raise NotImplementedError('chmod is not implemented for Powershell')
def chown(self, paths, user):
raise NotImplementedError('chown is not implemented for Powershell')
def set_user_facl(self, paths, user, mode):
raise NotImplementedError('set_user_facl is not implemented for Powershell')
def remove(self, path, recurse=False):
path = self._escape(self._unquote(path))
if recurse:
return self._encode_script('''Remove-Item "%s" -Force -Recurse;''' % path)
return self._encode_script('''Remove-Item "%s" -Force;''' % path)
def mkdtemp(self, basefile=None, system=False, mode=None, tmpdir=None):
# Windows does not have an equivalent for the system temp files, so
# the param is ignored
basefile = self._escape(self._unquote(basefile))
basetmpdir = tmpdir if tmpdir else self.get_option('remote_tmp')
script = '''
$tmp_path = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables('%s')
$tmp = New-Item -Type Directory -Path $tmp_path -Name '%s'
Write-Output -InputObject $tmp.FullName
''' % (basetmpdir, basefile)
return self._encode_script(script.strip())
def expand_user(self, user_home_path, username=''):
# PowerShell only supports "~" (not "~username"). Resolve-Path ~ does
# not seem to work remotely, though by default we are always starting
# in the user's home directory.
user_home_path = self._unquote(user_home_path)
if user_home_path == '~':
script = 'Write-Output (Get-Location).Path'
elif user_home_path.startswith('~\\'):
script = 'Write-Output ((Get-Location).Path + "%s")' % self._escape(user_home_path[1:])
script = 'Write-Output "%s"' % self._escape(user_home_path)
return self._encode_script(script)
def exists(self, path):
path = self._escape(self._unquote(path))
script = '''
If (Test-Path "%s")
$res = 0;
$res = 1;
Write-Output "$res";
Exit $res;
''' % path
return self._encode_script(script)
def checksum(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
path = self._escape(self._unquote(path))
script = '''
If (Test-Path -PathType Leaf "%(path)s")
$sp = new-object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider;
$fp = [System.IO.File]::Open("%(path)s", [System.IO.Filemode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read);
[System.BitConverter]::ToString($sp.ComputeHash($fp)).Replace("-", "").ToLower();
ElseIf (Test-Path -PathType Container "%(path)s")
Write-Output "3";
Write-Output "1";
''' % dict(path=path)
return self._encode_script(script)
def build_module_command(self, env_string, shebang, cmd, arg_path=None):
bootstrap_wrapper = pkgutil.get_data("ansible.executor.powershell", "bootstrap_wrapper.ps1")
# pipelining bypass
if cmd == '':
return self._encode_script(script=bootstrap_wrapper, strict_mode=False, preserve_rc=False)
# non-pipelining
cmd_parts = shlex.split(cmd, posix=False)
cmd_parts = list(map(to_text, cmd_parts))
if shebang and shebang.lower() == '#!powershell':
if not self._unquote(cmd_parts[0]).lower().endswith('.ps1'):
# we're running a module via the bootstrap wrapper
cmd_parts[0] = '"%s.ps1"' % self._unquote(cmd_parts[0])
wrapper_cmd = "type " + cmd_parts[0] + " | " + self._encode_script(script=bootstrap_wrapper,
strict_mode=False, preserve_rc=False)
return wrapper_cmd
elif shebang and shebang.startswith('#!'):
cmd_parts.insert(0, shebang[2:])
elif not shebang:
# The module is assumed to be a binary
cmd_parts[0] = self._unquote(cmd_parts[0])
script = '''
$_obj = @{ failed = $true }
If ($_.Exception.GetType)
$_obj.Add('msg', $_.Exception.Message)
$_obj.Add('msg', $_.ToString())
If ($_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage)
$_obj.Add('exception', $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage)
ElseIf ($_.ScriptStackTrace)
$_obj.Add('exception', $_.ScriptStackTrace)
$_obj.Add('error_record', ($_ | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json))
Echo $_obj | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 99
Exit 1
''' % (env_string, ' '.join(cmd_parts))
return self._encode_script(script, preserve_rc=False)
def wrap_for_exec(self, cmd):
return '& %s; exit $LASTEXITCODE' % cmd
def _unquote(self, value):
'''Remove any matching quotes that wrap the given value.'''
value = to_text(value or '')
m = re.match(r'^\s*?\'(.*?)\'\s*?$', value)
if m:
m = re.match(r'^\s*?"(.*?)"\s*?$', value)
if m:
return value
def _escape(self, value, include_vars=False):
'''Return value escaped for use in PowerShell command.'''
subs = [('\n', '`n'), ('\r', '`r'), ('\t', '`t'), ('\a', '`a'),
('\b', '`b'), ('\f', '`f'), ('\v', '`v'), ('"', '`"'),
('\'', '`\''), ('`', '``'), ('\x00', '`0')]
if include_vars:
subs.append(('$', '`$'))
pattern = '|'.join('(%s)' % re.escape(p) for p, s in subs)
substs = [s for p, s in subs]
def replace(m):
return substs[m.lastindex - 1]
return re.sub(pattern, replace, value)
def _encode_script(self, script, as_list=False, strict_mode=True, preserve_rc=True):
'''Convert a PowerShell script to a single base64-encoded command.'''
script = to_text(script)
if script == u'-':
cmd_parts = _common_args + ['-']
if strict_mode:
script = u'Set-StrictMode -Version Latest\r\n%s' % script
# try to propagate exit code if present- won't work with begin/process/end-style scripts (ala put_file)
# NB: the exit code returned may be incorrect in the case of a successful command followed by an invalid command
if preserve_rc:
script = u'%s\r\nIf (-not $?) { If (Get-Variable LASTEXITCODE -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { exit $LASTEXITCODE } Else { exit 1 } }\r\n'\
% script
script = '\n'.join([x.strip() for x in script.splitlines() if x.strip()])
encoded_script = to_text(base64.b64encode(script.encode('utf-16-le')), 'utf-8')
cmd_parts = _common_args + ['-EncodedCommand', encoded_script]
if as_list:
return cmd_parts
return ' '.join(cmd_parts)