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2019-04-23 11:10:21 +00:00
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: ansible-later
Version: 0.2.4
Summary: Reviews ansible playbooks, roles and inventories and suggests improvements.
Author: Robert Kaussow
License: MIT
Keywords: ansible code review
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Environment :: Console
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Information Technology
Classifier: Intended Audience :: System Administrators
Classifier: Natural Language :: English
Classifier: Operating System :: POSIX
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Classifier: Topic :: Utilities
Requires-Python: >=2.7,!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,,!=3.4.*
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown
Requires-Dist: ansible
Requires-Dist: six
Requires-Dist: pyyaml
Requires-Dist: appdirs
Requires-Dist: unidiff
Requires-Dist: flake8
Requires-Dist: yamllint
Requires-Dist: nested-lookup
Requires-Dist: colorama
Requires-Dist: anyconfig
Requires-Dist: python-json-logger
Requires-Dist: jsonschema
Requires-Dist: pathspec
Requires-Dist: toolz
# ansible-later
[![Build Status](](
This is a fork of Will Thames [ansible-review]( so credits goes to him
for his work on ansible-review and ansible-lint.
`ansible-later` is a best pratice scanner and linting tool. In most cases, if you write ansibel roles in a team,
it helps to have a coding or best practice guideline in place. This will make ansible roles more readable for all
maintainers and can reduce the troubleshooting time.
`ansible-later` does _**not**_ ensure that your role will work as expected. For Deployment test you can use other tools
like [molecule](
The project name is an acronym for **L**ovely **A**utomation **TE**sting f**R**mework.
## Table of Content
- [Setup](#setup)
- [Using pip](#using-pip)
- [From source](#from-source)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Default settings](#default-settings)
- [CLI Options](#cli-options)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Buildin rules](#buildin-rules)
- [Build your own rules](#build-your-own-rules)
- [The standards file](#the-standards-file)
- [Candidates](#candidates)
- [Minimal standards checks](#minimal-standards-checks)
- [License](#license)
- [Maintainers and Contributors](#maintainers-and-contributors)
### Setup
#### Using pip
# From internal pip repo as user
pip install ansible-later --user
# .. or as root
sudo pip install ansible-later
#### From source
# Install dependency
git clone
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`/ansible-later/ansiblelater
export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/ansible-later/bin
### Configuration
ansible-later comes with some default settigs which should be sufficent for most users to start,
but you can adjust most settings to your needs.
Changes can be made in a yaml configuration file or through cli options
which will be processed in the following order (last wins):
- default config (build-in)
- global config file (this will depend on your operating system)
- folderbased config file (`.later.yml` file in current working folder)
- cli options
Be careful! YAML Attributes will be overwritten while lists in any
config file will be merged.
To make it easier to review a singel file e.g. for debugging purpose, amsible-later
will ignore `exclude_files` and `ignore_dotfiles` options.
#### Default settings
# Add the name of used custom ansible modules.
# Otherwise ansible-later can't detect unknown modules
# and will through an error.
custom_modules: []
# Settings for variable formatting rule (ANSIBLE0004)
max-spaces-inside: 1
min-spaces-inside: 1
# Global logging configuration
# If you would like to force colored output (e.g. non-tty)
# set emvironment variable `PY_COLORS=1`
# You can enable json logging if a parsable output is required
json: False
# Possible options debug | info | warning | error | critical
level: "warning"
# Global settings for all defined rules
# list of files to exclude
exclude_files: []
# Examples:
# - molecule/
# - files/**/*.py
# Limit checks to given rule ID's
# If empty all rules will be used.
filter: []
# Exclude given rule ID's from checks
exclude_filter: []
# All dotfiles (including hidden folders) are excluded by default.
# You can disable this setting and handle dotfiles by yourself with `exclude_files`.
ignore_dotfiles: True
# Path to the folder containing your custom standards file
standards: ansiblelater/data
# Block to control included yamlllint rules.
# See
max-spaces-after: 1
max-spaces-before: 0
present: True
max: 1
max-end: 1
max-start: 0
max-spaces-after: 1
check-multi-line-strings: False
indent-sequences: True
spaces: 2
#### CLI Options
You can get all available cli options by running `ansible-later --help`:
$ ansible-later --help
usage: ansible-later [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-r RULES.STANDARDS]
[-s RULES.FILTER] [-v] [-q] [--version]
[rules.files [rules.files ...]]
Validate ansible files against best pratice guideline
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
location of configuration file
location of standards rules
limit standards to given ID's
exclude standards by given ID's
-v increase log level
-q decrease log level
--version show program's version number and exit
### Usage
ansible-later FILES
If you don't pass any file to ansible-later it will review all files including subdirs in
the current working directory (hidden files and folders are excluded by default).
Otherwise you can pass a space delimited list of files to review. You can also pass glob
patterns to ansible-later:
# Review single files
ansible-later meta/main.yml tasks/install.yml
# Review all yml files (including subfolders)
ansible-later **/*.yml
ansible-later will review inventory files, role files, python code (modules, plugins)
and playbooks.
- The goal is that each file that changes in a
changeset should be reviewable simply by passing
those files as the arguments to ansible-later.
- Using `{{ playbook_dir }}` in sub roles is so far
very hard.
- This should work against various repository styles
- per-role repository
- roles with sub-roles
- per-playbook repository
- It should work with roles requirement files and with local roles
### Buildin rules
Reviews are nothing without some rules or standards against which to review. ansible-later
comes with a couple of built-in checks explained in the following table.
| Rule | ID | Description | Parameter |
| check_yaml_empty_lines | LINT0001 | YAML should not contain unnecessarily empty lines. | {max: 1, max-start: 0, max-end: 1} |
| check_yaml_indent | LINT0002 | YAML should be correctly indented. | {spaces: 2, check-multi-line-strings: false, indent-sequences: true} |
| check_yaml_hyphens | LINT0003 | YAML should use consitent number of spaces after hyphens (-). | {max-spaces-after: 1} |
| check_yaml_document_start | LINT0004 | YAML should contain document start marker. | {document-start: {present: true}} |
| check_yaml_colons | LINT0005 | YAML should use consitent number of spaces around colons. | {colons: {max-spaces-before: 0, max-spaces-after: 1}} |
| check_yaml_file | LINT0006 | Roles file should be in yaml format. | |
| check_yaml_has_content | LINT0007 | Files should contain useful content. | |
| check_native_yaml | LINT0008 | Use YAML format for tasks and handlers rather than key=value. | |
| check_line_between_tasks | ANSIBLE0001 | Single tasks should be separated by an empty line. | |
| check_meta_main | ANSIBLE0002 | Meta file should contain a basic subset of parameters. | author, description, min_ansible_version, platforms, dependencies |
| check_unique_named_task | ANSIBLE0003 | Tasks and handlers must be uniquely named within a file. | |
| check_braces | ANSIBLE0004 | YAML should use consitent number of spaces around variables. | |
| check_scm_in_src | ANSIBLE0005 | Use scm key rather than src: scm+url in requirements file. | |
| check_named_task | ANSIBLE0006 | Tasks and handlers must be named. | excludes: meta, debug, include\_\*, import\_\*, block |
| check_name_format | ANSIBLE0007 | Name of tasks and handlers must be formatted. | formats: first letter capital |
| check_command_instead_of_module | ANSIBLE0008 | Commands should not be used in place of modules. | |
| check_install_use_latest | ANSIBLE0009 | Package managers should not install with state=latest. | |
| check_shell_instead_command | ANSIBLE0010 | Use Shell only when piping, redirecting or chaining commands. | |
| check_command_has_changes | ANSIBLE0011 | Commands should be idempotent and only used with some checks. | |
| check_empty_string_compare | ANSIBLE0012 | Don't compare to "" - use `when: var` or `when: not var`. | |
| check_compare_to_literal_bool | ANSIBLE0013 | Don't compare to True/False - use `when: var` or `when: not var`. | |
| check_literal_bool_format | ANSIBLE0014 | Literal bools should be written as `True/False` or `yes/no`. | forbidden values are `true false TRUE FALSE Yes No YES NO` |
| check_become_user | ANSIBLE0015 | `become` should be always used combined with `become_user`. | |
| check_filter_separation | ANSIBLE0016 | Jinja2 filters should be separated with spaces. | |
### Build your own rules
#### The standards file
A standards file comprises a list of standards, and optionally some methods to
check those standards.
Create a file called (this can import other modules)
from ansiblelater include Standard, Result
tasks_are_uniquely_named = Standard(dict(
# ID's are optional but if you use ID's they have to be unique
# Short description of the standard goal
name="Tasks and handlers must be uniquely named within a single file",
types=["playbook", "task", "handler"],
standards = [
When you add new standards, you should increment the version of your standards.
Your playbooks and roles should declare what version of standards you are
using, otherwise ansible-later assumes you're using the latest. The declaration
is done by adding standards version as first line in the file. e.g.
# Standards: 1.2
To add standards that are advisory, don't set the version. These will cause
a message to be displayed but won't constitute a failure.
When a standard version is higher than declared version, a message will be
displayed 'WARN: Future standard' and won't constitute a failure.
An example standards file is available at
If you only want to check one or two standards quickly (perhaps you want
to review your entire code base for deprecated bare words), you can use the
`-s` flag with the name of your standard. You can pass `-s` multiple times.
git ls-files | xargs ansible-later -s "bare words are deprecated for with_items"
You can see the name of the standards being checked for each different file by running
`ansible-later` with the `-v` option.
#### Candidates
Each file passed to `ansible-later` will be classified. The result is a `Candidate` object
which contains some meta informations and is an instance of one of following object types.
| Object type | Description |
| Task | all files within the parent dir `tasks` |
| Handler | all files within the parent dir `handler` |
| RoleVars | all files within the parent dir `vars` or `default` |
| GroupVars | all files (including subdirs) within the parent dir `group_vars` |
| HostVars | all files (including subdirs) within the parent dir `host_vars` |
| Meta | all files within the parent dir `meta` |
| Code | all files within the parent dir `library`, `lookup_plugins`, `callback_plugins` and `filter_plugins` or python files (`.py`) |
| Inventory | all files within the parent dir `inventories` and `inventory` or `hosts` as filename |
| Rolesfile | all files with `rolesfile` or `requirements` in filename |
| Makefile | all files with `Makefile` in filename |
| Template | all files (including subdirs) within the parent dir `templates` or jinja2 files (`.j2`) |
| File | all files (including subdirs) within the parent dir `files` |
| Playbook | all yaml files (`.yml` or `.yaml`) not maching a previous object type |
| Doc | all files with `README` in filename |
#### Minimal standards checks
A typical standards check will look like:
def check_playbook_for_something(candidate, settings):
result = Result(candidate.path) # empty result is a success with no output
with open(candidate.path, 'r') as f:
for (lineno, line) in enumerate(f):
if line is dodgy:
# enumerate is 0-based so add 1 to lineno
result.errors.append(Error(lineno+1, "Line is dodgy: reasons"))
return result
All standards check take a candidate object, which has a path attribute.
The type can be inferred from the class name (i.e. `type(candidate).__name__`)
or from the table [here](#candidates).
They return a `Result` object, which contains a possibly empty list of `Error`
objects. `Error` objects are formed of a line number and a message. If the
error applies to the whole file being reviewed, set the line number to `None`.
Line numbers are important as `ansible-later` can review just ranges of files
to only review changes (e.g. through piping the output of `git diff` to
### License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.
### Maintainers and Contributors
[Robert Kaussow](