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2019-04-23 11:04:27 +00:00
"""Implementation of the StyleGuide used by Flake8."""
import collections
import contextlib
import copy
import enum
import itertools
import linecache
import logging
import sys
from typing import Optional, Union
from flake8 import defaults
from flake8 import statistics
from flake8 import utils
__all__ = ("StyleGuide",)
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if sys.version_info < (3, 2):
from functools32 import lru_cache
from functools import lru_cache
# TODO(sigmavirus24): Determine if we need to use enum/enum34
class Selected(enum.Enum):
"""Enum representing an explicitly or implicitly selected code."""
Explicitly = "explicitly selected"
Implicitly = "implicitly selected"
class Ignored(enum.Enum):
"""Enum representing an explicitly or implicitly ignored code."""
Explicitly = "explicitly ignored"
Implicitly = "implicitly ignored"
class Decision(enum.Enum):
"""Enum representing whether a code should be ignored or selected."""
Ignored = "ignored error"
Selected = "selected error"
def find_noqa(physical_line):
_Violation = collections.namedtuple(
class Violation(_Violation):
"""Class representing a violation reported by Flake8."""
def is_inline_ignored(self, disable_noqa):
# type: (Violation) -> bool
"""Determine if a comment has been added to ignore this line.
:param bool disable_noqa:
Whether or not users have provided ``--disable-noqa``.
True if error is ignored in-line, False otherwise.
physical_line = self.physical_line
# TODO(sigmavirus24): Determine how to handle stdin with linecache
if disable_noqa:
return False
if physical_line is None:
physical_line = linecache.getline(self.filename, self.line_number)
noqa_match = find_noqa(physical_line)
if noqa_match is None:
LOG.debug("%r is not inline ignored", self)
return False
codes_str = noqa_match.groupdict()["codes"]
if codes_str is None:
LOG.debug("%r is ignored by a blanket ``# noqa``", self)
return True
codes = set(utils.parse_comma_separated_list(codes_str))
if self.code in codes or self.code.startswith(tuple(codes)):
"%r is ignored specifically inline with ``# noqa: %s``",
return True
"%r is not ignored inline with ``# noqa: %s``", self, codes_str
return False
def is_in(self, diff):
"""Determine if the violation is included in a diff's line ranges.
This function relies on the parsed data added via
:meth:`~StyleGuide.add_diff_ranges`. If that has not been called and
we are not evaluating files in a diff, then this will always return
True. If there are diff ranges, then this will return True if the
line number in the error falls inside one of the ranges for the file
(and assuming the file is part of the diff data). If there are diff
ranges, this will return False if the file is not part of the diff
data or the line number of the error is not in any of the ranges of
the diff.
True if there is no diff or if the error is in the diff's line
number ranges. False if the error's line number falls outside
the diff's line number ranges.
if not diff:
return True
# NOTE(sigmavirus24): The parsed diff will be a defaultdict with
# a set as the default value (if we have received it from
# flake8.utils.parse_unified_diff). In that case ranges below
# could be an empty set (which is False-y) or if someone else
# is using this API, it could be None. If we could guarantee one
# or the other, we would check for it more explicitly.
line_numbers = diff.get(self.filename)
if not line_numbers:
return False
return self.line_number in line_numbers
class DecisionEngine(object):
"""A class for managing the decision process around violations.
This contains the logic for whether a violation should be reported or
def __init__(self, options):
"""Initialize the engine."""
self.cache = {}
self.selected = tuple(
self.extended_selected = tuple(
sorted(options.extended_default_select, reverse=True)
self.enabled_extensions = tuple(options.enable_extensions)
self.all_selected = tuple(
sorted(self.selected + self.enabled_extensions, reverse=True)
self.ignored = tuple(
itertools.chain(options.ignore, options.extend_ignore),
self.using_default_ignore = set(self.ignored) == set(defaults.IGNORE)
self.using_default_select = set(self.selected) == set(defaults.SELECT)
def _in_all_selected(self, code):
return self.all_selected and code.startswith(self.all_selected)
def _in_extended_selected(self, code):
return self.extended_selected and code.startswith(
def was_selected(self, code):
# type: (str) -> Union[Selected, Ignored]
"""Determine if the code has been selected by the user.
:param str code:
The code for the check that has been run.
Selected.Implicitly if the selected list is empty,
Selected.Explicitly if the selected list is not empty and a match
was found,
Ignored.Implicitly if the selected list is not empty but no match
was found.
if self._in_all_selected(code):
return Selected.Explicitly
if not self.all_selected and self._in_extended_selected(code):
# If it was not explicitly selected, it may have been implicitly
# selected because the check comes from a plugin that is enabled by
# default
return Selected.Implicitly
return Ignored.Implicitly
def was_ignored(self, code):
# type: (str) -> Union[Selected, Ignored]
"""Determine if the code has been ignored by the user.
:param str code:
The code for the check that has been run.
Selected.Implicitly if the ignored list is empty,
Ignored.Explicitly if the ignored list is not empty and a match was
Selected.Implicitly if the ignored list is not empty but no match
was found.
if self.ignored and code.startswith(self.ignored):
return Ignored.Explicitly
return Selected.Implicitly
def more_specific_decision_for(self, code):
# type: (Violation) -> Decision
select = find_first_match(code, self.all_selected)
extra_select = find_first_match(code, self.extended_selected)
ignore = find_first_match(code, self.ignored)
if select and ignore:
# If the violation code appears in both the select and ignore
# lists (in some fashion) then if we're using the default ignore
# list and a custom select list we should select the code. An
# example usage looks like this:
# A user has a code that would generate an E126 violation which
# is in our default ignore list and they specify select=E.
# We should be reporting that violation. This logic changes,
# however, if they specify select and ignore such that both match.
# In that case we fall through to our find_more_specific call.
# If, however, the user hasn't specified a custom select, and
# we're using the defaults for both select and ignore then the
# more specific rule must win. In most cases, that will be to
# ignore the violation since our default select list is very
# high-level and our ignore list is highly specific.
if self.using_default_ignore and not self.using_default_select:
return Decision.Selected
return find_more_specific(select, ignore)
if extra_select and ignore:
# At this point, select is false-y. Now we need to check if the
# code is in our extended select list and our ignore list. This is
# a *rare* case as we see little usage of the extended select list
# that plugins can use, so I suspect this section may change to
# look a little like the block above in which we check if we're
# using our default ignore list.
return find_more_specific(extra_select, ignore)
if select or (extra_select and self.using_default_select):
# Here, ignore was false-y and the user has either selected
# explicitly the violation or the violation is covered by
# something in the extended select list and we're using the
# default select list. In either case, we want the violation to be
# selected.
return Decision.Selected
if select is None and (
extra_select is None or not self.using_default_ignore
return Decision.Ignored
if (select is None and not self.using_default_select) and (
ignore is None and self.using_default_ignore
return Decision.Ignored
return Decision.Selected
def make_decision(self, code):
"""Decide if code should be ignored or selected."""
LOG.debug('Deciding if "%s" should be reported', code)
selected = self.was_selected(code)
ignored = self.was_ignored(code)
'The user configured "%s" to be "%s", "%s"',
if (
selected is Selected.Explicitly or selected is Selected.Implicitly
) and ignored is Selected.Implicitly:
decision = Decision.Selected
elif (
selected is Selected.Explicitly and ignored is Ignored.Explicitly
) or (
selected is Ignored.Implicitly and ignored is Selected.Implicitly
decision = self.more_specific_decision_for(code)
elif selected is Ignored.Implicitly or ignored is Ignored.Explicitly:
decision = Decision.Ignored # pylint: disable=R0204
return decision
def decision_for(self, code):
# type: (str) -> Decision
"""Return the decision for a specific code.
This method caches the decisions for codes to avoid retracing the same
logic over and over again. We only care about the select and ignore
rules as specified by the user in their configuration files and
command-line flags.
This method does not look at whether the specific line is being
ignored in the file itself.
:param str code:
The code for the check that has been run.
decision = self.cache.get(code)
if decision is None:
decision = self.make_decision(code)
self.cache[code] = decision
LOG.debug('"%s" will be "%s"', code, decision)
return decision
class StyleGuideManager(object):
"""Manage multiple style guides for a single run."""
def __init__(self, options, formatter, decider=None):
"""Initialize our StyleGuide.
.. todo:: Add parameter documentation.
self.options = options
self.formatter = formatter
self.stats = statistics.Statistics()
self.decider = decider or DecisionEngine(options)
self.style_guides = []
self.default_style_guide = StyleGuide(
options, formatter, self.stats, decider=decider
self.style_guides = list(
def populate_style_guides_with(self, options):
"""Generate style guides from the per-file-ignores option.
:param options:
The original options parsed from the CLI and config file.
:type options:
A copy of the default style guide with overridden values.
per_file = utils.parse_files_to_codes_mapping(
for filename, violations in per_file:
yield self.default_style_guide.copy(
filename=filename, extend_ignore_with=violations
def style_guide_for(self, filename):
"""Find the StyleGuide for the filename in particular."""
guides = sorted(
(g for g in self.style_guides if g.applies_to(filename)),
key=lambda g: len(g.filename or ""),
if len(guides) > 1:
return guides[-1]
return guides[0]
def processing_file(self, filename):
"""Record the fact that we're processing the file's results."""
guide = self.style_guide_for(filename)
with guide.processing_file(filename):
yield guide
def handle_error(
# type: (str, str, int, int, str, Optional[str]) -> int
"""Handle an error reported by a check.
:param str code:
The error code found, e.g., E123.
:param str filename:
The file in which the error was found.
:param int line_number:
The line number (where counting starts at 1) at which the error
:param int column_number:
The column number (where counting starts at 1) at which the error
:param str text:
The text of the error message.
:param str physical_line:
The actual physical line causing the error.
1 if the error was reported. 0 if it was ignored. This is to allow
for counting of the number of errors found that were not ignored.
guide = self.style_guide_for(filename)
return guide.handle_error(
code, filename, line_number, column_number, text, physical_line
def add_diff_ranges(self, diffinfo):
"""Update the StyleGuides to filter out information not in the diff.
This provides information to the underlying StyleGuides so that only
the errors in the line number ranges are reported.
:param dict diffinfo:
Dictionary mapping filenames to sets of line number ranges.
for guide in self.style_guides:
class StyleGuide(object):
"""Manage a Flake8 user's style guide."""
def __init__(
self, options, formatter, stats, filename=None, decider=None
"""Initialize our StyleGuide.
.. todo:: Add parameter documentation.
self.options = options
self.formatter = formatter
self.stats = stats
self.decider = decider or DecisionEngine(options)
self.filename = filename
if self.filename:
self.filename = utils.normalize_path(self.filename)
self._parsed_diff = {}
def __repr__(self):
"""Make it easier to debug which StyleGuide we're using."""
return "<StyleGuide [{}]>".format(self.filename)
def copy(self, filename=None, extend_ignore_with=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a copy of this style guide with different values."""
filename = filename or self.filename
options = copy.deepcopy(self.options)
options.ignore.extend(extend_ignore_with or [])
return StyleGuide(
options, self.formatter, self.stats, filename=filename
def processing_file(self, filename):
"""Record the fact that we're processing the file's results."""
yield self
def applies_to(self, filename):
"""Check if this StyleGuide applies to the file.
:param str filename:
The name of the file with violations that we're potentially
applying this StyleGuide to.
True if this applies, False otherwise
if self.filename is None:
return True
return utils.matches_filename(
log_message='{!r} does %(whether)smatch "%(path)s"'.format(self),
def should_report_error(self, code):
# type: (str) -> Decision
"""Determine if the error code should be reported or ignored.
This method only cares about the select and ignore rules as specified
by the user in their configuration files and command-line flags.
This method does not look at whether the specific line is being
ignored in the file itself.
:param str code:
The code for the check that has been run.
return self.decider.decision_for(code)
def handle_error(
# type: (str, str, int, int, str, Optional[str]) -> int
"""Handle an error reported by a check.
:param str code:
The error code found, e.g., E123.
:param str filename:
The file in which the error was found.
:param int line_number:
The line number (where counting starts at 1) at which the error
:param int column_number:
The column number (where counting starts at 1) at which the error
:param str text:
The text of the error message.
:param str physical_line:
The actual physical line causing the error.
1 if the error was reported. 0 if it was ignored. This is to allow
for counting of the number of errors found that were not ignored.
disable_noqa = self.options.disable_noqa
# NOTE(sigmavirus24): Apparently we're provided with 0-indexed column
# numbers so we have to offset that here. Also, if a SyntaxError is
# caught, column_number may be None.
if not column_number:
column_number = 0
error = Violation(
column_number + 1,
error_is_selected = (
self.should_report_error(error.code) is Decision.Selected
is_not_inline_ignored = error.is_inline_ignored(disable_noqa) is False
is_included_in_diff = error.is_in(self._parsed_diff)
if (
and is_not_inline_ignored
and is_included_in_diff
return 1
return 0
def add_diff_ranges(self, diffinfo):
"""Update the StyleGuide to filter out information not in the diff.
This provides information to the StyleGuide so that only the errors
in the line number ranges are reported.
:param dict diffinfo:
Dictionary mapping filenames to sets of line number ranges.
self._parsed_diff = diffinfo
def find_more_specific(selected, ignored):
if selected.startswith(ignored) and selected != ignored:
return Decision.Selected
return Decision.Ignored
def find_first_match(error_code, code_list):
startswith = error_code.startswith
for code in code_list:
if startswith(code):
return None
return code