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2019-04-11 13:56:20 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier ( and contributors
# This module is part of GitPython and is released under
# the BSD License:
import glob
from io import BytesIO
import os
from stat import S_ISLNK
import subprocess
import tempfile
from git.compat import (
from git.exc import (
from git.objects import (
from git.objects.util import Serializable
from git.util import (
from gitdb.base import IStream
from gitdb.db import MemoryDB
import git.diff as diff
import os.path as osp
from .fun import (
from .typ import (
from .util import (
__all__ = ('IndexFile', 'CheckoutError')
class IndexFile(LazyMixin, diff.Diffable, Serializable):
Implements an Index that can be manipulated using a native implementation in
order to save git command function calls wherever possible.
It provides custom merging facilities allowing to merge without actually changing
your index or your working tree. This way you can perform own test-merges based
on the index only without having to deal with the working copy. This is useful
in case of partial working trees.
The index contains an entries dict whose keys are tuples of type IndexEntry
to facilitate access.
You may read the entries dict or manipulate it using IndexEntry instance, i.e.::
index.entries[index.entry_key(index_entry_instance)] = index_entry_instance
Make sure you use index.write() once you are done manipulating the index directly
before operating on it using the git command"""
__slots__ = ("repo", "version", "entries", "_extension_data", "_file_path")
_VERSION = 2 # latest version we support
def __init__(self, repo, file_path=None):
"""Initialize this Index instance, optionally from the given ``file_path``.
If no file_path is given, we will be created from the current index file.
If a stream is not given, the stream will be initialized from the current
repository's index on demand."""
self.repo = repo
self.version = self._VERSION
self._extension_data = b''
self._file_path = file_path or self._index_path()
def _set_cache_(self, attr):
if attr == "entries":
# read the current index
# try memory map for speed
lfd = LockedFD(self._file_path)
ok = False
fd =, stream=False)
ok = True
except OSError:
# in new repositories, there may be no index, which means we are empty
self.entries = {}
if not ok:
# END exception handling
stream = file_contents_ro(fd, stream=True, allow_mmap=True)
# The handles will be closed on destruction
# END read from default index on demand
super(IndexFile, self)._set_cache_(attr)
def _index_path(self):
return join_path_native(self.repo.git_dir, "index")
def path(self):
""" :return: Path to the index file we are representing """
return self._file_path
def _delete_entries_cache(self):
"""Safely clear the entries cache so it can be recreated"""
except AttributeError:
# fails in python 2.6.5 with this exception
# END exception handling
#{ Serializable Interface
def _deserialize(self, stream):
"""Initialize this instance with index values read from the given stream"""
self.version, self.entries, self._extension_data, conten_sha = read_cache(stream) # @UnusedVariable
return self
def _entries_sorted(self):
""":return: list of entries, in a sorted fashion, first by path, then by stage"""
return sorted(self.entries.values(), key=lambda e: (e.path, e.stage))
def _serialize(self, stream, ignore_extension_data=False):
entries = self._entries_sorted()
extension_data = self._extension_data
if ignore_extension_data:
extension_data = None
write_cache(entries, stream, extension_data)
return self
#} END serializable interface
def write(self, file_path=None, ignore_extension_data=False):
"""Write the current state to our file path or to the given one
:param file_path:
If None, we will write to our stored file path from which we have
been initialized. Otherwise we write to the given file path.
Please note that this will change the file_path of this index to
the one you gave.
:param ignore_extension_data:
If True, the TREE type extension data read in the index will not
be written to disk. NOTE that no extension data is actually written.
Use this if you have altered the index and
would like to use git-write-tree afterwards to create a tree
representing your written changes.
If this data is present in the written index, git-write-tree
will instead write the stored/cached tree.
Alternatively, use IndexFile.write_tree() to handle this case
:return: self"""
# make sure we have our entries read before getting a write lock
# else it would be done when streaming. This can happen
# if one doesn't change the index, but writes it right away
lfd = LockedFD(file_path or self._file_path)
stream =, stream=True)
ok = False
self._serialize(stream, ignore_extension_data)
ok = True
if not ok:
# make sure we represent what we have written
if file_path is not None:
self._file_path = file_path
def merge_tree(self, rhs, base=None):
"""Merge the given rhs treeish into the current index, possibly taking
a common base treeish into account.
As opposed to the from_tree_ method, this allows you to use an already
existing tree as the left side of the merge
:param rhs:
treeish reference pointing to the 'other' side of the merge.
:param base:
optional treeish reference pointing to the common base of 'rhs' and
this index which equals lhs
self ( containing the merge and possibly unmerged entries in case of
conflicts )
:raise GitCommandError:
If there is a merge conflict. The error will
be raised at the first conflicting path. If you want to have proper
merge resolution to be done by yourself, you have to commit the changed
index ( or make a valid tree from it ) and retry with a three-way
index.from_tree call. """
# -i : ignore working tree status
# --aggressive : handle more merge cases
# -m : do an actual merge
args = ["--aggressive", "-i", "-m"]
if base is not None:
return self
def new(cls, repo, *tree_sha):
""" Merge the given treeish revisions into a new index which is returned.
This method behaves like git-read-tree --aggressive when doing the merge.
:param repo: The repository treeish are located in.
:param tree_sha:
20 byte or 40 byte tree sha or tree objects
New IndexFile instance. Its path will be undefined.
If you intend to write such a merged Index, supply an alternate file_path
to its 'write' method."""
base_entries = aggressive_tree_merge(repo.odb, [to_bin_sha(str(t)) for t in tree_sha])
inst = cls(repo)
# convert to entries dict
entries = dict(izip(((e.path, e.stage) for e in base_entries),
(IndexEntry.from_base(e) for e in base_entries)))
inst.entries = entries
return inst
def from_tree(cls, repo, *treeish, **kwargs):
"""Merge the given treeish revisions into a new index which is returned.
The original index will remain unaltered
:param repo:
The repository treeish are located in.
:param treeish:
One, two or three Tree Objects, Commits or 40 byte hexshas. The result
changes according to the amount of trees.
If 1 Tree is given, it will just be read into a new index
If 2 Trees are given, they will be merged into a new index using a
two way merge algorithm. Tree 1 is the 'current' tree, tree 2 is the 'other'
one. It behaves like a fast-forward.
If 3 Trees are given, a 3-way merge will be performed with the first tree
being the common ancestor of tree 2 and tree 3. Tree 2 is the 'current' tree,
tree 3 is the 'other' one
:param kwargs:
Additional arguments passed to git-read-tree
New IndexFile instance. It will point to a temporary index location which
does not exist anymore. If you intend to write such a merged Index, supply
an alternate file_path to its 'write' method.
In the three-way merge case, --aggressive will be specified to automatically
resolve more cases in a commonly correct manner. Specify trivial=True as kwarg
to override that.
As the underlying git-read-tree command takes into account the current index,
it will be temporarily moved out of the way to assure there are no unsuspected
if len(treeish) == 0 or len(treeish) > 3:
raise ValueError("Please specify between 1 and 3 treeish, got %i" % len(treeish))
arg_list = []
# ignore that working tree and index possibly are out of date
if len(treeish) > 1:
# drop unmerged entries when reading our index and merging
# handle non-trivial cases the way a real merge does
# END merge handling
# tmp file created in git home directory to be sure renaming
# works - /tmp/ dirs could be on another device
tmp_index = tempfile.mktemp('', '', repo.git_dir)
arg_list.append("--index-output=%s" % tmp_index)
# move current index out of the way - otherwise the merge may fail
# as it considers existing entries. moving it essentially clears the index.
# Unfortunately there is no 'soft' way to do it.
# The TemporaryFileSwap assure the original file get put back
index_handler = TemporaryFileSwap(join_path_native(repo.git_dir, 'index'))
repo.git.read_tree(*arg_list, **kwargs)
index = cls(repo, tmp_index)
index.entries # force it to read the file as we will delete the temp-file
del(index_handler) # release as soon as possible
if osp.exists(tmp_index):
# END index merge handling
return index
def _iter_expand_paths(self, paths):
"""Expand the directories in list of paths to the corresponding paths accordingly,
Note: git will add items multiple times even if a glob overlapped
with manually specified paths or if paths where specified multiple
times - we respect that and do not prune"""
def raise_exc(e):
raise e
r = self.repo.working_tree_dir
rs = r + os.sep
for path in paths:
abs_path = path
if not osp.isabs(abs_path):
abs_path = osp.join(r, path)
# END make absolute path
st = os.lstat(abs_path) # handles non-symlinks as well
except OSError:
# the lstat call may fail as the path may contain globs as well
if S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
yield abs_path.replace(rs, '')
# end check symlink
# resolve globs if possible
if '?' in path or '*' in path or '[' in path:
resolved_paths = glob.glob(abs_path)
# not abs_path in resolved_paths:
# a glob() resolving to the same path we are feeding it with
# is a glob() that failed to resolve. If we continued calling
# ourselves we'd endlessly recurse. If the condition below
# evaluates to true then we are likely dealing with a file
# whose name contains wildcard characters.
if abs_path not in resolved_paths:
for f in self._iter_expand_paths(glob.glob(abs_path)):
yield f.replace(rs, '')
# END glob handling
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(abs_path, onerror=raise_exc): # @UnusedVariable
for rela_file in files:
# add relative paths only
yield osp.join(root.replace(rs, ''), rela_file)
# END for each file in subdir
# END for each subdirectory
except OSError:
# was a file or something that could not be iterated
yield path.replace(rs, '')
# END path exception handling
# END for each path
def _write_path_to_stdin(self, proc, filepath, item, fmakeexc, fprogress,
"""Write path to proc.stdin and make sure it processes the item, including progress.
:return: stdout string
:param read_from_stdout: if True, proc.stdout will be read after the item
was sent to stdin. In that case, it will return None
:note: There is a bug in git-update-index that prevents it from sending
reports just in time. This is why we have a version that tries to
read stdout and one which doesn't. In fact, the stdout is not
important as the piped-in files are processed anyway and just in time
:note: Newlines are essential here, gits behaviour is somewhat inconsistent
on this depending on the version, hence we try our best to deal with
newlines carefully. Usually the last newline will not be sent, instead
we will close stdin to break the pipe."""
fprogress(filepath, False, item)
rval = None
proc.stdin.write(("%s\n" % filepath).encode(defenc))
except IOError:
# pipe broke, usually because some error happened
raise fmakeexc()
# END write exception handling
if read_from_stdout:
rval = proc.stdout.readline().strip()
fprogress(filepath, True, item)
return rval
def iter_blobs(self, predicate=lambda t: True):
:return: Iterator yielding tuples of Blob objects and stages, tuple(stage, Blob)
:param predicate:
Function(t) returning True if tuple(stage, Blob) should be yielded by the
iterator. A default filter, the BlobFilter, allows you to yield blobs
only if they match a given list of paths. """
for entry in mviter(self.entries):
blob = entry.to_blob(self.repo)
blob.size = entry.size
output = (entry.stage, blob)
if predicate(output):
yield output
# END for each entry
def unmerged_blobs(self):
Iterator yielding dict(path : list( tuple( stage, Blob, ...))), being
a dictionary associating a path in the index with a list containing
sorted stage/blob pairs
Blobs that have been removed in one side simply do not exist in the
given stage. I.e. a file removed on the 'other' branch whose entries
are at stage 3 will not have a stage 3 entry.
is_unmerged_blob = lambda t: t[0] != 0
path_map = {}
for stage, blob in self.iter_blobs(is_unmerged_blob):
path_map.setdefault(blob.path, []).append((stage, blob))
# END for each unmerged blob
for l in mviter(path_map):
return path_map
def entry_key(cls, *entry):
return entry_key(*entry)
def resolve_blobs(self, iter_blobs):
"""Resolve the blobs given in blob iterator. This will effectively remove the
index entries of the respective path at all non-null stages and add the given
blob as new stage null blob.
For each path there may only be one blob, otherwise a ValueError will be raised
claiming the path is already at stage 0.
:raise ValueError: if one of the blobs already existed at stage 0
:return: self
You will have to write the index manually once you are done, i.e.
for blob in iter_blobs:
stage_null_key = (blob.path, 0)
if stage_null_key in self.entries:
raise ValueError("Path %r already exists at stage 0" % blob.path)
# END assert blob is not stage 0 already
# delete all possible stages
for stage in (1, 2, 3):
del(self.entries[(blob.path, stage)])
except KeyError:
# END ignore key errors
# END for each possible stage
self.entries[stage_null_key] = IndexEntry.from_blob(blob)
# END for each blob
return self
def update(self):
"""Reread the contents of our index file, discarding all cached information
we might have.
:note: This is a possibly dangerious operations as it will discard your changes
to index.entries
:return: self"""
# allows to lazily reread on demand
return self
def write_tree(self):
"""Writes this index to a corresponding Tree object into the repository's
object database and return it.
:return: Tree object representing this index
:note: The tree will be written even if one or more objects the tree refers to
does not yet exist in the object database. This could happen if you added
Entries to the index directly.
:raise ValueError: if there are no entries in the cache
:raise UnmergedEntriesError: """
# we obtain no lock as we just flush our contents to disk as tree
# If we are a new index, the entries access will load our data accordingly
mdb = MemoryDB()
entries = self._entries_sorted()
binsha, tree_items = write_tree_from_cache(entries, mdb, slice(0, len(entries)))
# copy changed trees only
mdb.stream_copy(mdb.sha_iter(), self.repo.odb)
# note: additional deserialization could be saved if write_tree_from_cache
# would return sorted tree entries
root_tree = Tree(self.repo, binsha, path='')
root_tree._cache = tree_items
return root_tree
def _process_diff_args(self, args):
except IndexError:
# END remove self
return args
def _to_relative_path(self, path):
""":return: Version of path relative to our git directory or raise ValueError
if it is not within our git direcotory"""
if not osp.isabs(path):
return path
if self.repo.bare:
raise InvalidGitRepositoryError("require non-bare repository")
if not path.startswith(self.repo.working_tree_dir):
raise ValueError("Absolute path %r is not in git repository at %r" % (path, self.repo.working_tree_dir))
return os.path.relpath(path, self.repo.working_tree_dir)
def _preprocess_add_items(self, items):
""" Split the items into two lists of path strings and BaseEntries. """
paths = []
entries = []
for item in items:
if isinstance(item, string_types):
elif isinstance(item, (Blob, Submodule)):
elif isinstance(item, BaseIndexEntry):
raise TypeError("Invalid Type: %r" % item)
# END for each item
return (paths, entries)
def _store_path(self, filepath, fprogress):
"""Store file at filepath in the database and return the base index entry
Needs the git_working_dir decorator active ! This must be assured in the calling code"""
st = os.lstat(filepath) # handles non-symlinks as well
if S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
# in PY3, readlink is string, but we need bytes. In PY2, it's just OS encoded bytes, we assume UTF-8
open_stream = lambda: BytesIO(force_bytes(os.readlink(filepath), encoding=defenc))
open_stream = lambda: open(filepath, 'rb')
with open_stream() as stream:
fprogress(filepath, False, filepath)
istream =, st.st_size, stream))
fprogress(filepath, True, filepath)
return BaseIndexEntry((stat_mode_to_index_mode(st.st_mode),
istream.binsha, 0, to_native_path_linux(filepath)))
def _entries_for_paths(self, paths, path_rewriter, fprogress, entries):
entries_added = []
if path_rewriter:
for path in paths:
if osp.isabs(path):
abspath = path
gitrelative_path = path[len(self.repo.working_tree_dir) + 1:]
gitrelative_path = path
abspath = osp.join(self.repo.working_tree_dir, gitrelative_path)
# end obtain relative and absolute paths
blob = Blob(self.repo, Blob.NULL_BIN_SHA,
# TODO: variable undefined
# END for each path
# END rewrite paths
assert len(entries_added) == 0
for filepath in self._iter_expand_paths(paths):
entries_added.append(self._store_path(filepath, fprogress))
# END for each filepath
# END path handling
return entries_added
def add(self, items, force=True, fprogress=lambda *args: None, path_rewriter=None,
write=True, write_extension_data=False):
"""Add files from the working tree, specific blobs or BaseIndexEntries
to the index.
:param items:
Multiple types of items are supported, types can be mixed within one call.
Different types imply a different handling. File paths may generally be
relative or absolute.
- path string
strings denote a relative or absolute path into the repository pointing to
an existing file, i.e. CHANGES, lib/myfile.ext, '/home/gitrepo/lib/myfile.ext'.
Absolute paths must start with working tree directory of this index's repository
to be considered valid. For example, if it was initialized with a non-normalized path, like
`/root/repo/../repo`, absolute paths to be added must start with `/root/repo/../repo`.
Paths provided like this must exist. When added, they will be written
into the object database.
PathStrings may contain globs, such as 'lib/__init__*' or can be directories
like 'lib', the latter ones will add all the files within the dirctory and
This equals a straight git-add.
They are added at stage 0
- Blob or Submodule object
Blobs are added as they are assuming a valid mode is set.
The file they refer to may or may not exist in the file system, but
must be a path relative to our repository.
If their sha is null ( 40*0 ), their path must exist in the file system
relative to the git repository as an object will be created from
the data at the path.
The handling now very much equals the way string paths are processed, except that
the mode you have set will be kept. This allows you to create symlinks
by settings the mode respectively and writing the target of the symlink
directly into the file. This equals a default Linux-Symlink which
is not dereferenced automatically, except that it can be created on
filesystems not supporting it as well.
Please note that globs or directories are not allowed in Blob objects.
They are added at stage 0
- BaseIndexEntry or type
Handling equals the one of Blob objects, but the stage may be
explicitly set. Please note that Index Entries require binary sha's.
:param force:
If True, otherwise ignored or excluded files will be
added anyway.
As opposed to the git-add command, we enable this flag by default
as the API user usually wants the item to be added even though
they might be excluded.
:param fprogress:
Function with signature f(path, done=False, item=item) called for each
path to be added, one time once it is about to be added where done==False
and once after it was added where done=True.
item is set to the actual item we handle, either a Path or a BaseIndexEntry
Please note that the processed path is not guaranteed to be present
in the index already as the index is currently being processed.
:param path_rewriter:
Function with signature (string) func(BaseIndexEntry) function returning a path
for each passed entry which is the path to be actually recorded for the
object created from entry.path. This allows you to write an index which
is not identical to the layout of the actual files on your hard-disk.
If not None and ``items`` contain plain paths, these paths will be
converted to Entries beforehand and passed to the path_rewriter.
Please note that entry.path is relative to the git repository.
:param write:
If True, the index will be written once it was altered. Otherwise
the changes only exist in memory and are not available to git commands.
:param write_extension_data:
If True, extension data will be written back to the index. This can lead to issues in case
it is containing the 'TREE' extension, which will cause the `git commit` command to write an
old tree, instead of a new one representing the now changed index.
This doesn't matter if you use `IndexFile.commit()`, which ignores the `TREE` extension altogether.
You should set it to True if you intend to use `IndexFile.commit()` exclusively while maintaining
support for third-party extensions. Besides that, you can usually safely ignore the built-in
extensions when using GitPython on repositories that are not handled manually at all.
All current built-in extensions are listed here:
List(BaseIndexEntries) representing the entries just actually added.
:raise OSError:
if a supplied Path did not exist. Please note that BaseIndexEntry
Objects that do not have a null sha will be added even if their paths
do not exist.
# sort the entries into strings and Entries, Blobs are converted to entries
# automatically
# paths can be git-added, for everything else we use git-update-index
paths, entries = self._preprocess_add_items(items)
entries_added = []
# This code needs a working tree, therefore we try not to run it unless required.
# That way, we are OK on a bare repository as well.
# If there are no paths, the rewriter has nothing to do either
if paths:
entries_added.extend(self._entries_for_paths(paths, path_rewriter, fprogress, entries))
if entries:
null_mode_entries = [e for e in entries if e.mode == 0]
if null_mode_entries:
raise ValueError(
"At least one Entry has a null-mode - please use index.remove to remove files for clarity")
# END null mode should be remove
# create objects if required, otherwise go with the existing shas
null_entries_indices = [i for i, e in enumerate(entries) if e.binsha == Object.NULL_BIN_SHA]
if null_entries_indices:
def handle_null_entries(self):
for ei in null_entries_indices:
null_entry = entries[ei]
new_entry = self._store_path(null_entry.path, fprogress)
# update null entry
entries[ei] = BaseIndexEntry(
(null_entry.mode, new_entry.binsha, null_entry.stage, null_entry.path))
# END for each entry index
# end closure
# END null_entry handling
# If we have to rewrite the entries, do so now, after we have generated
# all object sha's
if path_rewriter:
for i, e in enumerate(entries):
entries[i] = BaseIndexEntry((e.mode, e.binsha, e.stage, path_rewriter(e)))
# END for each entry
# END handle path rewriting
# just go through the remaining entries and provide progress info
for i, entry in enumerate(entries):
progress_sent = i in null_entries_indices
if not progress_sent:
fprogress(entry.path, False, entry)
fprogress(entry.path, True, entry)
# END handle progress
# END for each enty
# END if there are base entries
# add the new entries to this instance
for entry in entries_added:
self.entries[(entry.path, 0)] = IndexEntry.from_base(entry)
if write:
self.write(ignore_extension_data=not write_extension_data)
# END handle write
return entries_added
def _items_to_rela_paths(self, items):
"""Returns a list of repo-relative paths from the given items which
may be absolute or relative paths, entries or blobs"""
paths = []
for item in items:
if isinstance(item, (BaseIndexEntry, (Blob, Submodule))):
elif isinstance(item, string_types):
raise TypeError("Invalid item type: %r" % item)
# END for each item
return paths
def remove(self, items, working_tree=False, **kwargs):
"""Remove the given items from the index and optionally from
the working tree as well.
:param items:
Multiple types of items are supported which may be be freely mixed.
- path string
Remove the given path at all stages. If it is a directory, you must
specify the r=True keyword argument to remove all file entries
below it. If absolute paths are given, they will be converted
to a path relative to the git repository directory containing
the working tree
The path string may include globs, such as *.c.
- Blob Object
Only the path portion is used in this case.
- BaseIndexEntry or compatible type
The only relevant information here Yis the path. The stage is ignored.
:param working_tree:
If True, the entry will also be removed from the working tree, physically
removing the respective file. This may fail if there are uncommitted changes
in it.
:param kwargs:
Additional keyword arguments to be passed to git-rm, such
as 'r' to allow recursive removal of
List(path_string, ...) list of repository relative paths that have
been removed effectively.
This is interesting to know in case you have provided a directory or
globs. Paths are relative to the repository. """
args = []
if not working_tree:
# preprocess paths
paths = self._items_to_rela_paths(items)
removed_paths = self.repo.git.rm(args, paths, **kwargs).splitlines()
# process output to gain proper paths
# rm 'path'
return [p[4:-1] for p in removed_paths]
def move(self, items, skip_errors=False, **kwargs):
"""Rename/move the items, whereas the last item is considered the destination of
the move operation. If the destination is a file, the first item ( of two )
must be a file as well. If the destination is a directory, it may be preceded
by one or more directories or files.
The working tree will be affected in non-bare repositories.
:parma items:
Multiple types of items are supported, please see the 'remove' method
for reference.
:param skip_errors:
If True, errors such as ones resulting from missing source files will
be skipped.
:param kwargs:
Additional arguments you would like to pass to git-mv, such as dry_run
or force.
:return:List(tuple(source_path_string, destination_path_string), ...)
A list of pairs, containing the source file moved as well as its
actual destination. Relative to the repository root.
:raise ValueError: If only one item was given
GitCommandError: If git could not handle your request"""
args = []
if skip_errors:
paths = self._items_to_rela_paths(items)
if len(paths) < 2:
raise ValueError("Please provide at least one source and one destination of the move operation")
was_dry_run = kwargs.pop('dry_run', kwargs.pop('n', None))
kwargs['dry_run'] = True
# first execute rename in dryrun so the command tells us what it actually does
# ( for later output )
out = []
mvlines =, paths, **kwargs).splitlines()
# parse result - first 0:n/2 lines are 'checking ', the remaining ones
# are the 'renaming' ones which we parse
for ln in xrange(int(len(mvlines) / 2), len(mvlines)):
tokens = mvlines[ln].split(' to ')
assert len(tokens) == 2, "Too many tokens in %s" % mvlines[ln]
# [0] = Renaming x
# [1] = y
out.append((tokens[0][9:], tokens[1]))
# END for each line to parse
# either prepare for the real run, or output the dry-run result
if was_dry_run:
return out
# END handle dryrun
# now apply the actual operation
kwargs.pop('dry_run'), paths, **kwargs)
return out
def commit(self, message, parent_commits=None, head=True, author=None,
committer=None, author_date=None, commit_date=None,
"""Commit the current default index file, creating a commit object.
For more information on the arguments, see tree.commit.
:note: If you have manually altered the .entries member of this instance,
don't forget to write() your changes to disk beforehand.
Passing skip_hooks=True is the equivalent of using `-n`
or `--no-verify` on the command line.
:return: Commit object representing the new commit"""
if not skip_hooks:
run_commit_hook('pre-commit', self)
run_commit_hook('commit-msg', self, self._commit_editmsg_filepath())
message = self._read_commit_editmsg()
tree = self.write_tree()
rval = Commit.create_from_tree(self.repo, tree, message, parent_commits,
head, author=author, committer=committer,
author_date=author_date, commit_date=commit_date)
if not skip_hooks:
run_commit_hook('post-commit', self)
return rval
def _write_commit_editmsg(self, message):
with open(self._commit_editmsg_filepath(), "wb") as commit_editmsg_file:
def _remove_commit_editmsg(self):
def _read_commit_editmsg(self):
with open(self._commit_editmsg_filepath(), "rb") as commit_editmsg_file:
def _commit_editmsg_filepath(self):
return osp.join(self.repo.common_dir, "COMMIT_EDITMSG")
def _flush_stdin_and_wait(cls, proc, ignore_stdout=False):
stdout = ''
if not ignore_stdout:
stdout =
return stdout
def checkout(self, paths=None, force=False, fprogress=lambda *args: None, **kwargs):
"""Checkout the given paths or all files from the version known to the index into
the working tree.
:note: Be sure you have written pending changes using the ``write`` method
in case you have altered the enties dictionary directly
:param paths:
If None, all paths in the index will be checked out. Otherwise an iterable
of relative or absolute paths or a single path pointing to files or directories
in the index is expected.
:param force:
If True, existing files will be overwritten even if they contain local modifications.
If False, these will trigger a CheckoutError.
:param fprogress:
see Index.add_ for signature and explanation.
The provided progress information will contain None as path and item if no
explicit paths are given. Otherwise progress information will be send
prior and after a file has been checked out
:param kwargs:
Additional arguments to be passed to git-checkout-index
iterable yielding paths to files which have been checked out and are
guaranteed to match the version stored in the index
:raise CheckoutError:
If at least one file failed to be checked out. This is a summary,
hence it will checkout as many files as it can anyway.
If one of files or directories do not exist in the index
( as opposed to the original git command who ignores them ).
Raise GitCommandError if error lines could not be parsed - this truly is
an exceptional state
.. note:: The checkout is limited to checking out the files in the
index. Files which are not in the index anymore and exist in
the working tree will not be deleted. This behaviour is fundamentally
different to *head.checkout*, i.e. if you want git-checkout like behaviour,
use head.checkout instead of index.checkout.
args = ["--index"]
if force:
def handle_stderr(proc, iter_checked_out_files):
stderr =
if not stderr:
# line contents:
stderr = stderr.decode(defenc)
# git-checkout-index: this already exists
failed_files = []
failed_reasons = []
unknown_lines = []
endings = (' already exists', ' is not in the cache', ' does not exist at stage', ' is unmerged')
for line in stderr.splitlines():
if not line.startswith("git checkout-index: ") and not line.startswith("git-checkout-index: "):
is_a_dir = " is a directory"
unlink_issue = "unable to unlink old '"
already_exists_issue = ' already exists, no checkout' # created by entry.c:checkout_entry(...)
if line.endswith(is_a_dir):
elif line.startswith(unlink_issue):
elif line.endswith(already_exists_issue):
# END special lines parsing
for e in endings:
if line.endswith(e):
# END if ending matches
# END for each possible ending
# END for each line
if unknown_lines:
raise GitCommandError(("git-checkout-index",), 128, stderr)
if failed_files:
valid_files = list(set(iter_checked_out_files) - set(failed_files))
raise CheckoutError(
"Some files could not be checked out from the index due to local modifications",
failed_files, valid_files, failed_reasons)
# END stderr handler
if paths is None:
kwargs['as_process'] = 1
fprogress(None, False, None)
proc = self.repo.git.checkout_index(*args, **kwargs)
fprogress(None, True, None)
rval_iter = (e.path for e in mviter(self.entries))
handle_stderr(proc, rval_iter)
return rval_iter
if isinstance(paths, string_types):
paths = [paths]
# make sure we have our entries loaded before we start checkout_index
# which will hold a lock on it. We try to get the lock as well during
# our entries initialization
kwargs['as_process'] = True
kwargs['istream'] = subprocess.PIPE
proc = self.repo.git.checkout_index(args, **kwargs)
# FIXME: Reading from GIL!
make_exc = lambda: GitCommandError(("git-checkout-index",) + tuple(args), 128,
checked_out_files = []
for path in paths:
co_path = to_native_path_linux(self._to_relative_path(path))
# if the item is not in the index, it could be a directory
path_is_directory = False
self.entries[(co_path, 0)]
except KeyError:
folder = co_path
if not folder.endswith('/'):
folder += '/'
for entry in mviter(self.entries):
if entry.path.startswith(folder):
p = entry.path
self._write_path_to_stdin(proc, p, p, make_exc,
fprogress, read_from_stdout=False)
path_is_directory = True
# END if entry is in directory
# END for each entry
# END path exception handlnig
if not path_is_directory:
self._write_path_to_stdin(proc, co_path, path, make_exc,
fprogress, read_from_stdout=False)
# END path is a file
# END for each path
self._flush_stdin_and_wait(proc, ignore_stdout=True)
handle_stderr(proc, checked_out_files)
return checked_out_files
# END paths handling
assert "Should not reach this point"
def reset(self, commit='HEAD', working_tree=False, paths=None, head=False, **kwargs):
"""Reset the index to reflect the tree at the given commit. This will not
adjust our HEAD reference as opposed to HEAD.reset by default.
:param commit:
Revision, Reference or Commit specifying the commit we should represent.
If you want to specify a tree only, use IndexFile.from_tree and overwrite
the default index.
:param working_tree:
If True, the files in the working tree will reflect the changed index.
If False, the working tree will not be touched
Please note that changes to the working copy will be discarded without
warning !
:param head:
If True, the head will be set to the given commit. This is False by default,
but if True, this method behaves like HEAD.reset.
:param paths: if given as an iterable of absolute or repository-relative paths,
only these will be reset to their state at the given commit'ish.
The paths need to exist at the commit, otherwise an exception will be
:param kwargs:
Additional keyword arguments passed to git-reset
.. note:: IndexFile.reset, as opposed to HEAD.reset, will not delete anyfiles
in order to maintain a consistent working tree. Instead, it will just
checkout the files according to their state in the index.
If you want git-reset like behaviour, use *HEAD.reset* instead.
:return: self """
# what we actually want to do is to merge the tree into our existing
# index, which is what git-read-tree does
new_inst = type(self).from_tree(self.repo, commit)
if not paths:
self.entries = new_inst.entries
nie = new_inst.entries
for path in paths:
path = self._to_relative_path(path)
key = entry_key(path, 0)
self.entries[key] = nie[key]
except KeyError:
# if key is not in theirs, it musn't be in ours
except KeyError:
# END handle deletion keyerror
# END handle keyerror
# END for each path
# END handle paths
if working_tree:
self.checkout(paths=paths, force=True)
# END handle working tree
if head:
self.repo.head.set_commit(self.repo.commit(commit), logmsg="%s: Updating HEAD" % commit)
# END handle head change
return self
def diff(self, other=diff.Diffable.Index, paths=None, create_patch=False, **kwargs):
"""Diff this index against the working copy or a Tree or Commit object
For a documentation of the parameters and return values, see
Will only work with indices that represent the default git index as
they have not been initialized with a stream.
# index against index is always empty
if other is self.Index:
return diff.DiffIndex()
# index against anything but None is a reverse diff with the respective
# item. Handle existing -R flags properly. Transform strings to the object
# so that we can call diff on it
if isinstance(other, string_types):
other = self.repo.rev_parse(other)
# END object conversion
if isinstance(other, Object):
# invert the existing R flag
cur_val = kwargs.get('R', False)
kwargs['R'] = not cur_val
return other.diff(self.Index, paths, create_patch, **kwargs)
# END diff against other item handling
# if other is not None here, something is wrong
if other is not None:
raise ValueError("other must be None, Diffable.Index, a Tree or Commit, was %r" % other)
# diff against working copy - can be handled by superclass natively
return super(IndexFile, self).diff(other, paths, create_patch, **kwargs)